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Improving Student Learning through Podcasting Mike Treguboff Technology Training Specialist Peoria Unified School District.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Student Learning through Podcasting Mike Treguboff Technology Training Specialist Peoria Unified School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Student Learning through Podcasting Mike Treguboff Technology Training Specialist Peoria Unified School District Say it Again: Bringing it out of the Clouds

2 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006

3 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 Why Podcasting For lectures To facilitate self-paced learning For interviews with external resources To offer advanced and or highly motivated learners extra content For distance learning To allow guest speakers to present once to many classes To feature guest speakers from remote locations For helping students with reading and/or other disabilities To offer a richer learning environment For multi-lingual education To capture professional development workshops For student generated programs To communicate with your community

4 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 Is There Really a Need? Poor quality of student note taking skills –Poor handwriting –Poor listening skills –Inability to differentiate important content from non-important content The FAST talking teacher Note taking counter productive to listening… for some students Assisting English Language Learners

5 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 Memory Retention 20 minutes47% forgotten 1 day62% forgotten 2 days69% forgotten 75 days75% forgotten 78 days78% forgotten *Walter Pauk (Cornel 84)

6 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 Would Students Use it? We asked students what they thought of Podcasting… Let’s listen to what they think!

7 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 Administration's Support Explain the: Benefits for children How it works How it will be used Cost to the school How he/she could podcast for the community

8 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 IT Concerns & Their Support Why are you doing this? Mutual understanding of expectations Software concerns & support Hosting web server –Storage capacity Data maintenance IT’s & yours

9 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 How does it work? Turn on your recording software or digital recorder Speak Save as a MP3 file Upload to a web server Update RSS Find something else to do… You are done!

10 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 Tools to get started Computer –PC –Mac –Linux Audio recording software –Audacity (free – multi-platform) –Garage Band (Mac)

11 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 Tools to get started cont. Microphone –Headset style –Wireless –Personal digital recorder Hosting service RSS editor Podcast aggregator –iTunes (PC, Mac) –Juice (PC, Mac, Linux) MP3 player (Optional)

12 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 Podcast Hosting Options In-House –Windows Server * –Apple Server Free Services –Gcast ( ) –Podomatic (

13 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 Hosting by Gcast FREE hosting FREE podsafe music Mix playlists online Embed your podcast Record by phone Upload your own podcast RSS Updates iTunes Subscriptions Email alerts

14 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 Hosting by Podomatic Free hosting Browser-based Recording tools Syndication Wizard Audience Participation tools Promotion tools Listener Statistics Blog like look and feel Templates available

15 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 Podcasting in PUSD PUSD News to Community District Administration Weekly Updates Principal to Staff Updates Technical Tips & Tricks Classroom Instruction & Remediation

16 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 Let’s Build a Podcast

17 Say it again… With Podcasting © 2006 Say it again… Improving Student Learning through Podcasting Additional information is available on the Podcasting in PUSD site. Search “Podcasting” on the PUSD Portal.

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