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ITSRM report Erez Etzion ACCU Meeting June 15, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "ITSRM report Erez Etzion ACCU Meeting June 15, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITSRM report Erez Etzion ACCU Meeting June 15, 2012

2 ITSRM “..Structured communications channels between the user community and the IT. Deals with the highest levels of IT strategy that impact the services offered to the users. Receives input on user requirements as well as coordinate necessary changes. Not an operational meeting although review important operational issues. The IT department then translates the decisions into actions.. “ ACCU MeetingITSRM report, Erez Etzion2

3 ACCU MeetingITSRM report, Erez Etzion3 Members: Chairman: Sergio Bertolucci IT (Frederic Hemmer and 10 representatives), Representatives: Beams, Finance & Procurement, Engineering, General Infrastructure Services, Human Resources, PH: (+experiments) Technology, ACCU Secretary.

4 ITSRM 10 - Agenda 1.IT Technical Users Meeting 2.Ipad and Iphone support 3.Security 4.Mail and file system 5.Common issue Tracking Services 6.IPv6 plans ACCU MeetingITSRM report, Erez Etzion 4

5 Ipad and IPhone usage ITSRM report, Erez Etzion ACCU Meeting5

6 Ipad and Iphone Proposal Establish community support for iPhones and iPads – For users on how to purchase, use the devices with CERN infrastructure and share experiences – For developers to discuss application toolkits and techniques Investigate potential areas where IT can assist – Extend usage of the Apple support contract to handle issues around integration with CERN infrastructure – Testing of web applications such as Indico, webcast, CDS, Drupal, EDH, Phonebook etc. Solutions or workarounds to be documented where available. – Enable content such as custom CDS content podcasts for iPad/iPhone. – Assess a CERN app-store for easy installation and distribution of locally written applications without requiring Apple approval/license for each application We would be interested to understand related projects in the departments to see how we can assist further ITSRM report, Erez EtzionACCU Meeting 6

7 Security ITSRM report, Erez Etzion New Security Baseline for Industrial Embedded Devices Security Course Campaign Data Protection on DFS Life Cycle for Centrally Managed Web Sites Move to Real SSO Regular Validation of Firewall Openings Default Administrator Accounts on Windows PCs New Password Rules Forgot Your Password? A Password Reset Portal New Interim CERN Policy for the Use of Webcams ACCU Meeting7

8 ITSRM report, Erez Etzion Mail and filesystem quota AFS and DFS service definitions will be aligned –New non-home space requests will be allocated as workspaces All space is backed up consistently –6 months retention All requests will be self service with automatic approval –Costs covered by IT budget assuming reasonable growth ServiceInitialSelf-Service Limit Mailboxes2GB (was 100MB)10GB (was 2GB) Home Directories2GB (was 100MB)10GB (was 1GB) Workspace20GB100GB ACCU Meeting8

9 ITSRM 11 - Agenda 1.IT Technical Users Meeting 2.Vidyo conferencing services 3.Migration of CErnVM FS ACCU MeetingITSRM report, Erez Etzion 9

10 Video Conferencing Since 2007 EVO is a payed service. Vidyo was selected as an alternative, pilot started on 2010. (Numerous awards; “the next big thing”) IT to offer a Video Conferencing service – Centrally funded and operated – For all CERN collaborators Videoconference meetings: Point-to-point and Multi-point From - Desktop machines, Tablets, Smart phones, H323/SIP-equipped meeting rooms, Traditional phones Possibility to – Webcast, Record Transition Plan – To be finished before June 2012 – As a transition buffer Maintain existing support for EVO for 2012 ACCU Meeting10ITSRM report, Erez Etzion

11 CVMFS  A http-based distribution mechanism for read-only files in directory structures Designed for distributing LHC experiments’ software releases Viable alternative to standard file systems commonly used for software releases – AFS, NFS, … – CVMFS proved significantly more scalable Interesting for other read-only data as well - E.g. conditions’ data files …IT CVMFS deployment fully integrated into service management – Functional element in service catalogue: portal/ portal/ ACCU MeetingITSRM report, Erez Etzion11

12 ITSRM 12 - Agenda ACCU MeetingITSRM report, Erez Etzion 12 IT technical Users meeting IPv6 plans Data protection, Firewall CVMFS updates

13 ITSRM report, Erez Etzion From IPb4 to IPv6 -Internet moves to IPv6, part of it will only work on v6 (virtualization, clouds, mobile devices) At CERN IPv6 is necessary to reach all CERN remote users and deploy new large scale services - Implementation already started - It will require significant effort - New operational problems will arise -Everybody is concerned -More - ACCU Meeting 13

14 Do we lack a Data Protection Policy? ~/.ssh/FILE like ~/.ssh/id_dsa ~/.ssh/identity ~/.ssh/id_rsa ~/.globus/FILE ~/.gnupg/FILE ~/.mozilla/FILE ~/.cvspass ~/.gitconfig ~/.*htpass* ~/*htpass* ~/.netrc ~/.pine.pwd ~/.gnome2/keyrings ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet/ ~/.subversion/auth/simple/ ~/private ACCU MeetingITSRM report, Erez Etzion14

15 Data Protection Policy (DPP) Data Classification Policy (DCP) The general classification scheme for all data that are stored and/or processed in electronic form. Data Storage Policy (DSP) The rules under which data must be stored. Data Access Policy (DAS) The rules under which data can be accessed. Data Transfer Policy (DTP) The rules under which data can be (digitally) transferred between data stores. Data Destruction Policy (DDP) The rules under which digital media must be wiped or destroyed such that any trace of data has disappeared from that media. Next: Data Classification Policy Done: Data Destruction Policy ACCU MeetingITSRM report, Erez Etzion15

16 ITSRM 13, 15 ACCU MeetingITSRM report, Erez Etzion 16 Last two meeting canceled.. No issues were brought other than from IT direction Next meeting (September 13th) discuss the scope and future of IT SRM If there is any issues that you think should be discussed or bring to the attention of the ITSR, please let me know.

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