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RTI, Nagpur 1 Day 2 – Session: 4 Session Title : Preparation of Statement Nos. 13, and 14.

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Presentation on theme: "RTI, Nagpur 1 Day 2 – Session: 4 Session Title : Preparation of Statement Nos. 13, and 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTI, Nagpur 1 Day 2 – Session: 4 Session Title : Preparation of Statement Nos. 13, and 14.

2 RTI, Nagpur 2 Session Overview In this session, we will discuss about the preparation of the statements Nos. 13 and 14.

3 RTI, Nagpur 3 Learning Objective By the end of the session, we will be enlightened with the preparation of the statements Nos. 13 and 14. Additional checks prescribed by the Headquarters for these two statements will be discussed.

4 RTI, Nagpur 4 Statement No.13- Detailed Statement of Capital Expenditure. 1. This statement gives the details of capital expenditure scheme-wise giving out the expenditure for the current with progressive expenditure to end of the year. Schemes costing less than Rs. 1 crore are clubbed and shown as other schemes. This represents the details for the figures given in Statement No.2. 1. Format: Figures to be depicted in thousands of rupees. The figures are to be computed from the report from the VLC Section or the concerned Accounting Sections.

5 RTI, Nagpur 5 Additional checks to be exercised on “Statement No. 13” as prescribed by the Headquarters Office. (1)The charged and voted figures may be combined in this Statement. (2)The figures of expenditure during the year by major heads mentioned in this statement should agree with those in Statement No. 12. (3)The expenditure to the end of the year mentioned in this statement should agree with the total of the corresponding figure in the Finance Accounts of the previous year plus the expenditure during the year. If there is any difference, the reason therefor should be mentioned in suitable footnotes. (4) The expenditure to the end of the year by major heads mentioned in this statement should agree with those in statement 2.

6 RTI, Nagpur 6 Additional checks to be exercised on “Statement No. 13” as prescribed by the Headquarters Office (contd…) (5) The figures in this statement should exclude expenditure met from the Contingency Fund but not recouped to the fund before the close of the year. But the figures should include expenditure met out of advances taken during the previous year(s) and recouped to the Fund during the current year. Suitable footnotes may be added to explain the position. (6) Minus expenditure should be explained suitably. (7) The investment figures appearing under minor head 190 across different major heads should tally with the investment figure appearing in the Statement 14 against Statutory Corporations, Government companies etc. Suitable footnote may be included in case the Grants-in-Aid given to Local Bodies are classified under Capital Section.

7 RTI, Nagpur 7 Statement No.14- Details of investments of Government in Statutory Corporations, Government Companies, Other Joint-Stock Companies, Co- operative Banks and Societies. Statement of investments - This indicates investments made by Government in Statutory Companies, joint-stock companies, govt. Companies, co-operative institutions. The expenditure during the year should agree with those shown in St.No.13. It also includes the dividends received. In cases of investments during the year the investment figures upto the previous year and the investment during the current year are exhibited distinctly. Format: Figures in column No. 7, 8 and 9 are in thousands of rupees.

8 RTI, Nagpur 8 Additional checks to be exercised on “Statement No. 14” as communicated by Headquarters Office (1) Investments up to the end of the previous year may be given as a consolidated entry and those during the current year may be given distinctly and total struck. (2) If the dividend received during the current year actually pertained to the earlier years or the dividend declared during the year has not yet been paid to Government the fact may be mentioned in the Remarks column. (3) The remarks column may also contain other relevant information e.g., purchase of shares at a discount, reasons for not declaring any dividend, losses incurred by the concerns, transfer of shares by Government to other parties, concerns under liquidation, etc. (4) The exact and full nomenclature of the institutions may be mentioned.

9 RTI, Nagpur 9 Additional checks to be exercised on “Statement No. 14” as communicated by Headquarters Office (contd…) (5) The figures against the period upto the last year should agree with the figures shown in the Finance Accounts of the previous year and if there is any difference, it should be explained by footnotes. Proforma corrections carried on the progressive expenditure should alo be indicated by footnotes. (6) The product obtained by multiplying the number of share by the face value of each share should agree with the amount shown as investment. The difference, if any, should be explained in the remarks column or by footnotes. The details of bonus shares received may also be indicated by footnotes. (7) The amount invested shown in statements is the actual account figure. The total should, therefore, tally with total of the amounts of investments booked under the minor head ‘190- Investments’ in statement 13 and to the major head figures in statement 2 and 13. If the account figures vary from the figures mentioned in this statement, the difference should be explained by footnotes.

10 RTI, Nagpur 10 Additional checks to be exercised on “Statement No. 14” as communicated by Headquarters Office (contd.): (8) If any institution mentioned in the previous year has been omitted this year, the reasons therefor should be explained by footnotes. (9) The total of dividends received should tally with the booked figure shown in statement No. 11 against Major Head 0050 – Dividend and profits. The difference, if any, should be explained by footnotes. (10) Brief particulars regarding the adverse working results of the institution for the year may be mentioned in the remarks column. In the case of continuous losses, the accumulated loss to the end of the year and the first year of loss may also be mentioned. (11) In the case of Investments from cash balances and sinking funds the figures should be reconciled with those mentioned in statement No. 4 (under arrangements for amortization) and statement No. 7 (under details of Cash Balance Investment Account).

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