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IS 221: DATABASE ADMINISTRATION Lecture 6:Create Users & Manage Users. Information Systems Department 1.

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Presentation on theme: "IS 221: DATABASE ADMINISTRATION Lecture 6:Create Users & Manage Users. Information Systems Department 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 IS 221: DATABASE ADMINISTRATION Lecture 6:Create Users & Manage Users. Information Systems Department 1

2 Administrating User Security Information Systems Department 2

3 Administrating User Security Information Systems Department To manage the users through EM click Server tab, then from the Security section on the Server page you can manage: Users – Roles – Profiles.  Users: allows you manage the list of database users and their setting (i.e. users privileges, users quota, assigned roles and profiles).  Roles: allows you manage the list of roles and their assigned privileges and roles.  Profiles: allows you manage the list of profiles and their setting for resources consumption and password. 3

4 Users Property Page Information Systems Department 4

5 Users Property Page Information Systems Department  Click Users in the Security section on the Server page to access the Users property page.  From this page you can view, add, edit, or delete database users. To create USER:  In the Users property page, click Create.  Then Create User General page appears. 5

6 Users Property Page Information Systems Department 6 When you create a user account, you are also implicitly creating a schema for that user.  Schema: is a logical container for the database objects (such as tables, views, triggers, and so on) that the user creates.  The schema name is the same name as the user name, and can be used to refer to objects owned by the user.  For example: hr.employees refers to the table named employees in the hr schema. (The employees table is owned by hr.)

7 Information Systems Department 7 1 2 5 43

8 Creating a User – 1 General Tab Information Systems Department  The Create User General page provide the required information: Mandatory information (marked with an star *), such as Name. Select a specific Profile (DEFAULT profile mostly used). Select Authentication method to use (Password – External – General). When setting up a password, you can expire the password immediately, which forces the user to change the password after first logging in. Assign a Default tablespace. If you do not choose one, then the system-defined default permanent tablespace is used (USERS). (Click the flashlight icon to browse for tablespaces.) Assign a Temporary tablespace. if you do not specify one, then the system- defined temporary tablespace is used (TEMP). (Click the flashlight icon to browse for tablespaces.)  Click OK. 8

9 Creating a User – 2 Roles Tab Information Systems Department 9  Roles: Are named groups of related system and object privileges.  Managing privileges is made easier by using roles, which are named groups of related privileges.  You create roles, grant system and object privileges to the roles, and then grant roles to users.

10 Creating a User – 2 Roles Tab (cont.) Information Systems Department 10

11 Creating a User - 2 Roles Tab (cont.) Information Systems Department  Click Roles tab, then the Roles page appears.  When the Create User Roles page appears, click Edit List.  The Modify Roles page is displayed.  Select the desired role under Available Roles list and move it under Selected Roles.  When you have assigned all appropriate roles, click the OK.  The Create User Roles page is displayed again with the selected roles. 11

12 Creating a User - 2 Roles Tab (cont.) Information Systems Department 12

13 Creating a User - 2 Roles Tab (cont.) Information Systems Department In the Create User Roles page:  Select the Admin Option check box if this user is allowed to grant other users the same role.  Select the Default check box if this user is allowed to make the role assigned to the user at connect time. NOTE: Oracle recommends that you grant each user just enough privileges to perform his job, and no more. 13

14 Creating a User – 3 System Privileges Information Systems Department 14  User Privileges: It is a basic level of database security. They are designed to control user access to data and to limit the kinds of SQL statements that users can execute.  When creating a user, you grant privileges to enable the user to connect to the database, to run queries and make updates, to create schema objects, and more.

15 Creating a User – 3 System Privileges(cont.) Information Systems Department 15  User Privileges: 1. System Privileges: A system privilege gives a user the ability to perform a particular action, or to perform an action on any schema objects of a particular type. For example, the system privilege CREATE TABLE permits a user to create tables in the schema associated with that user, and the system privilege CREATE USER permits a user to create database users. 2.Object Privileges: An object privilege gives a user the ability to perform a particular action on a specific schema object. The privilege to select rows from the EMPLOYEES table or to delete rows from the DEPARTMENTS table are examples of object privileges. (hr.employees)

16 Creating a User – 3 System Privileges(cont.) Information Systems Department 16

17 Creating a User – 3 System Privileges(cont.) Information Systems Department  Click System Privileges tab, then the System Privileges page appears.  When the System Privileges page appears, click Edit List. The Modify System Privileges page is displayed.  Select the appropriate privilege from the list of available system privileges, and click Move to move it to the Selected System Privileges list.  Then click OK, then the System Privileges page appears again with the selected system privileges.  Note: Granting a privilege with the ANY clause means that the privilege crosses schema lines. For example, the CREATE TABLE privilege allows you to create a table but only within your own schema. The SELECT ANY TABLE privilege allows you to select from tables owned by other users. 17

18 Creating a User – 3 System Privileges (cont.) Information Systems Department  Now in the System Privileges page, selecting the Admin Option check box enables the user to administer that privilege and grant it to other users. Carefully consider security requirements before granting system permissions. 18

19 Creating a User – 4 Object Privileges Tab Information Systems Department 19

20 Creating a User – 4 Object Privileges(cont.) Information Systems Department  Click Object Privileges tab, then the Object Privileges page appears.  When the Object Privileges page appears, select the Object Type you want to grant privileges on (e.g.Table) from the pull-down menu, and click Add.  The Add Table Object Privileges page is displayed.  Choose the objects you want to grant privileges on by either: entering or selecting them from the list (Click the flashlight icon to browse for objects.).  Next, select the appropriate privileges from the Available Privileges list, and click Move.  When you have finished selecting privileges, click OK. 20

21 Creating a User – 4 Object Privileges (cont.) Information Systems Department  Now in the Object Privileges page, select the Grant check box if this user is allowed to grant other users the same access. 21

22 Creating a User – 5 Quotas Tab Information Systems Department 22  Quota is a space allowance in a given tablespace used when a user creates or extends a segment.  This is one of the ways by which you can control resource usage by users.

23 Creating a User – 5 Quotas Tab(cont.) Information Systems Department  Click Quotas tab, then the Quotas page appears.  When the Quotas page appears, by default, a user has no quota on any of the tablespaces.  You have two options for providing a user quota on a tablespace: Unlimited: This allows the user to use as much space as is available in the tablespace. When this option selected, the quota value will set automatically to -1. Value: This is a number of kilobytes or megabytes that the user can use. This does not guarantee that the space is set aside for the user. This value can be larger or smaller than the current space that is available in the tablespace.  Click Ok when you have finished. The Users property page is displayed with an Update message confirming the creation of your user. 23

24 Creating a User – 5 Quotas Tab (cont.) Information Systems Department 24

25 Creating a User - Confirmation Information Systems Department  In the Users property page, you can see the new user listed on the page. 25

26 Information Systems Department 26 Managing users

27 Unlocking a User Account Information Systems Department  If an account is locked, the user cannot log in to the database.  If you have not chosen to unlock the user accounts at that time, you can unlock the users and reset the passwords using Users page. To Unlock User:  Select the user on the Users page and select Unlock User from the pull-down menu in the Actions box, then click Go.  When the Confirmation page appears, click Yes to confirm the unlock operation.  The Users page is displayed with an Update message confirming the unlocking of your user. 27

28 Unlocking a User Account(cont.) Information Systems Department 28

29 Unlocking a User Account and Resetting the Password Information Systems Department Alternatively, to open User and reset the password when its EXPIRED:  Select the user and click Edit.  The Edit User General page is displayed. 29

30 Unlocking a User Account and Resetting the Password Information Systems Department 30

31 Unlocking a User Account and Resetting the Password Information Systems Department  In the Edit User General page, enter a new password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.  Select the Unlocked check box.  Click Apply to reset the password and unlock the user account.  Then the Edit User General page is displayed with an update message confirming the change to your user.  Select the Users link to return to the Users page. 31

32 Unlocking a User Account and Resetting the Password(cont.) Information Systems Department 32

33 Roles Page Information Systems Department  Click Roles in the Security section on the Server page.  The Roles page appears. There are a number of predefined roles.  From this page you can create, edit, view, or delete roles.  In Roles property page, click Create to create a new Role. The Create Role General page appears. 33

34 Roles Page Information Systems Department 34

35 Creating a Role Information Systems Department 35 Add privileges and roles from the appropriate tab.

36 Creating a Role(cont.) Information Systems Department In the Create Role General page, enter role name in the Name field and you can add authentication method which will be require before it can be set. The default authentication for a role is None.  Click Roles tab, to add sub-roles to this role. (As done during creating a User).  Click System Privileges tab, to add system privileges to this role. (As done during creating a User).  Click Object Privileges tab, to add object privileges to this role. (As done during creating a User).  Finally, click OK to create the role with the selected privileges.  The Roles page appears again with an update message confirming the creation of the role.  Now the new Role is available to be assigned to any user. 36

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