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Welcome to Parent Orientation.. About Mrs. Boyer B.A. in Psychology from Cal State Long Beach. M.A. in Education with an emphasis on School Counseling.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Parent Orientation.. About Mrs. Boyer B.A. in Psychology from Cal State Long Beach. M.A. in Education with an emphasis on School Counseling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Parent Orientation.

2 About Mrs. Boyer B.A. in Psychology from Cal State Long Beach. M.A. in Education with an emphasis on School Counseling from Northern Arizona University. 10 years of teaching experience.

3 Our Daily Schedule 8:05 – 8:55 Specialist (Music, Art, Computers, P.E., Library) 9:00 – 10:00 – Reading/Language Arts 10:00 – 10:55 - Math 10:55 – 11:40 – Lunch 11:40 – 12:10 Read Aloud/Silent Reading 12:10 – 12:55 D.O.L., Mountain Math, Mountain Language, Word of the Day 12:55 – 1:15 Recess 1:20 – 2:30 Science, Social Studies, Health

4 Specialist Schedule Monday – Music 8:05 – 8:55 Tuesday – Computers 8:05 – 8:55 Wednesday – Art 8:05 – 8:55 Thursday – P.E. 8:05 – 8:55 Friday – Library 9:20 – 9:45

5 Specialists Mr. Brower – Music Teacher Ms. Teran – Art Teacher Mr. Miller – P.E. Teacher

6 Curriculum  Reading: Guided Reading - focus on literary themes, comprehension, fluency and decoding strategies. Self-Selected Reading – focus on fluency, independent use of the strategies taught during guided reading and fostering a love of reading.

7 Wranglin' Reader Wranglin' Reader is the reading incentive program sponsored by the PTO to keep track of after school reading. Students should read for 30 minutes each night. The Wranglin' reader sheets must be signed by a parent and returned to the classroom. Students receive “bucks” for each sheet that is turned in. The bucks are redeemed at the Wranglin' Store held every 6 weeks. Students that read 100 hours this year will attend a PTO sponsored activity.

8 Book Reports Every quarter there will be two book reports due. One is a fiction book report and the second is a non-fiction book report. Students must get their book report book approved by me to make sure that it is appropriate for the student.

9 Language Arts and Writing  Six Traits of Writing  Writer’s Express  Writer’s Workshop  Use of Reference Tools

10 Spelling Program Emphasis: Correct spelling in daily writing Students will be tested every Friday on their spelling words. The challenge words will be given for extra credit. Students will be completing their spelling worksheets at home. Spelling worksheets are due on Friday.

11 Handwriting  D’Nealian Method  Emphasis on neatness/legibility on all assignments  Cursive packet is due first week of January 2005.

12 Math  Emphasis on using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, fractions, decimals, probability, algebra and graphing.  Multiplication/Division timed tests will begin approx. the 2 nd week in September.  Hands on activities and games to reinforce concepts taught

13 Science Science as inquiry History and nature of science Life science Physical science Earth and space science

14 Social Studies All about Arizona  History  Geography  Civics/Government  Economics (Tourism, current events, etc.)  Behavioral Studies (Cultural influences)

15 Technology Students will visit the computer lab weekly. They will learn basic computer skills including keyboarding, word processing, inserting clip art, saving to a disc and/or the school server. They will be working with Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point as well as the Internet.

16 Homework  Homework will be assigned on a daily basis.  All homework is expected to be turned in on time.  If your child was not able to complete their homework, a parent note must be given to the teacher and an extra day will be given.  All homework may be corrected for a higher grade but it must have a parent signature.  All late work turned in must have a parent signature.

17 Grading Scale for 4th Grade 100%.....................A+ I require any grade below 60% 95-99%..............A to be corrected and returned for 90-94%..............A- a better grade. I do not allow tests 86-89%..............B+ to be corrected. 85%......................B 80-84%..............B- 76-79%...............C+ 75%.......................C 70-74%..............C- Grades are determined through a 69% and below……..D combination of classroom observation, group participation, and completion of assignments

18 Assignment Books Assignment books come home daily. List of assignments and activities for the day. Means of communication to and from school. Please sign the assignment book at least twice a week.  If homework is not finished on time the student will need to go to the responsibility room to finish it.

19 Homework Hotline 696-5800 All assignments will be recorded on the homework hotline. Please call the hotline for any information about our class, assignments or upcoming activities.

20 Grades Online You will have access to your child’s grades online. Please look at my website for the link I will try and update grades two times per week.

21 Classroom Web Page Updates every week about activities in the classroom. Monthly calendar of important dates. Links to educational websites. Link to this parent orientation PowerPoint.

22 Behavior Management System Classroom Rules: 1.Follow directions the first time given. 2.Show respect: Use only kind words (No putdowns). 3.Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself 4.Listen and stay focused on the speaker. 5.Respect your property and the property of others.

23 Positive Rewards Pay Day Friday Class parties Free Time Computer Time Call to parent Stickers, pencils, extra recess, praise, treats, etc.

24 Consequences for poor behavior 1 st offense: Verbal Warning 2 nd offense: Time out in my office and complete a behavior plan 3 rd offense: Go to the Responsibility Room and phone call home

25 Pay Day Friday  30 min. reward for hard work and good behavior  Kickball, games and puzzles, free choice, art project, etc.  Two requirements to earn Pay Day Friday:  Complete homework on time  Good behavior

26 Birthdays Birthday treats are welcome but not mandatory. Please send in individual items such as cupcakes, cookies, popsicles, etc. No whole cakes please.

27 Book Orders I place multiple book orders once a month. Please write separate checks for each book order company (Troll, Scholastic, etc.) No cash please.

28 Thank You for Coming!! Don’t forget to write your child a letter in their journal. Have a nice evening!

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