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Human Anatomy and Physiology

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1 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Chapter 1 The Human Body: An Orientation


3 Anatomy Structure Parts Shape

4 Physiology Functions

5 “Structure Determines Function”
Definitions Anatomy (ana = up; tomy = cutting) Study of the human body (morphology) Dissection (dis = apart; section = act of cutting) Physiology (physio = nature; logy = study of) Study of body function “Structure Determines Function”

6 Gross Anatomy Microscopic Anatomy

7 The Hierarchy of Structural Organization
Organelle Molecule Atoms Chemical level Atoms combine to form molecules. Cellular level Cells are made up of molecules. Tissue level Tissues consist of similar types of cells Organ level Organs are made up of different types of tissues. Organ system level Organ systems consist of different organs that work together closely. Organismal level The human organism is made up of many organ systems. Cardiovascular system Smooth muscle cell Smooth muscle tissue Connective tissue Blood vessel (organ) Heart Blood vessels Epithelial tissue 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 1.1

8 Chemical, Cellular, and Tissue Levels
Chemical Level: atoms form molecules  macromolecules Four classes of macromolecules Cellular Level: cells and their functional subunits Smallest living unit of life Structure of each cell type is related to its function Tissue level: group of cells performing a common function Four major types

9 Organ, Organ System, and Organism Levels
Organ level: discrete structure made up of more than one tissue Organ system: organs working together to perform a common function Organism level: the result of all simpler levels working together to sustain life Homeostasis (homeo, unchanging + stasis, standing) Disease: failure of maintaining homeostasis

10 Levels of Structural Organization
Chemical level  Cellular level Tissue level  Organ level  Organ System  Organism level 

11 11 Major Systems of the Body
Integumentary Skeletal Muscular Nervous Endocrine Cardiovascular Lymphatic Respiratory Digestive Urinary Reproductive

12 Integumentary System Forms the external body covering
Protects deeper tissue from injury Synthesizes vitamin D Location of cutaneous nerve receptors

13 Skeletal System Protects and supports body organs
Provides muscle attachment for movement Site of blood cell formation Stores minerals

14 Muscular System Allows locomotion Maintains posture Produces heat

15 Nervous System Fast-acting control system
Responds to internal and external change Activates muscles and glands

16 Endocrine System Secretes regulatory hormones Growth Reproduction

17 Cardiovascular System
Transports materials in body via blood pumped by heart Oxygen Carbon dioxide Nutrients Wastes

18 Lymphatic System Returns fluids to blood vessels Disposes of debris
Involved in immunity

19 Respiratory System Keeps blood supplied with oxygen
Removes carbon dioxide

20 Digestive System Breaks down food
Allows for nutrient absorption into blood Eliminates indigestible material

21 Urinary System Eliminates nitrogenous wastes
Maintains acid – base balance Regulation of materials Water Electrolytes

22 Reproductive System Production of offspring Development

23 Necessary Life Functions
Maintain Boundaries Movement Locomotion Movement of substances Responsiveness Ability to sense changes and react Digestion Break-down and delivery of nutrients

24 Necessary Life Functions
Metabolism – chemical reactions within the body Production of energy Making body structures Excretion Elimination of waste from metabolic reactions

25 Necessary Life Functions
Reproduction Production of future generation Growth Increasing of cell size and number

26 Survival Needs Nutrients Oxygen Chemicals for energy and cell building
Includes carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals Oxygen Required for chemical reactions

27 Survival Needs Water Stable body temperature
60–80% of body weight Provides for metabolic reaction Stable body temperature Atmospheric pressure must be appropriate

28 Homeostasis Maintenance of a stable internal environment = a dynamic state of equilibrium

29 Set Point Range Cold Comfy Hot Comfy

30 Homeostasis Homeostasis must be maintained for normal body functioning and to sustain life Homeostatic imbalance – a disturbance in homeostasis resulting in disease

31 Feedback Control Loop Hello It’s Hot

32 Feedback Control Loop: Basic Components
Sensor mechanism Integrating or control center Effector mechanism

33 Direction of Signals afferent efferent

34 Feedback Control Loop: Basic Components
Sensor mechanism (neural or hormonal) Afferent signal Integrating or control center Efferent signal Effector mechanism

35 Negative Feedback Loop
Cold Heat

36 Positive Feedback Control Loop
Cold Cold

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