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Supranational Organizations What are they and what is their future?

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Presentation on theme: "Supranational Organizations What are they and what is their future?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supranational Organizations What are they and what is their future?

2 What is a supranational org.? association of 3 or more states that work to benefit and promote all members –More than 60 in world today –Participation helps keep peace, being left out can be disastrous – Why?

3 Global: League of nations U.S. Pres. Woodrow Wilson proposed org. of all states in the world after WWI to prevent future war. 63 of 75 states joined – U.S. did not L. of N. Failed – Why?

4 Global: United Nations After WWII, new organization formed to promote peace in world 192 member countries Suborgs.: –FAO (Food & Agr. Org) –UNESCO (UN Ed, Sci., cult. Org) –WHO (World Health Org.)

5 Un Roles Promote “standards of behavior” among member states Restrict, sanction member states who violate standards Send peacekeeping troops Aid refugees Create Universal Declaration on Human Rights All good?

6 Regional: Benelux Regional can be stronger than global orgs. – why? Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg During WWII, created common tariffs and get rid of quotas

7 Marshall Plan Following WWII, U.S. Sec. of State, George Marshall proposed plan to help Europe recover and rebuild U.S. gave Europe $12 billion to revive economies Also, created cooperation between European countries

8 Regional: The European Union Marshall Plan led to OEEC (Org. of European Economic Cooperation) ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) - ECSC led to EEC (European Economic Community) EEC led to EC (European Community) – 12 members by 1989 EC becomes EU (European Union) - 1992

9 EU Roles 2002 – single currency – the Euro - UK still on pounds, why? Richer countries subsidize Poorer ones –As Eastern European states join, this adds financial burden on Western states

10 EU Concerns Growing poorer countries joining – Financial concern Germany’s strong pop. & Financially – Concern about Balance of Power Turkey – Disagree because of TRNC, treatment of Kurds, European enough?

11 Other Regional Orgs: NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) ACS (Asso. Of Caribbean States) ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) CIS (Commonwealth of Ind. States)

12 Effects of Supranationalism Some Europeans have more attachment to region than their country – Pros/Cons? Demand of nations to break away from states – independence Nuclear Weapons Globalization – Econ. & Cultural Terrorism Religion

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