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NCDPI Observation Calibration Training 2014-15 Pilot: Introduction & Demo November 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "NCDPI Observation Calibration Training 2014-15 Pilot: Introduction & Demo November 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCDPI Observation Calibration Training 2014-15 Pilot: Introduction & Demo November 2014

2 Agenda Welcome & introduction to OCT Overview of platform Observation Engine overview and live demo BloomBoard overview and live demo OCT pilot next steps Q & A 2

3 Welcome Observation Calibration Training (OCT) 21 LEAs and charter schools are participating Approximately 400 participants Approximate 20 hour time commitment

4 4 North Carolina Participants 4

5 Goals Increase observation skills resulting in stronger scoring calibration Increase rater agreement To provide a common experience for LEAs to host collaborative conversations to improve instructional leadership skills 5

6 Why? N.C. recognizes that the accurate and reliable evaluation of teachers is more important than ever –High stakes decisions –Teachers need and want coaching Clear message from principals, human resources and superintendents – “We need more training on the NCEES” 6

7 7 17 Observable Elements Standard 1Standard 2Standard 3Standard 4Standard 5 a. Leads in the classroom a. Provides an environment that is inviting, respectful, supportive, inclusive and flexible a. Aligns instruction with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study a. Knows the ways in which learning takes place, and the appropriated levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of students a. Analyzes student learning b. Leads in the schoolb. Embraces diversity in the school community and in the world b. Knows the content appropriate to the teaching specialty b. Plans instruction appropriate for students b. Links professional goals c. Leads the teaching profession c. Treats students as individuals c. Recognizes the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines c. Uses a variety of instructional methods c. Functions effectively in a complex, dynamic environment d. Advocates for the school and students d. Adapts teaching for the benefit of students with special needs d. Makes instruction relevant to students d. Integrates and utilizes technology in instruction e. Demonstrates high ethical standards e. Works collaboratively with families and significant adults in the lives of their students e. Helps students develop critical-thinking and problem- solving skills f. Helps students work in teams and develop leadership qualities g. Communicates effectively h. Uses a variety of methods to assess what each student has learned

8 8 Who are the Master Scorers? North Carolina DPI Educator Evaluation Team A team of six subject matter experts with backgrounds in education as instructors, principals, and educational methodology trainers. Some worked on the development of the original N.C. evaluation tool. Followed rigorous process developed by psychometrician Dr. Joshua Priddy.

9 9 Approximate Time Commitment: 20 hours

10 10 BloomBoard & Observation Engine The easy-to-use platform combines BloomBoard’s Professional Development resources with Empirical’s state-of-the-art observer training and calibration tool, Observation Engine, to promote continuous NCEES improvements.

11 BloomBoard Easy access to a library of professional growth opportunities, resources, and services tailored to each educator’s unique needs. –In the library, you will find thousands of streaming videos, eBooks, articles, presentations, and self-paced courses. –Further support the work you’re doing through Observation Engine’s scoring studies and calibration events 11

12 12 What is Observation Engine? An online tool that uses classroom videos to ensure accurate and reliable classroom observations Videos from the MET library have been master-scored on the NCEES teacher evaluation rubric to create learning opportunities for teacher evaluators in North Carolina.

13 13 Observation Engine Provides: 1.Observer Calibration Events & Reporting – Scoring Studies Provides rating practice and helps increase rater agreement to target scores 2.Supplemental Learning Exercises - Lessons Provides targeted, self-paced online exercises with immediate on-screen feedback. The OCT contains two types of lessons: a) Full observation b) Element-specific

14 14 1. Calibrate Through Scoring Studies Improves rater agreement to target scores Builds consensus among evaluation staff and helps establish a mutual understanding of the best ratings Facilitates group learning through discussion of areas of disagreement 3b Knows Content for Specialty 3d Makes Instruction Relevant 4g Communicates Effectively 4a Knows How Learning Takes Place 4d Integrates Technology Video 1: Distribution of Ratings by NCEES Element * * * * * * = Target Score

15 15 Calibration Reports – sample figures

16 16 Calibration Reports – sample figures cont’d

17 17 2. Rating Practice Through Lessons Self-paced practice exercises Watch and a rate video: Full observation – rate all observable elements Element-specific – rate one NCEES element Receive immediate on-screen feedback

18 18 Live Demo

19 BloomBoard - Live Demo 19

20 20 OCT Next Steps Logins - Check your email for instructions on how to login to your own accounts - We recommend using Chrome or Firefox Refer to Participant guide Complete Scoring Study 1 by January 1 Explore BloomBoard resource library Optional additional PD opportunities Periodic feedback surveys

21 21 Support Send us a support request directly from the site Reach us by phone or by email: 888-418-1595 (8 am – 8 pm EST)

22 Thank you! Q & A 22

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