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Gas drilling, farming, & public health Living and producing food in an industrial zone.

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Presentation on theme: "Gas drilling, farming, & public health Living and producing food in an industrial zone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gas drilling, farming, & public health Living and producing food in an industrial zone



4 New York’s Foodshed NY State’s most productive farmland is beyond the NYC watershed – Western Catskills – Finger Lakes – Southern Tier of NY All threatened by proposed drilling

5 buildout


7 Gas drilling threatens farming Air pollution lowers crop and pasture yields Water pollution – Endangers health of farm families – Endangers livestock – Endangers food safety Consumers are choosing food from non-frack areas Farmers are already leaving frack zones of PA

8 Ozone pollution of air Increased ozone causes increase in human death and hospitalization Causes crop losses, including species critical to local agriculture, including pasture grasses.

9 Rise in rural ozone from gas drilling-- Sublette County, Wyoming So rural, so little traffic there is no stoplight Since extensive gas drilling…… – Ozone reading higher than Los Angeles all last year was 114 parts per billion, according to the EPA.

10 Ozone reduces farm production USDA on Crop Damage from Ozone – “Ground-level ozone causes more damage to plants than all other air pollutants combined.” NASA Study---Satellite Study of Crops yields – “The U.S. soybean crop is suffering nearly $2 billion in damage a year due to rising surface ozone concentrations”

11 Food safety— Livestock exposure to toxic fracking fluids.

12 Livestock need clean surface water sources

13 Tens of millions of gallons of toxic fluid handled in close proximity to water supply

14 Food safety & Livestock exposure Livestock drink surface water – ponds, steams Frequent small and large spills flow onto pasture and into these waterways Pasture and soils contaminated – Heavy metals, radioactivity, hydrocarbons These substances become part of food chain. Minimal oversight of drilling, less of food safety

15 Quarantine 28 cattle PA 2010 The farmer said, "You could smell it. The grass was dying, Something was leaking besides ground water.“ PA DEP did not test for hydrocarbons Are these animals in the food chain?

16 18 cattle deaths Louisiana 2010 from fluid spill—Chesapeake Co. fined

17 Western PA – 80 dead cattle after surface spill into pond and stream



20 Western PA -- 18 stillborn calves on one farm---with congenital cataracts

21 Is there monitoring of food supply produced in an fracking zones? Consumers should be concerned Little or no investigation of cattle by health officials Gag orders of farmers in lease contracts Dead livestock removed and destroyed by gas companies without testing What happens to contaminated animals that survive?

22 Can Hydrofracking be done safely? The existing science demonstrates a clear threat to public health – As EPA stated in Texas---”an imminent threat to public health” Every step of new knowledge has shown increased risk Agriculture will be damaged – Production – Food safety – Consumer acceptance We do not willingly do vast experiments with toxic agents on food and people. There is no existing safe hydrofracking technology or regulatory structure.

23 Can regional agriculture survive gas drilling?


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