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GEM: Grace Entertainment Media An Interactive Hub for Christian Media.

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Presentation on theme: "GEM: Grace Entertainment Media An Interactive Hub for Christian Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEM: Grace Entertainment Media An Interactive Hub for Christian Media

2 Huge Opportunity 1. World’s biggest vertical demographic group; 2. Includes one third of the World; 3. Over three fourths of the US; 4. Fully 90% of Americans see the need for it; ‘Til now, no one could advertise to it

3 What is that Group? CHRISTIANS Why can’t anyone advertise to them? TV & Radio are donor supported, Print is small market and sectarian. How to reach them: GEM Designed to be the largest super site in the world bringing all things media and more to Christians all over the globe.

4 Christianity: the World’s Largest Definable Market n Market 1. Approximately 2.2 Billion Christians 2. Nearly 75% of the U.S.A. identify themselves as Christians; 3. The most popular media in the world, appropriate entertainment, creates our advertising platform.

5 GEM: The World’s Leading Source for Christian Media ristics of GEM Using Entertainment to Reach the World: 1. Faith-Friendly Version of Facebook = Gracebook; 2. YouTube: GodTube & iTunes: HeTunes; 3. Not NetFlix but GEMFlix, not Amazon but Amazing; 4. Think “American Angels” not American-Idol” ; 5. The Christian Google: GEMinEye; 6. TV: Not CBN but GBN, multiple channels of pre- existing content (movies, talk shows, news, sports, comedy, documentaries, cartoons, etc.).

6 3 Target: the Enormous Christian Market I.GEM: Because it’s created to Be #1 Christian II. Media Provider and III.Positioned to Be #1 Christian Search Engine, It’s the perfect PaaS cash cow (Platform as a Service)

7 Ways we won’t Reinvent the Wheel: Like BET… we’ll work smart… 1. Leverage New Open Source Technology 2. Pay-As-Needed Cloud-Based Computing 3. Existing Content from External Servers 4. Rapid Development & Efficient Use of Capital 5.We can now build a whole TV channel for $14k!

8 GEM Suure Four levels of GEM 1.1.The GEM Interactive Hub (home page) 2.2.GEM Content-Specific Networks (video, audio, etc.) 3.3.GEM Channels within each Network (gospel, etc.) 4.4.The Content Cloud (other sites, etc.) Provides Consistency & Scalability Accessible to every computer, TV, iPad & smart phone in the entire world.


10 Video & Audio: Streaming & Archived GEM Content Christian Programming: o Churches/Ministries (stream worship, teaching etc. Cooperative partners through weekly bulletin inserts, and rebates to missions) o Missions & Schools Popular Artists & Original GEM Programming Social Media & Shopping (community, jobs, etc.) Interest Specific (for each denomination and region )

11 GEM Movies On Demand Demo Site

12 GEM Movies On Demand Demo Site

13 GEM REVENU REVENUE$ Monetiz ation 1. Advertising (70-90% of income) 2. Marketing & Merchandising o A. Affiliate Programs (Amazon, etc.) o B. GEM-Branded Products (Clothes, books, etc.) o C. Marketing/Promotion (i.e. New Artists) 3. Premium Services (Movie and music on demand, etc.) 4. Other: (Christian BBB, Yellow Pages, etc.)

14 Strategy/Timetableent Initial Build Out: First 90 Days (post funding) o Launch Initial Sites/Beta test (60 days) o Initiate Traffic Ramp Up: 6-12 Months o Rapidly Add Content o Implement Monetization (Premium services, on- demand programs, ad revenues, etc.) Aggressive Growth: Years Two & Three

15 GEM Financial Projections Estimates Year 1Year 2Year 3 Total Visits 4,200,00019,500,000 40,000,000 Revenue $360,000$2,535,000$6,000,000 $/Visit$0.09$0.13$0.15

16 I.Massive Global Market with Shared Values II.#1 Interactive Christian Media Hub III.#1 Faith-Themed Sanitized Search Engine, Content and Social Networking IV.Cloud Computing for Rapid Deployment GEM

17 GEM: A Multibillion Dollar Company? The market cap of our top six secular models (Facebook, Amazon, iTunes, Netflix, Hulu, and Google exceeds $400 billion in 2012. That means if we are just one percent as successful over the seven years, the initial $3M will grow into a company worth over $4B

18 Q & A GEM An Interactive Christian Media Super Site Copyright 2012, Ken R Unger Ken R Unger, M Div. (714) 814 – 3200 or email 814 –

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