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#1: Compare and contrast the typical family conditions and ways of life in Colonial America.

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2 #1: Compare and contrast the typical family conditions and ways of life in Colonial America.
•Southern Whites •African American Slaves •New Englanders *

3 What was the underlying cause of the expansion of African slavery in North America? Could the colonies’ labor problem have been solved without slavery? •Colonial Slavery •Africans in America •NY, SC, and Stono River Slave Revolts *




7 How did the harsh climate and soil, stern religion, and tightly knit New England town shape the Yankee character? •New England Family •Life in New England Towns •Half-Way Covenant •Salem Witch Trials •The New England Way of Live •Early Settlers’ Days and Ways *



10 Had 17th century colonial society already developed a recognizable American culture or did it still reflect the Old World Europe? •Consider the following: •Family Life •Social Class •Ethnicity •Religion


12 Describe the structure of colonial society in the 18th century
Describe the structure of colonial society in the 18th century. What developments tended to make society less equal and more hierarchical? •The Average American •17th v. 18th century •Prospects, Planters, and Paupers •Clerics, Physicians, and Jurists •Workaday America •Triangular Trade | Molasses Act *

13 What features of colonial politics contributed to the development of popular democracy, and what kept political life from being more truly democratic? •A Provincial Culture (Art and Literature) •Pioneer Presses – Peter Zenger Trial •The Great Game of Politics | Voting •Colonial Folkways *


15 What were the causes and consequences of the Great Awakening
What were the causes and consequences of the Great Awakening? How was religious revival linked to the development of a sense of American uniqueness and identity? •Dominant Denominations •Origins of the 1st Great Awakening •Old Lights v. New Lights •Schools and Colleges *





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