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Interaction-Based HPC Modeling of Social, Biological, and Economic Contagions Over Large Networks Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Jiangzhuo.

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Presentation on theme: "Interaction-Based HPC Modeling of Social, Biological, and Economic Contagions Over Large Networks Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Jiangzhuo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interaction-Based HPC Modeling of Social, Biological, and Economic Contagions Over Large Networks Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Jiangzhuo Chen Joint work with Keith Bisset, Chris J. Kuhlman, V.S. Anil Kumar, and Madhav Marathe Winter Simulation Conference December 13, 2011

2 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Talk Outline Background –Contagions and large networks –Motivations for HPC ABMS –Challenges for HPC ABMS methodology GDS (graphic dynamical system) Our HPC simulation tools for large-scale GDS’s : –InterSim –EpiSimdemics –EpiFast –Performance and examples Summarize

3 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Contagions over Large Interaction Networks Contagions –Spread of infectious disease in a population –Spread of opinions, fads, rumors, trends, norms, social movements in a population –Packet diffusion, worm propagation in computer networks –Spread of marketing information Large interaction networks –Millions of nodes, billions of edges –Unstructured –Heterogeneous individuals with behavior –Dynamic: co-evolving with contagion dynamics, individual behavior, and public policy HPC agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS): appropriate methodology to study contagions over realistic large networks –Analytical methods require unrealistic assumptions on network structure –Macro-level methods do not capture heterogeneity –Many problems in interest are computationally intractable

4 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Challenges with HPC ABMS Tools Performance –Scalability of running time and memory usage: e.g. epidemics in the global population with 7 billion agents –High communication cost for synchronizations Capability –Representation of complicated contagion processes –Representation of complex behavior & policy –Representation of coupled multi-networks with multiple contagions Demand for short overall time-to-solution –Large simulation configuration space: huge factorial design –Randomness: many replicates –Often require efficient (adaptive) experiment design Motivation for multiple tools in the performance-capability spectrum: choose the right tool for the right problem

5 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Graph Dynamical System (GDS) G(V=agents, E=interactions) B: set of state values; each node has a state F: set of local transition functions; each node v i has a function f i in F –Typical f i depends on history of states of v i and its neighbors in G R: update scheme for local transition functions and state updates –E.g. synchronous scheme (SyDS): good for parallelization; sequential scheme (SDS) Output of GDS: sequence of configurations C(t)= state of each node at time t

6 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Extensions to The Basic GDS Probabilistic state transitions Multiple networks with multiple contagions (multiple sets of local transition functions) State vector Asymmetric interactions Agents come and go Interventions –Change node or edge properties –Cannot be modeled by local transition functions

7 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory home work work school An Example of GDS Infectious disease propagation in social contact network with SEIR model G: social contact network B: {Susceptible, Exposed, Infectious, Removed} F: transitions with between-host disease propagation and within-host disease progression –S  E probabilistically if any neighbor is in I; independent disease transmissions, prob. depends on properties of: infectious node, susceptible node, and their interaction –Probabilistic timed transition E  I  R R: synchronous update SEIR

8 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Interventions in an epidemiological GDS Pharmaceutical interventions: vaccination or antiviral changes an individual’s role in the transmission chain –Lower susceptibility or infectiousness Non-pharmaceutical interventions: social distancing measures change people activities and hence the social network –Sick leave, school closure, isolation, etc.

9 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory home work work school Example of Interventions: Vaccination

10 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory home work work school Example of Interventions: No School

11 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory home work work school Example of Interventions: Work Closure

12 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Talk Outline Background –Contagions and large networks –Motivations for HPC ABMS –Challenges for HPC ABMS methodology GDS (graphic dynamical system) Our HPC simulation tools for large-scale GDS’s : –InterSim –EpiSimdemics –EpiFast –Performance and examples Summarize

13 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory InterSim, EpiSimdemics, EpiFast: Overview Common properties: –Agent based simulation of diffusion over networks (GDS) –Synchronous state updates –Implementation: C++/MPI parallel code; runs on any distributed memory system Differences: –Scope of contagion modeling: InterSim > EpiSimdemics > EpiFast –Intervention modeling: EpiSimdemics > EpiFast > InterSim –Performance: EpiFast > EpiSimdemics > InterSim –Software extendibility: InterSim > EpiSimdemics > EpiFast –Network representation: InterSim ≈ EpiFast  EpiSimdemics –Preciseness of simulation: EpiSimdemics > (InterSim, EpiFast) –Parallel communication model: InterSim ≈ EpiSimdemics ≠ EpiFast –Communication cost: InterSim > EpiSimdemics > EpiFast –Memory requirement: InterSim > EpiSimdemics > EpiFast

14 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Some Other Simulation Tools Epidemiological agent based simulation frameworks: –Ferguson et al. 2003. Planning for smallpox outbreaks. Nature 425 (6959): 681–685. –Longini et al. 2005. Containing Pandemic Influenza at the Source. Science 309 (5737): 1083–1087. –Parker and Epstein 2011. A Distributed Platform for Global-Scale Agent-Based Models of Disease Transmission. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 22. General purpose simulators: –Perumalla 2005. μsik: A Micro-Kernel for Parallel/Distributed Simulation Systems. In Proceedings of the 19th PADS. –Hybinette et al. 2006. SASSY: A Design for Scalable Agent-Basd Simulation System Using a Distributed Discrete Event Infrastructure. In Proceedings of the 2006 WSC. –North and Macal 2009. Foundations of and Recent Advances in Artificial Life Modeling with Repast 3 and Repast Simphony. In Artificial Life Models in Software, 37–60. Springer. –Perumalla and Seal 2011. Discrete Event Modeling and Massively Parallel Execution of Epidemic Outbreak Phenomena. SIMULATION, to appear. –D’Souza et al. 2007. SugarScape on Steroids: Simulating over a Million Agents at Interactive Rates. In Proceedings of Agent2007 Conference. –Aaby et al. 2010. Efficient Simulation of Agent-Based Models on Multi-GPU and Multi-Core Clusters. In Proceedings of SIMUTools ’10.

15 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Scopes of NDSSL Tools GDS Intervention InterSim EpiSimdemics EpiFast

16 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory InterSim: Interaction Simulation More details about InterSim were presented: Monday (Dec. 12 th ) A General Purpose Graph Dynamical System Modeling Framework (InterSim) Chris J. Kuhlman, V.S. Anil Kumar, Madhav Marathe, Henning Mortveit, S.S. Ravi, Daniel J. Rosenkrantz, Samarth Swarup, Gaurav Tuli

17 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory InterSim Modeling of diffusion dynamics –Most general, can be used for any GDS –Open software framework which can be easily extended with user supplied node interaction models (NIM’s) –Already implemented: SEIR model, different threshold models, generalized cellular automata, computer network communication algorithms Software implementation –C++/MPI implementation –Agent-to-agent interaction graph as input –Symmetric computation model –Communications between each pair of PE’s

18 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory InterSim Performance –High versatility (general local transition functions) –Fast turn-around time: time from problem specification to simulation results NIM can be implemented and verified within hours –Large memory usage: a NIM instance for each agent –Large communication cost Limitations –Very limited interventions based on local data –Difficult to scale to very large scale networks (e.g. NYC contact network)

19 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory EpiSimdemics Modeling of diffusion dynamics –Discrete event & discrete time simulation –second-by-second details –Ordered interactions among agents –Local state transition functions: probabilistic timed transition systems highly configurable disease model –Diffusion through co-location of agents Software implementation –C++/MPI implementation –Agent-location graph as input agent-agent interactions are computed on-the-fly –Symmetric computation model; communications between each pair of PE’s –Very sophisticated interventions Change infectivity/vulnerability of agents Change agents’ activity schedules (hence interactions)

20 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Disease Model in EpiSimdemics: An Example

21 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory EpiSimdemics Algorithm Generate the population Set initial infections Based on activities move the people to the locations Compute interactions among the people at the locations Some exposed people may become infected After their activities, the people are moved back to their home PE Update state of person at his home PE

22 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory EpiSimdemics Performance –Scalable to very large networks (10 6 ~10 9 agents) –Simulation running time: magnitude of minutes for large urban populations Limitations –Interactions occur only through co-location –Local transition functions must be PTTS –System synchronization at every time step (every simulation day) –Interventions are based on either local or global information, not neighborhood information –There must exist a minimum latent period Between agent’s state transition and that the transition can affect other agents Christopher Barrett, Keith Bisset, Stephen Eubank, Xizhou Feng, Madhav Marathe. EpiSimdemics: an efficient and scalable framework for simulating the spread of infectious disease on large social networks. In Proceedings of ACM/IEEE conference on SuperComputing (SC'08), 2008.

23 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory EpiFast: Fast Epidemic Simulation Modeling of diffusion dynamics –Discrete time simulation –Local state transition function: SEIR (a simple PTTS) –Diffusion through agent-agent contacts: independent transmissions Software implementation –Highly portable C++/MPI implementation –Master-workers model One master PE: communication & coordination Many worker PE: diffusion computation Each agent is assigned to single worker PE –Communications between master PE and each worker PE –Predefined adaptive/conditional interventions Pharmaceutical or non-pharmaceutical: change properties of existing nodes and edges in network On day or when a given threshold is met, apply intervention on subpopulation –Extremely fast and scalable

24 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory EpiFast Performance –Among the fastest epidemic simulations that can handle realistic synthetic populations and provide comparable support for realistic intervention measures. –Network of 16 million nodes and 900 million edges: <20 minutes per replicate on as few as 32 processors –Scales well on distributed memory systems –Good strong and weak scaling properties Limitations –SEIR only –Network edges (contacts) are not ordered by time –Network remains the same from day to day unless with interventions –Synchronizes every simulation day –Interventions directly change existing edges in contact network; changes are approximate Keith Bisset, Jiangzhuo Chen, Xizhou Feng, V. S. Anil Kumar, and Madhav Marathe. EpiFast: A Fast Algorithm for Large Scale Realistic Epidemic Simulations on Distributed Memory Systems. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), 2009.

25 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Strong Scaling of EpiFast

26 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Performance Comparison Execution time (in seconds) for one diffusion instance RegionAgents (million) Contacts (billion) InterSim EpiSimdemics EpiFast PETimePETimePETime Miami2.090.1801318875818 DC3.750.280248168121623 Chicago9.040.5160636408524044 NYC17.880.9NA 72 122 4 7282

27 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory

28 Example: Epidemic Curves from Simulations

29 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory Summary Study of contagions over large realistic interaction networks needs high performance computing and agent based modeling and simulation methodology Various HPC ABMS tools complement each other w.r.t. range of applicability and performance: no single tool can satisfy all simulation needs; choose the right tool

30 Network Dynamics & Simulation Science Laboratory To Be Continued… Wednesday (Dec. 14 th ) 10:30-12:00 Efficient Implementation of Complex Interventions in Large Scale Epidemic Simulations (Indemics) Yifei Ma, Keith Bisset, Jiangzhuo Chen, Suruchi Deodhar, Madhav Marathe Indemics InterSim EpiSimdemics EpiFast DBMS user interventions dynamics

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