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Intolerable Actions! Growing American and British Tensions Mr. Bach Accelerated United States History Hudson High School Hudson, Ohio.

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Presentation on theme: "Intolerable Actions! Growing American and British Tensions Mr. Bach Accelerated United States History Hudson High School Hudson, Ohio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intolerable Actions! Growing American and British Tensions Mr. Bach Accelerated United States History Hudson High School Hudson, Ohio

2 Stamp Act (1765) Perhaps the single most important act leading to the American Revolution Official stamps on paper would be proof of payment

3 Real Whigs Q-> What was the extent of Parliament’s authority over the colonies?? Absolute? OR Limited? Q-> How could the colonies give or withhold consent for parliamentary legislation when they did not have representation in that body?? Theories of Representation

4 Loyal Nine - 1765 Sons of Liberty – began in NYC: Samuel Adams Stamp Act Congress – 1765 * Stamp Act Resolves Declaratory Act – 1766 Stamp Act Crisis

5 The Townshend Acts New taxes on trade goods (paper, glass, tea) –Levied on British imports (hence not to regulate trade) –Pay salaries of royal colonial officials

6 1. John Dickinson  1768 * Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania. 2. 1768  2 nd non-importation movement: * “Daughters of Liberty” * spinning bees 3. Riots against customs agents: * John Hancock’s ship, the Liberty. * 4000 British troops sent to Boston. Colonial Response to the Townshend Duties

7 A Society of Patriotic Ladies

8 Repeal of the Townshend acts New Prime Minister, Lord North, disagrees that the acts are good policy Repeals all acts... but the Tea Act.

9 The Boston Massacre ( March 5,1770 )

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