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Welcome to Physiology Ms. Melissa Pelullo 973-535-8000 ext. 8874.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Physiology Ms. Melissa Pelullo 973-535-8000 ext. 8874."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Physiology Ms. Melissa Pelullo 973-535-8000 ext. 8874

2 A little bit about me... This is my fourth year teaching at Livingston High School. I am teaching Honors Biology and Physiology. I received my BA in Secondary Education and Biology from Seton Hall University. In my spare time I like to exercise, read, be outdoors, and enjoy time with my family.

3 A little bit more about me... I am demanding yet fair with my students. Students are expected to come prepared to class, work to the best of their abilities and be respectful to me, to other students and staff at all times. I believe strongly in encouraging students' development of a sense of responsibility and self-advocacy.

4 Ms. Pelullo’s Office – Room S10A Available before and after school most days except for Mondays Available for extra help – speak with me before hand to schedule a time or to ensure my availability (in person or by email)

5 The Schedule… Students attend class 3 or 4 days a week With one or two lab days“B” Afternoon Class – 2 nd half of lunch

6 What will students learn?

7 Course Overview Our journey is going to take through most of the systems of the human body. We are going to start with a basic introduction to physiology, which will include a review of cell structure, and will look at all the special tissues that make up all of our organs. We will then continue on our journey through skeletal, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and excretory systems.

8 Course Overview In this course, the students are going to find out how the human body is built and how it functions. You have heard the analogy that the human body works like a well oiled machine, this is true…BUT…sometimes that machine breaks down or has problems, so special attention will be given in each unit to injuries sustained as well as pathological conditions (diseases). We will compare these conditions to “the norm” in order to enhance your overall understanding of both the disease and how the body deals with it.

9 What can you do to enhance learning in this class? Make sure your student has the proper materials (which are discussed in the Welcome packet). Check at the beginning of each marking period to see if they need a new notebook or other supplies. Plastic 3 ring binder – 1 and 1/2 inch – NO CARDBOARD Loose-leaf paper, I have white unlined paper for you. Flash drive – optional (may be needed for projects) #2 pencils – good erasers – blue and or black pens ONLY LHS academic assignment/calendar Check our (Mrs. Bremmer) teacher pages on the LHS website. Both are updated frequently, and includes assignment information and general class information. Handouts, copies of class notes and list of helpful websites can also be found on the websites.

10 What else can you do? Ask to look at their notebook periodically. They should be able to show you class notes and lab assignments. Encourage them to keep an organized notebook. With all the hands on lab work we perform, we are sure you are going to hear about the hearts, lungs and of course cats that we will dissect. Engage your student in conversation and ASK questions! Let me know if a problem occurs. If for any reason, things are not going smoothly for your student, call or email me as soon as possible. Do not wait or hesitate!!

11 Teacher Webpage Updated Daily! Contact me with any questions or concerns!


13 Remind A great way to keep in touch with my students All the student needs to do is text the provided number with a key phase – All of this information is found on my teacher page under the tab “Remind” Once they have texted the number, they will receive texts from me with reminders, due dates, additional class info!!


15 Grading Marking Period grade will be based on a point system. Dividing the points earned by the points possible will give you your current average, this way you are aware of your grade at all times. Each assignment will have a clearly indicated point value. Note: this class will be heavy in lab writing and quizzes/tests

16 Textbook Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 5 th Edition Rod R. Seeley, Trent D. Stephens, and Philip Tate McGraw Hill, New York 2004

17 Are you a pro? If you have any expertise in the areas we study, we would greatly appreciate your input. We have had parents in the past who were associated with the health fields. They were extremely helpful when difficult topics came up. Other parents sent in articles and photos dealing specific subjects we cover in class. If you can be of any assistance, let your student know or email myself or Mrs. Bremmer.

18 Thank you for stopping by!

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