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Community is a social group of several organisms that share the environment, generally have an interest and similar habitats. In human communities,

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4 Community is a social group of several organisms that share the environment, generally have an interest and similar habitats. In human communities, the individuals in it can have the intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs, risks and other similar conditions. Source: Community

5 Diversity Diversity mean a state of difference, dissimilitude, unlikeness D i v e r s i t y m e a n a s t a t e o f d i f f e r e n c e, d i s s i m i l i t u d e, u n l i k e n e s s Diversity is a difference between one community and other community. D i v e r s i t y i s a d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n o n e c o m m u n i t y a n d o t h e r c o m m u n i t y. Source:


7 Wayang Golek is an entertainment from West Java. Wayang Golek is puppets that made from wood that played by dalang. Usually people watch Wayang Golek lively. This is include old culture. People make it with carving, colouring it and give it a cloth. It tell Mahabrata and Ramayana story and other Wayang story tell about advice, ethic, and comedy. Wayang Golek use gamelan (traditional music) and Sinden (a singer). People that involve in Wayang Golek are sinden, nayaga (people that play Gamelan), and dalang. Wayang Entertainment Source:

8 Play with Wayang These are my wayang golek collections

9 Now community of Wayang Golek audience become less and less because a lot of modern show that use modern technology. One of them is movie in cinema. People don’t watch movie lively. First movie is recorded. Then it is saved and it is spread to cinemas. People that involve are director, producer, actor/actress, cameraman. The story is more various, the example is story that tell about comedy, drama about life, and other. It uses modern music. Movie Entertainment Source:

10 Many years ago, people often invite Wayang Golek to perform. Usually Wayang perform in weeding party but now they invite band. In big city, they are almost no one invite wayang golek. Now, wayang golek just in art building and just tourist that want to know West Java culture that show the Wayang Golek performance. Movie is performed in cinemas that spread in cities. In country also watch layar tancap ( moving cinema ) to congrulating party and others. Many years ago, they invited Wayang Golek. Places for Performance Source:

11 This is Yayasan Pusat Kebudayaan building. There is Wayang Golek performance in this building. The Wayang Golek performance is once in a week. This is a cinema. The movie in this cinema is played everyday and everyhour. Places for Performance

12 As popular figures in Wayang GolekAs popular figures in comedy movie Popular Figures Source:

13 Conclusion Although we have had modern life and technology, we must not forget traditional entertainment and culture because a lot of unique culture from several country that disappear and extinct. Although we have had modern life and technology, we must not forget traditional entertainment and culture because a lot of unique culture from several country that disappear and extinct. WHY DO I CHOOSE ENTERTAINMENT? Now, a lot of people start to forget traditional entertainment and they watch modern entertainment. We must not forget traditional culture. N o w, a l o t o f p e o p l e s t a r t t o f o r g e t t r a d i t i o n a l e n t e r t a i n m e n t a n d t h e y w a t c h m o d e r n e n t e r t a i n m e n t. W e m u s t n o t f o r g e t t r a d i t i o n a l c u l t u r e.


15 Created by Anisa Sediadini from Taruna Bakti Junior High School, West Java,Indonesia. I hope you will get a lot of advantages from this presentation.

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