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1 CMPT 471 Networking II Transport Layer Network Programming © Janice Regan, 2013.

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1 1 CMPT 471 Networking II Transport Layer Network Programming © Janice Regan, 2013

2 2 Reliable underlying network: 1  Allow each end to know the other exists  Negotiate of optional parameters (segment size, window size, QoS)  Allocation of transport entity resources (buffer space, entry in connection table)  Need ESTABLISHED (open), CLOSED, and ‘half open’ states. Process must be ‘listening’ to accept a connection  Need two types of messages (socket subroutine calls)  SYN: specifies initial sequence numbers for synchronization  FIN: indicates no more data to send, requesting termination

3 © Janice Regan, 2013 3 Reliable underlying network (2)  ‘half open’ states occur when opening or closing a connection  connection requested and not yet established (SYN SENT) (waiting for response SYN)  ready to accept connections no request received yet (LISTEN) (waiting for initiating SYN, will immediately respond with response SYN)  Close requested, data flow from requesting endpoint is complete (FIN WAIT) (waiting for response to sent FIN)  Close request received, data flow from endpoint receiving close request continues until completion (CLOSE WAIT) (waiting to respond to close request, FIN)

4 © Janice Regan, 2013 4 Connection State Diagram Stallings 2003: Figure 20.3

5 © Janice Regan, 2013 5 Connection Establishment Stallings 2003: Figure 20.4

6 © Janice Regan, 2013 6 Unreliable Network Service  PROBLEMS  Solved by using sliding windows and credit scheme already discussed Segments may get lost, need retransmission strategy Duplication detection Flow control  Segments may arrive out of order, transport layer must deliver in order to application (solution unique sequence numbers)  Connection establishment / termination (replace two way handshake with three way handshake to deal with losses, duplications)

7 © Janice Regan, 2013 7 Unreliable underlying network  Must add additional states to the diagram  When opening need a SYN RECEIVED state to be in while waiting for the ACK of the SYN sent in response to the SYN sent by the initiating station  When closing in passive mode need a LAST ACK state to be in while waiting for the ACK of the FIN sent in response to the received FIN

8 © Janice Regan, 2013 8 Connection Establishment  Lost or delayed data segments can cause connection problems if the previously discussed 2-way handshake is used  Cannot assume sent SYN or FIN reaches destination  Arriving SYN or FIN could be from an old connection attempt  Solve by using a three way handshake (must ACK receipt of FIN or SYN) and start segment numbers (SYNi, ACKi, FINi) far removed from those used by previous connections

9 © Janice Regan, 2013 9 Unreliable underlying network  Must add additional states to the diagram  When opening need a SYN RECEIVED state to be in while waiting for the ACK of the SYN sent in response to the SYN sent by the initiating station  When closing in passive mode need a LAST ACK state to be in while waiting for the ACK of the FIN sent in response to the received FIN

10 © Janice Regan, 2013 10 Unreliable underlying network  When closing in active mode need  FIN WAIT2 state to be in while waiting for the station receiving the close request (the first FIN) to complete transmission and send response FIN. The ACK of the first FIN is received before entering this state  CLOSING state to be in while waiting for the ACK to the response FIN. The response FIN has already been received before entering this state

11 © Janice Regan, 2013 11 Three Way Handshake Stallings 2003: Figure 20.3

12 © Janice Regan, 2013 12 Three Way Handshake: Stallings 2003: Figure 20.3

13 © Janice Regan, 2013 13 The socket interface  The socket interface is used in application programs to specify the interface between the application program and the protocol software  The form of the interface (API) is not specified in the protocol, it may vary for different OS’s  The socket interface discussed is a BSD UNIX version that in practice forms the basis of the API for many OS’s

14 © Janice Regan, 2013 14 NETWORK IO  When sending or receiving data across a network connection a socket descriptor is used to specify the connection  A socket is a communication endpoint, the socket descriptor is an integer describing that communication endpoint.  A socket descriptor is not automatically bound to a particular connection only to a particular socket (one endpoint of the connection)  The application programmer can choose when to bind the socket to a connection, or to let the OS bind to a connection at runtime  You can read from or write to a socket, (send and receive)

15 © Janice Regan, 2013 15 IO: FILE vs. NETWORK  When reading or writing a file a file descriptor is used to specify the file referred to  A file is opened using a particular file descriptor, binding the file or device to that file descriptor  Data is read from and/or written to file  to read or write need at least three pieces of information  File descriptor  Buffer (holds data read from file or data being written to the file)  Number of bytes to read/write (or size of buffer)  File is closed

16 © Janice Regan, 2013 16 IO: FILE vs. NETWORK  When reading or writing through a socket a socket descriptor is used to specify the particular socket  A socket is created and associated with a particular socket descriptor this creates a socket (communication endpoint) This does not bind the socket to a particular data stream or device  A socket is bound to one particular communication endpoint (IP address, port) within the present process

17 © Janice Regan, 2013 17 IO: FILE vs. NETWORK  When reading or writing through a socket a socket descriptor is used to specify the particular socket  A socket is connected to another communication endpoint  Data can then be transferred from one endpoint to the other. Once the sockets are connected the socket descriptor can be used like a file descriptor  When the data transfer is complete the connection is closed

18 © Janice Regan, 2013 18 The socket function  #include int socket( int family, int type, int protocol)  The family indicates the family of protocols that will use the socket (PF_INET for IPv4, PF_INET6 for IPv6, PF_ROUTE routing sockets)  The type indicates the particular type of transfer that will be used (SOCK_STREAM for TCP, SOCK_DATAGRAM for UDP, SOCK_RAW for raw data, SOCK_SEQPACKET )  The protocol indicates the particular protocol to use (IPPROTO_TCP, IPPROTO_UDP, IPPROTO_SCTP)

19 © Janice Regan, 2013 19 Creating a socket  socketfd = socket ( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);  socketfd is the socket descriptor for the newly created IPv4 TCP socket (-1 to indicate an error in the socket creation process)  This socket is not yet associated with any communication endpoint (IP address, port pair)  The socket is an active socket (for use in active connection mode)  You can see all the possible values for protocol family, protocol type and protocol in /usr/include/sys/socket.h and /usr/include/netinet/in.h

20 © Janice Regan, 2013 20 The bind function  The bind function associates the socket descriptor with a local (same host that the process doing the bind is running on) communication endpoint  #include int bind( int socketfd, const struct sockaddr *myaddr, socklen_t addrlen)  The socket length, addrlen, specifies the number of bytes in the socket address (see following discussion of sockaddr structure)

21 © Janice Regan, 2013 21 The bind function  int bind( int socketfd, const struct sockaddr *myaddr, socklen_t addrlen)  The socket address, myaddr, specifies the local communication endpoint as a structure containing the IP address, the port number,  The IP address must belong to an interface on the local host  a port number of 0 indicates that the port should be assigned by the OS when the socket is connected (an ephemeral port)  The argument is a pointer to a generic address structure (cast from the actual address structure used)

22 © Janice Regan, 2013 22 local communication endpoints  The local port and IP address of the host’s interface can be determined automatically within the sockets software at run time.  An interface to the network will be specified for you (local IP address)  A available (ephemeral) port on the host will be chosen to associate with the endpoint  Normally servers bind to a specified port, clients allow the OS kernel to choose an interface (the one that can connect to the server) and an ephemeral port

23 © Janice Regan, 2013 23 local communication endpoints  The local port and/or IP address can be specified using the bind function  If the port number is specified as 0 an available (ephemeral) port will be assigned. The specified local IP will be used (must be one of the interfaces on the local host)  If a wildcard (INADDR_ANY) is used for the IP address the OS kernel will select the local IP address

24 © Janice Regan, 2013 24 sockaddr_in structure IPv4  struct sockaddr_in { uint8_t sa_len sa_family_t sa_family; /* address family */ in_port_t sin_port; /* port number */ struct in_addr sin_addr; /* IP address */ unsigned char sin_zero[8]; /* unused space in generic structure */ };  Found in /usr/include/netinet/in.h LENGTH ADDRESS FAMILY

25 © Janice Regan, 2013 25 sockaddr_in6 structure for IPv6 (2) PROTOCOL PORT 32 BIT FLOW LABEL UNUSED (0) 128 BIT IP ADDRESS 32 BIT SCOPE ID LENGTH | A DDRESS FAMILY

26 © Janice Regan, 2013 26 sockaddr_in6 structure for IPv6  struct sockaddr_in { uint8_t sa_len sa_family_t sa_family; /* address family */ in_port_t sin_port; /* port number */ uint32_t sin6_flowinfo; /* undefined */ struct in6_addr sin6_addr; /* IP address */ uint sin6_scope_id; /* set of interfaces */ };  Found in /usr/include/netinet/in.h LENGTH | A DDRESS FAMILY

27 © Janice Regan, 2013 27 Generic sockaddr_storage struct sockaddr _storage { uint8_t sa_len sa_family_t sa_family; /* address family */ /* enough storage to hold any supported type of socket address */ }; Found in /usr/include/netinet/in.h for each particular OS Opaque storage (no direct access) for remaining variables Enough storage for longest type on system PORT NUMBER Length | protocol family

28 © Janice Regan, 2013 28 Specifying Destination Address  The connect function associates the socket descriptor with a destination address [(IP address, port) pair specifying the destination connection endpoint]  For TCP this function initiates the three way handshake.  A client normally requests a connection using the connect function. A server normally waits for that connect request.  A socket can be connected regardless of whether it has been bound to a local address. If no call has been made to bind the OS kernel will assign the local ephemeral port and IP address

29 © Janice Regan, 2013 29 The connect function #include int connect( int socketfd, const struct sockaddr *servaddr, socklen_t addrlen)  The socket address, servaddr, specifies the IP address and port number of the destination connection endpoint  The IP address must belong to an interface on the host running the server to be connected to  The argument is a pointer to a generic address structure (cast from the actual address structure used)  The socket length, addrlen, specifies the number of bytes in the socket address

30 © Janice Regan, 2013 30 Errors during connection  It is possible that errors will occur during the threeway handshake process  The host running the server will respond to a connect with a RST (reset) if the server is not available. This is a hard failure, no further attempts at connection will be made  If the request does not reach the host running the server a soft error (destination unreachable) may occur, the client will continue to attempt to connect by sending additional SYNs until a timeout occurs (usually 75 seconds).

31 © Janice Regan, 2013 31 Waiting for a connection  The listen function converts an unconnected socket into a passive socket.  When created using socket the socket is an active socket  Listen is usually used by a server process.  The OS kernel queues requests for connection to the passive socket.

32 © Janice Regan, 2013 32 Waiting for a connection  The number of processes queued includes two classes of connections (in two queues)  Incompleted connections which have not completed the three way handshake (SYN has been sent)  Completed connections for which the connection has been established (three way handshake complete)

33 © Janice Regan, 2013 33 The listen function #include int listen( int socketfd, int backlog)  The backlog indicates the maximum number of connections the kernel (OS) should queue for this socket.  The listen function returns an integer indicating the success (1) or failure (0) of the conversion of the socket to a passive socket

34 © Janice Regan, 2013 34 The listen function  The backlog indicates the maximum number of connections the kernel (OS) should queue for this socket.  When counting the number of connections the sum of the number of processes waiting in both queues is the backlog  Historic default value of 5 may not be adequate in some modern systems (for example browsing may need more)  Do not use 0, response is implementation dependent

35 © Janice Regan, 2013 35 Accepting a connection  The accept function returns the connection descriptor, connfd  If connect is successful it returns a connection descriptor for the next connection in the completed queue  If connect is not successful it returns -1 to indicate an error condition  if the queue is empty it puts the process to sleep until a connection is requested (blocking ).  Usually used in a server process.

36 © Janice Regan, 2013 36 The accept function  #include int accept( int socketfd, const struct sockaddr *cliaddr, socklen_t addrlen)  The socket descriptor of the destination (server) connection endpoint, socketfd, is the integer returned by the socket function (-1 for error)  The socket address, cliaddr, returns the IP address and port number of the connection endpoint whose request is being accepted. (must be an interface on the host running the client)  The socket length, addrlen, returns the number of bytes in the cliaddr.

37 © Janice Regan, 2013 37 Closing a connection  The close functions default results are  mark the socket with socket descriptor sockfd as closed  For an TCP connection, start the three way handshake to terminate the connection by sending a FIN  Prevents further use of the socket by the application  Allows any previously queued data to be sent before closing the connection #include int close( int socketfd)

38 © Janice Regan, 2013 38 The socket interface  We have discussed the basics of the socket interface when dealing with a simple iterative server and clients  The server will queue connect requests from different clients and deal with them one by one  For short requests like sending a single packet this can work well  For longer requests that take significant processing time this is not efficient, we would like the server to be able to deal with the requests simultaneously  The solution is to use a concurrent server, that makes a copy of itself or child to deal with each client

39 © Janice Regan, 2013 39 client1 Child server server Child server *:21 *:* :21 1500 :21 1501 client2 1501 :21 1500 :21 Ephemeral port 1500, or 1501 is assigned by the protocol’s software

40 © Janice Regan, 2013 40 Creating a child server  When the accept returns and the connection has been established the server should call #include pid_t fork(void)  fork() creates a copy of the server which inherits access to all open descriptors in the parent server  fork() returns the process id of the new child server to the parent, and a process id of 0 to the new child server. (-1 to the parent on failure)  On successful creation of the child server the parent server will close the connection and continue listening for the next connection

41 © Janice Regan, 2013 41 Sample listen( listenfd, LISTENQ); for( ; ; ) { connfd = accept(listenfd, …); if ( (pid = fork()) == 0 ) { close(listenfd); processit(connfd); /* uses connection to do something */ close( connfd ); exit (0); } close (connfd); }

42 © Janice Regan, 2013 42 When is a client connected?  When running a concurrent server the child server needs to remain connected to the client, the parent server does not  When the parent server closes the connection to the client why does the child servers connection remain open?  So far we have said that the close sends a FIN to initiate the handshake to close the connection  This is a simplification that needs to be clarified to understand the operation of the concurrent server

43 © Janice Regan, 2013 43 Reference counts  The OS maintains a reference count for every socket and connection.  When a socket is created the reference count for the socket descriptor is set to one  When a connection is accepted the reference count for the connection descriptor is set to one  When a server fork calls fork() and successfully creates a child both reference counts are incremented  When the parent server (or child) closes a connection the connection’s reference count is decremented  The FIN to initiate closing of the connection is sent when the connection’s reference count reaches zero

44 © Janice Regan, 2013 44 Network byte order  The order in which bytes in multi byte words are stored is system dependent. Host byte ordering is  little endian (low order byte first)  Big endian (high order byte first)  Network byte ordering must be consistent even between different types of hosts using different byte ordering  Network byte ordering is big endian  Need conversion functions from host byte ordering and network byte ordering to convert data being used in some fields in the socket address structures  These conversion functions make servers and clients usable on hosts using both types of byte ordering

45 © Janice Regan, 2013 45 Byte Order conversion  htons, htonl, ntohs, and ntohl can be used to convert socket data arguments between host byte order and network byte order #include uint16_t htons( uint16_t host16bitvalue); uint32_t htonl( uint32_t host16bitvalue); uint16_t ntohs( uint16_t net16bitvalue); uint32_t ntohl( uint32_t net16bitvalue);  ntohs and ntohl convert values from network byte order to host byte order  Htons and htonl convert values from host byte order to network byte order

46 © Janice Regan, 2013 46 Address Translation  In many applications we will want to express addresses in both binary form and other forms for presentation  For IPv4 dotted decimal notation  For IPv6 hexadecimal form  The socket interface provides translation routines between these forms of address representation  Functions appropriate for IPv4 only  Functions appropriate for both IPv4 and IPv6

47 © Janice Regan, 2013 47 IPv4 only address conversion  inet_aton, inet_addr, and inet_ntoa can be used to convert ip addresses between network byte ordered binary and dotted decimal #include int inet_aton( const char *strptr, struct in_addr *addrptr); in_addr_t inet_addr( const char *strptr); char *inet_ntoa(struct in_addr inaddr);  inet_aton converts a dotted decimal string value to 32 bit network byte ordered binary form and inserts it into an in_addr structure. (returns 1 for success, 0 for failure)  inet_addr converts a dotted decimal string value to 32 bit network byte ordered binary form returning an in_addr structure containing the address (INADDR_NONE in case of error)  Additional functions are mentioned in your text

48 © Janice Regan, 2013 48 Address conversion  inet_pton, and inet_ntop can be used to convert IP addresses between network byte ordered binary and dotted decimal (IPv4) or hexadecimal (IPv6). These functions should supercede inet_aton and inet_notoa #include int inet_atop(int family, const char *strptr, void *addrptr); char *inet_ntop(int family, const void *addptr, char *strptr, size_t len);  inet_pton converts a dotted decimal string value to 32 bit network byte ordered binary form and inserts it into an in_addr structure. (returns 1 for success, 0 for failure)  inet_ntop converts to a dotted decimal string value from a 32 bit network byte ordered binary form in an in_addr structure  Additional functions that do not require you to know the address of the IP address (makes code protocol dependent) are also available

49 © Janice Regan, 2013 49 Obtaining socket addresses  getsockname can be used to return the IP address and port of the local communication endpoint in a socket address structure. Usually used by a client #include int getsockname( int sockfd, struct sockaddr *localaddr, soclen_t *addrlen);  Returns 0 on success 1 on failure

50 © Janice Regan, 2013 50 Uses of getsockname  To get address of local communication endpoint after connect returns in a client that does not use bind (client)  To get the port number of the local communication endpoint after a bind using a port number of 0 (to request an ephemeral port)  To get the address family of a socket  To get the local IP address when a wildcard (INADDR_ANY) is used to specify IP address in bind

51 © Janice Regan, 2013 51 Obtaining socket addresses  getpeername can be used to return the IP address and port of the remote communication endpoint in a socket address structure. Usually used by a server #include int getpeername( int sockfd, struct sockaddr *peeraddr, soclen_t *addrlen);  Returns 0 on success 1 on failure  When a server uses accept the server obtains the information on the clients communication endpoint using getpeername

52 © Janice Regan, 2013 52 Obtaining host information  gethostbyname, and gethostbyaddr are keyed lookup functions that can be used to associate an IPv4 address with a hosts hostname or address. (For IPv6 see getaddrinfo) #include struct hostent *gethostbyname( const char *hostname); struct hostent *gethostbyaddr( const char *addr, socklen_t len, int family);  Returns a pointer to a hostent structure Struct hostent { Char *h_name; /*official name*/ char **h_aliases; /* pointer to array of pointers to alias names*/ int h_addrtype; /* host address type, AF_INET */ int h_length, /* length of address */ char **h_addr_list; /* pointer to array of pointers to IPv4 addresses8/}

53 © Janice Regan, 2013 53 Obtaining server information  getservbyname, and getservbyport are keyed lookup functions that can be used to associate a service with the name of a service or with the port to which that service is assigned. #include struct servent *getservbyname( const char *servname, const char *protoname); struct servent *getservbyport(int port, const char *protoname);  Returns a pointer to a servent structure struct servent { char *s_name; /* official service name */ char **s_aliases; /* alias list */ int s_port; /* port # */ char *s_proto; /* protocol to use */};  protoname is the name of a protocol “tcp”, “udp” …  Servname is the name of a service “ftp” “domain” …

54 © Janice Regan, 2013 54 Obtain protocol information  getprotbyname, and getservbyport are keyed lookup functions that can be used to associate a protocol with its name or the port on which it commonly operates #include struct protoent *getprotobyname(const char *name); struct protoent *getprotobynumber(int proto);  Returns a pointer to a protoent structure struct protoent { char *p_name; /* official protocol name */ char **p_aliases; /* alias list */ int p_proto; /* protocol # */};  name is the name of a protocol “tcp”, “udp”

55 © Janice Regan, 2013 55 Obtain network information  getnetbyname, and getnetbyaddr are keyed lookup functions that can be used to associate a network with its domain name or network IP address #include struct netent *getnetbyname(const char *name); struct netent *getnetbyaddr(long net, inttype);  Returns a pointer to a protoent structure struct netent { char *n_name; /* official name of net */ char **n_aliases; /* alias list */ int n_addrtype; /* net address type */ in_addr_t n_net; /* network # */};  name is the name of a protocol “tcp”, “udp” …

56 © Janice Regan, 2013 56 Socket Options  getsockopt can be used to request or the values of socket options #include int getsockopt( int sockfd, int level, int optname void *optval, soclen_t *optlen); int setsockopt( int sockfd, int level, int optname const void *optval, soclen_t *optlen);  Returns 0 on success 1 on failure  When a server uses accept the server obtains the information on the clients communication endpoint using getpeername

57 © Janice Regan, 2013 57 Socket Options  Socket options can apply on different levels  Exectued in the general socket code (SOL_SOCKET)  Executed in the protocol specific code (IPPROTO_IP, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPPROTO_TCP…)  The option name specifies the particular option being looked at or set.  There are two basic types of options  Binary options: set on or off  Options that set or return values of various types (through the void pointer)  Actual options are discussed in the man pages for the functions

58 © Janice Regan, 2013 58 Examples Socket Options  Set buffer size (size of sliding window)  Allow broadcast of packets  Route/don’t route outgoing packets  Turn on/off keepalive messages (2 hours)  Change the default operation of the close function acts (SO_LINGER option)  Default is 0: normal 3-way handshake, close returns immediately  Value >0: waits for value seconds before closing or closes as soon as all outstanding data have been sent and acknowledged. In case of time out normal close is aborted.  Used to catch problems with server or client crash before completing the handshake causing lost data

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