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NHD/WBD Stewardship – Status California NHD/WBD Stewardship Conference Lorri Peltz-Lewis, WBD State Coordinator CA & NV

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1 NHD/WBD Stewardship – Status California NHD/WBD Stewardship Conference Lorri Peltz-Lewis, WBD State Coordinator CA & NV

2 NHD Available For: –24,000-scale high resolution –100,000-scale medium resolution – still being used extensively –Local – Counties, Cities, Federal Agencies, NGO’s, etc. NHD Problems/What is needed? –Densification – LiDAR, man made structures, etc. –Connectivity – missing areas (urban), intermittent/perennial, etc. –Errors – geometry, attributes, changes in the landscape, etc. –Source – old topographic maps, etc. –Extending – integration of water data, activities, rights, etc. –Training – lots of training provided, implementation issues –MOU – not like we haven’t been working on this… Go Carol!!! Go Drew!!! NHD/WBD Stewardship in California

3 NHD Stewards – Local, Regional, Statewide? –USFS – Lindsey Berk –Southern California Coastal Water Project – Becky Schaffner –San Francisco Estuary Institute –San Diego GIS Information Source –Other State Agencies – DWR, SWRCB, DFG, Forestry, etc. Geographic Information Officer – Mike Byrnes (NGAC member) –Other Federal Agencies – BLM, USGS, FEMA, COE, BOR, etc. –NHD & WBD – same steward? Different stewards? NHD Uses – extending NHD –Water rights, availability, water management, storage, etc. –Flooding, storm run off, etc. –Ecological, environmental, habitat, fisheries, etc. –Training, training, communication, manager meetings, etc. –AWRA GIS Conference, outreach, education, sales, etc. NHD/WBD Stewardship in California

4 WBD Efforts & Availability –CERTIFIED as of December 2008 – major accomplishment. –8 years of coordination, shoe string funding, false starts, etc. –Numerous coordination meetings, heads up delineation, etc. –Post certification – no stewardship plans, no roles & responsibilities, no management plan – working on! WBD Problems/What is needed? –Issues listed in NHD & WBD issues papers –Adoption & use of the data, sales, presentations, fact sheets, etc. –Coastal updates & integration with national efforts –Integration with Mexico!!! Gracias! –Extending the database to meet CA needs WBD Stewards – IWMC, Local, Regional, Statewide? –Interest from CA SWQCB & watershed coordinators –NHD & WBD – same steward? Different stewards? –Others?? NHD/WBD Stewardship in California

5 WBD Uses – extending WBD – similar to NHD listed above WBD On Going & Current Activities – –WBD State Coordinator continues stewardship, 7 th /8 th coordination, etc. –Evaluate mapping/planning efforts impacted by new WBD SWRCB – –Geospatial tools developed for CalWater – Water Rights, Upstream Area, etc. –303d (Clean Water Act) assessments & beneficial use –State Board Strategic Plan – update & modernization –Basin plans using CalWater 2.2.1 –CalWater 2.2.1 codified water quality regulations DWR – Detailed Analysis Units, Water Districts, Irrigation Districts, etc. CALFIRE – Forest Practice Rules, Timber Harvest, etc. Fish & Game – under review Others – Proposition 13 (Water Quality Improvement), Basin Planning (tributary rule), Local Community Involvement –Gathering information on how other states have moved ahead White papers, Letters, Champions, –Future state – NHD & WBD stewardship combined NHD/WBD Stewardship in California


7 NHD/WBD On Going & Current Activities –USGS Liaisons & Interest Parties “selling” stewardship –Conference presentations, meetings, new GIO, Governor Commitment, etc. –State & Federal Coordination – FGC3/CMC2 quarterly meetings –Outreach & Training –NEW – DWR – Request for Offers – contract for: Define a detailed business case Identify resource requirements Identify coordination strategies Develop an ROI Inventory current stewardship efforts. –Future state – NHD & WBD stewardship combined NHD/WBD Stewardship in California

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