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11/10/2015 1 EPT afronum Networking School (Ecole Professionnelle de Télécommunication) Jurg Friedli / October 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "11/10/2015 1 EPT afronum Networking School (Ecole Professionnelle de Télécommunication) Jurg Friedli / October 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/10/2015 1 EPT afronum Networking School (Ecole Professionnelle de Télécommunication) Jurg Friedli / October 2014

2 11/10/2015 2 Vision Developing Cameroon’s connectivity Strengthen student’s efficiency Establishing a nationwide school support network Connecting rural public schools Internet 4 everybody!

3 11/10/2015 3 Goals and Objectives Gradually eliminate communication problems in school infrastructures Develop e-learning in rural primary schools Provide basic IT skills beginning on primary school levels up to pro level on networking Securing rural information access through school interconnectivity Teach IT to the youth at a very low cost

4 11/10/2015 4 Today’s Situation The schools of Cameroon lack vital communication and a basic IT school design for its schools. This results in very ineffective handling of all relevant education matters and inadequate educational possibilities in rural schools

5 11/10/2015 5 How do we get there? EPT afronum will be a top-level IT school specialized in networking and telecommunication focused on UBUNTU Linux, open to students and employees who want to become networking professionals. For this school, which will the base school for our concept and established in Cameroon, we look for funding through sponsors, partners or investors. The school‘s location is open for discussion.

6 11/10/2015 6 Advantages EPT afronum cooperates with local companies and the government who want inhouse support A large part of the school benefit will be used for development projects in rural primary schools with no cost for the schools, basic school infrastruture is provided as well. By working with open source software, licence costs are avoided afronum is cooperating with ISIK Innovations, a start-up company securing electricity with a new concept of water turbines for rural areas

7 11/10/2015 7 Educational System 1. Basic computer training Hardware / Software 2. Network administration 3. Network design and architecture 4. Computer support (Hardware/Software) for rural areas (teaching future teachers). This module is free of charge and financed by the costs for modules 1-3. It is intended for the maintenance of computers in remote areas.

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