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Culture Joshua Phelps February 28 th 2005. Lecture Outline Introduction to Culture Culture and Social Psychology Social Psychological Concepts and Variations.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture Joshua Phelps February 28 th 2005. Lecture Outline Introduction to Culture Culture and Social Psychology Social Psychological Concepts and Variations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture Joshua Phelps February 28 th 2005

2 Lecture Outline Introduction to Culture Culture and Social Psychology Social Psychological Concepts and Variations across Cultures Acculturation My Research Conclusion

3 Exam Question Sammenlign individualistiske og kollektivistiske kulturer med utgangspunkt i ulike sosialpsykologiske fenomener.

4 What is Culture? The shared way of life of a group of people, including their artifacts (such as social institutions and technology) and their symbols (such as communications and myths) (Berry et al., 2002).

5 Norwegian Culture

6 Globalization and Norwegian Culture

7 Culture and Psychology Questions (Hogg & Vaughan, 2005) Are Western psychological theories valid in other countries? Are there psychological constructs that are culture specific? How can we evolve a psychology with universal relevance? Types of Psychologists dealing with Culture Cross-Cultural Cultural Intercultural

8 Universal vs. Culture-Specific Behavior Etic-emic distinction Etic Approach (Universal Constructs) Emic Approach (Culture Specific)

9 Universals Berry et al. (2002): Positions, roles, sanctions, norms Aberle (1950): Prerequisites of Society

10 Universals Fiske (1993): Relational Theory Communal Sharing Authority Ranking Equality Matching Market Pricing

11 Cultural Variations in Behavior Norms Greetings Eating Habits Dress Amae: Japanese passive love Emic Construct

12 Culture and Social Psychology History of Neglect Culture Bound Culture Blind

13 Culture and Social Psychology The Cultural Matrix of Social Psychology (Fiske, Kitayama, Markus, & Nisbett, 1998) Culture Essential for Survival Psychological Processes Linked and Bound to Culture Matrix Figure

14 Values Hofstede (1980) Power Distance-Egalitarianism Uncertainty Avoidance Masculinity-Feminity Individualism/Collectivism Schwartz (1992 & 1997) Openness to Change vs. Conservatism Self-Enhancement vs. Self-Transcendence

15 Individualism/Collectivism Individualism: societal structure and world view in which people prioritize standing out as an individual over fitting in as a group member Collectivism: societal structure and world view in which people prioritize group loyalty, commitment and conformity, and belonging and fitting-in to groups over standing out as an isolated individual

16 Break Exercise Hvem er jeg? 5 sentences to describe yourself

17 Hvem er jeg? Western Independent Self I am optimistic. Interdependent Self I am Josh’s friend. I play football on weekends

18 Cultural variations in social psychological principles The Self Markus and Kitayama (1991): Independent vs. Interdependent Self Figure Evaluation and Self Esteem Attribution

19 Cultural variations in social psychological principles Conformity Prosocial Behavior Cognitive Dissonance

20 What Happens when Cultures Meet? Intercultural Contact Acculturation Changes in a cultural group or individual as a result of contact with another cultural group (Berry et al., 2002)

21 Acculturation Strategies Individual Strategies Assimilation, Integration, Marginalization, Separation Societal Strategies Melting Pot, Multiculturalism, Marginalization, Exclusion Figure

22 Other Issues and Intercultural Contact Culture Change and Cultural Diversity Intercultural Conflict Identity, Identity Confusion, and Identity Threat Intergroup Behavior Stereotypes and Prejudice Discrimination

23 Video Bend it Like Beckham

24 My Research Involvements Master’s Dissertation: Resistance to Persuasion: Principle of Social Proof Attitudes toward Illegal Immigrants Ideology and Language in the Public Discourse Acculturation Strategies among Pakistani immigrants

25 Conclusion Culture Interest in Social Psychology Feedback

26 Questions For Exam or Future

27 Sources Hogg & Vaughan (2005). Social Psychology Berry, Poortinga, Segall, & Dasan (2002). Cross-Cultural Psychology. Research and Applications. Fiske et al. (1998). The Cultural Matrix of Social Psychology

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