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Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences Michal Laclavík Ladislav Hluchý.

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1 Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences Michal Laclavík Ladislav Hluchý

2 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 20092 Partner Description Institute of Informatics (II SAS) is one of more than 50 scientific and research institutes of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia. The scope of activities of II SAS includes scientific and research work in informatics, information technology, control theory, robotics and artificial intelligence. Organized in 7 departments: –Parallel and distributed computing Intelligent and Knowledge oriented Technologies Group –Design and diagnostics of digital systems –Numerical methods and algorithms –Speech analysis and synthesis –Electron beam lithography –Discrete processes modeling and control –Sensor systems

3 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 20093 Primary Research Team & Capabilities Dept. of Parallel and Distributed Computing Research and Development Areas: –Large-scale HPCN and Grid applications –Intelligent and Knowledge oriented Technologies Experience from IST: –3 project in FP5: ANFAS, CrosGRID, Pellucid –6 project in FP6: EGEE II, K-Wf Grid, DEGREE (coordinator), EGEE,, MEDIGRID –4 projects in FP7: Secricom, Commius, Admire, EGEE III Several National Projects (SPVV, VEGA, APVT) IKT Group Focus: –Information Processing –Semantic Web –Knowledge oriented Technologies –Parallel and Distributed Information Processing –Multi-agent systems Solutions: –Ontea: Pattern-based Semantic Annotation –ACoMA: KM tool in Email –EMBET: Recommendation System –AgentOWL: Agent library, model and methodology Director & leader of PDC: Dr. Dipl. Ing. Ladislav Hluchý URL:

4 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 20094 IISAS Expertise Many Experience from European and National projects –FP5,FP6 and FP7 EU projects Multi agent systems: Pellucid, Secricom Data Integration and Data mining: Admire Large Scale Data processing: Crossgrid, EGEE, DEGREE, … Simulation (Flood Application): CrossGrid, K-Wf Grid, … –National project Raport Support for Military Training –National project NAZOU Heterogeneous distributed data processing, integration including semantics Very good technology background –Data integration (related to Sensor Data fusion) –Large scale data processing –Simulation and Visualization –Multi-agent Systems –Semantics, social networks –Recommendation Systems

5 Relevant Projects

6 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 20096 ADMIRE (Advanced Data Mining and Integration Research for Europe) 7RP programme, ICT priority, 2008/03 – 2011/02, 6 institutions from EU Accelerate access to and increase the benefits from data exploitation; Deliver consistent and easy to use technology for extracting information and knowledge; Cope with complexity, distribution, change and heterogeneity of services, data, and processes, through abstract view of data mining and integration; and Provide power to users and developers of data mining and integration processes UISAV’s role Environmental data- specific methods for data integration Tools applying knowledge management to data mining in SOA environment Pilot application, user interface

7 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 20097 RAPORT project Experience with Military project (2004-2007) The goal of project was proposal of knowledge management support system for organization of military training. Intelligent process management Recommendation system Organization of military exercise in a Centrum of Simulation Technologies (CST) of National Academy of Defense (NAD) in Liptovský Mikuláš (Slovakia) CST organizes several overlapping military exercises during a training year – problems with large amount of documents and e-mails – problems with knowledge management – problems with time management knowledge system based on e-mail communications and a web portal Context Modification Workflow execution Activities Execution Ontology

8 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 20098 Pellucid IST Project Title: Platform for Organizationally Mobile Public Employees Duration: Sep 2002- Dec 2004 Agent Architecture based on autonomous co-operating agents Knowledge Management to support employees Workflow based Administration Processes To support Employee Mobility in organization PELLUCI D USERS CONTEXT & ACTIONS ACTIVE HINTS USER FEEDBACK Workflow Tracking/Management System Pellucid “core” Pellucid interface Process Layer Interaction Layer

9 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 20099 Secricom: Seamless Communication for Crisis Management Distributed Secure Agent Platform (DSAP) –The core agent platform. –Providing means for agent deployment, execution, migration and communication. Process Execution Agents (PEA) –Based on the plan collected from users generating a plan of activities. –Executes the plan. User Communication Agent (UCA) –Communicating with users in a form of guided dialog through electronic device. –Including authentication and interface to authorization of the user. Agent Repository (AR) –Database of system users, agents and their certificates. –Process of accreditation of agents. Resource Inquire System (RIS) –Provide information which system to query for specific information.  EU FP7 project: (2008-2011) FP7-218123  Service platform for mobile devices  Support for Intelligent Crisis Management  Securing legacy data  Using Multi-agents and SOA

10 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 200910 K-Wf Grid Project Semantic Service Oriented Architecture Workflows of Web Services

11 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 200911 NAZOU OnTeA - Ontology based Text Annotation using Regular Expression Patterns RDB2Onto – Relational database data to ontology converter OSID - Offer Separation for Internet Document RIDAR - Relevant Internet Data Resource Identification SETH - SETH is a software effort to deeply integrate Python with Web Ontology Language (OWL-DL dialect) WEBCRAWLER - WebCrawler downloads recursively web pages. Only relevant documents are downloaded estimating relevance using ERID. Tools for acquisition, organization and maintenance of knowledge in an environment of heterogeneous information resources Slovak National project, duration: 2004-2007 Web => Documents => Text => RDF/OWL => XML + XSL => HTML

12 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 200912 Commius project Commius IST FP7 project FP7-213876 Community-based Interoperability Utility for SMEs (2008-2011) Pattern based Information Extraction and Semantic Annotation External and Legacy System Integration Large Scale Information Processing Information and Knowledge Management Social Networks Extraction Addressing ISU like interoperability Commius partners envision a future in which SMEs enjoy a zero-cost entry into interoperability based on non-proprietary protocols. Systems Interoperability –interoperability over SMTP Semantic Interoperability –Understanding communication and –documents exchanged Process Interoperability –Understanding and supporting business process from communication activities

13 Prototypes and Solutions

14 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 200914 Agent Knowledge Model Used in: –Business process management –recommendation systems for user or agent modeling Based on Events, Resources, Actions, Actors, Context Formally Described using Sets, Description Logic (compatible with OWL-DL), Graph Representation Actor Context updating function/algorithm (Actor Environment State) Resources updating function/algorithm (result of fulfilled actor goals)

15 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 200915 AgentOWL Library Agents with OWL ontology models using JADE agent system and Jena Support for OWL based Agent Knowledge Model Support for XML-RPC connection to receive event and send plain XML Support for agent communication using FIPA ACL with OWL and RDQL as content languages Support for Presentation of Ontological Knowledge (RDF/OWL => plain XML + XSL => HTML) JADE and Jena Integration Available on JADE official website to MAS community Multi Agent System Agent 1 Agent 2 Agent 3 Graphical User Interface External System Knowledge Base Directory Facilitator Knowledge Storage Querying XML, XML-RPC, SOAP User requests Displaying results FIPA ACL, KIF, FIPA-SL, FIPA-RDF FIPA ACL, RDF/OWL, RDQL Knowledge Model KM IIOP, HTTP, SMTP ACL

16 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 200916 Ontea: Platform for Pattern Based Annotation Input: Sensor data, log files or text Output: Relation to semantic model Text –Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia. Slovakia is in Europe. Pattern: “(in|by) + (the)? *([A-Z][a-z]+)” for Location Ontea discovers key – value pair: – Location – Europe By transformation to ontology knowledge base - it finds Europe as continent using inference (sub-class of Location) –Continent – Europe More Examples are in the table: #Text Key – valuePatterns – regular expressions 1Apple, Inc.Company: AppleCompany: ([A-Za-z0-9]+)[, ]+(Inc|Ltd) 2Mountain View, CA 94043Settlement: Mountain ViewSettlement: ([A-Z][a-z]+[ ]*[A-Za-z]*)[ ]+[A-Z]{2}[ ]*[0-9]{5} 3laclavik.ui@savba.skEmail: laclavik.ui@savba.skEmail: [-_.a-z0-9]+@[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-z]{2,8} 4Mr. Michal LaclavikPerson: Michal LaclavikPerson: (Mr.|Mrs.|Dr.) ([A-Z][a-z]+ [A-Z][a-z]+) Features Identification of concept instances from the ontology Automatic population of ontologies with instances Identifying relevance, when creating instances using information retrieval techniques Key-value pairs transofrmation Integration with data from external systems Large scale semantic annotation of documents or texts using Google’s MapReduce architecture.

17 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 200917 Semantic Graphs processing Spread Activation –Fast method for inference –Logic based inference is exponential and slow –Used e.g. by IBM in Galaxy Library –Experiments on emails –Experiments on wikipedia links Discovery of relations between articles 72 mil. links in network Transformation of graphs Exploration of related elements Use of Google’s MapReduce architecture for large scale data processing

18 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 200918 Objective: Recommend and provide user information or knowledge in context Email based Web based Recommendation Systems Collaboration among users Knowledge sharing Active knowledge provision Reuse of knowledge: notes and other resources

19 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 200919 Simulation of Floods, Visualization

20 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 200920 Technology Expertise We work mainly with Open-Source Products, concretely: Technology –Linux, Java, Tomcat, Apache, PHP, JSP, XML, RDF Data Integration and Processing –MapReduce: Hadoop, Grid: Globus, gLite –OGSA-DAI Ontologies –Standards: RDF, OWL (OWL-DL) –Ontology Design and Definition: Protégé (many plug-ins OntoViz) –Methodology for Developing Knowledge Management Systems: CommonKADS –Knowledge Bases: Sesame (primary RDF storage) JENA Storage Interfaces (MEM model or RDBM model) –Onto Interfaces JENA (SPARQL, RDQL) Jena inference engine (rule based) Graph Processing –Spread Activation –Semantic Transformation –Back-edge heuristic for Steiner tree packing problem approximation

21 EDA MeetingEADS, Paris, 24th February 200921 IISAS Contribution Good expertise from projects participation and technology background Data Integration Large scale data and information processing Multi-agent Systems Semantics and Graph Processing If fits with proposal –Recommendation Systems –Simulation and Visualization

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