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16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary 14 th UN/CEFACT Plenary Geneva, 16-17 September 2008 UN/CEFACT Forum Report Forum Management Group Chair: Mike.

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Presentation on theme: "16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary 14 th UN/CEFACT Plenary Geneva, 16-17 September 2008 UN/CEFACT Forum Report Forum Management Group Chair: Mike."— Presentation transcript:

1 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary 14 th UN/CEFACT Plenary Geneva, 16-17 September 2008 UN/CEFACT Forum Report Forum Management Group Chair: Mike Doran Vice-Chair: Anders Grangard

2 2 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Agenda Progress since the 13th UN/CEFACT Plenary Focusing on Delivery Programme of Work Workflow & Procedures Deliverables 11th UN/CEFACT Forum - Stockholm 12th UN/CEFACT Forum - Mexico City Outreach APEC - UN/CEFACT Joint Symposium - Seoul International Conference on Advancing Public-Private Partnerships for e-Business Standards - Geneva Future Challenges Reports from the Permanent Groups

3 3 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Progress since the 13th Plenary Focus on delivering UN/CEFACT products & services Forum Project Portfolio information reviewed and updated Alignment & prioritization of Forum projects with the UN/CEFACT Integrated Strategy Details of POW progress in PG Reports Programme of Work 2008/2009

4 4 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Focusing on Delivery Open Development Process (ODP) approved Forum Procedures Team (FPT) further refining Forum Workflow & Procedures in order to improve cooperation between the Permanent Groups Migration of the Project Matrix under Confluence to facilitate project tracking under discussion with UNECE Code of Conduct reviewed and updated Forum Election Procedures reviewed and updated for upcoming elections in Senegal Workflow & Procedures

5 5 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Focusing on Delivery Improved cooperation with Standards Development Organizations (SDOs): UN/CEFACT IEC/ISO/ITU MoU MG UN/CEFACT-OASIS MoU UN/CEFACT - UBL Convergence SDOs working with UN/CEFACT include GS1, OAGi, SWIFT, ACORD… Improved Forum management through: Bi-weekly conference calls Minutes circulated to all Permanent Groups F2F meetings at UN/CEFACT Forums - tactical Extended Bureau Meetings (Bureau + FMG) - strategic

6 6 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Focusing on Delivery XML schemas delivered Core Component Libraries published Buy-Ship-Pay Data Model including UNeDocs, Business Requirements Specification being updated Trade Facilitation Implementation Guide on schedule UN/CEFACT participating in EC e-Invoicing Expert Group More in the Permanent Group Reports… Deliverables

7 7 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary 11th UN/CEFACT FORUM 24-28 September 2007 Stockholm, Sweden Forum Host & Supporting Sponsors:

8 8 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary The 11th UN/CEFACT Forum The Stockholm Forum was hosted by the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was opened by Ms. Ewa Björling, Minister of Foreign Trade 250 participants from Africa, Asia/Pacific, Europe & North America Seminar held for Swedish business community on UN/CEFACT Recommendations & Standards The Forum celebrated 50 years of trade facilitation which had been launched, originally, by Sweden, in 1957 Excellent hosts & organization

9 9 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary 7-11 April 200812th UN/CEFACT FORUM - Mexico City9 24 September 200711th UN/CEFACT FORUM - Stockholm9 7-11 April 2008 Mexico City Sponsors Hosts & Organizers

10 10 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary The 12th UN/CEFACT Forum The Forum was hosted by the Mexican Ministry of Economy & organized by B2B Servicios (private sector). The Vice-Minister for Industry & Commerce, Ms. Rocio Ruiz, opened the Forum and there was excellent support from the Mexican Government and Business Sector. Over 200 participants from all regions attended including from a number from Latin American countries, who attended with the assistance of ECLAC. A parallel World eBusiness Congress was held during the Forum in which many UN/CEFACT delegates participated. Excellent hosts & organization

11 11 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary


13 13 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Future Challenges UN/CEFACT Priority Projects Market-driven/Stakeholder requirements Resources - Human & Financial Human - Right skill sets to match priority tasks Financial - UN/CEFACT needs a budget Improve Forum operations & reduce costs Capacity-Building Programme Based on what UN/CEFACT can deliver Management of change in Forum culture The eBusiness, Government & Trade Project (eBGT) will accelerate delivery of UN/CEFACT standards and recommendations, on the basis of:

14 14 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Future Forum Meetings 13th Forum meeting - Saly, Senegal 10-14 November 2008 14th Forum meeting - Rome, Italy, April 2009 15th Forum meeting - Sapporo, Japan, September 2009 16th Forum meeting - Cardiff, United Kingdom, April 2010

15 15 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG Report Chair: Jean-Luc Champion Vice Chair: Pat Toufar

16 16 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG Mandate The purpose of the TBG is to be responsible for the simplification of international trade procedures, business and governmental process analysis, and best practices, using the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology, where appropriate, to support the development of trade facilitation & e- Business standards.

17 17 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG Summary Typical Forum attendance - 150 experts within 17 Working Groups Many participants are sponsored by companies, trade associations and national governments but in all cases are expected to contribute as individual subject matter experts Since the last UN/CEFACT Plenary, the International Trade and Business Processes Groups met during the 11 th (Stockholm) and 12 th (Mexico City) UN/CEFACT Forums Also to progress work forward, TBG Work Groups conducted numerous face-to-face interim meetings and more than 100 internet conferences and conference calls

18 18 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG Working Groups TBG Working Groups can be categorized into three general areas: Buy - Ship – Pay Independent Domain Cross Domain

19 19 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Buy – Ship - Pay Working Groups Develop the core work contributing to Trade Facilitation deliverables Business Process Models cover Procurement through Payment Contribute to the Core Component Libraries Deliverables developed for UN/CEFACT Registry

20 20 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Independent Domains Working Groups Domain-oriented work content Incorporate reusable Buy-Ship-Pay content Contribute domain-specific content to the Core Component Libraries An example of the independent domain business area is Travel, Tourism and Leisure

21 21 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Cross Domain Working Groups Harmonization of Business Process Models from Buy-Ship-Pay and Independent Domains Harmonization of syntax-neutral Core Components from Domain Groups and External Liaisons

22 22 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Buy – Ship - Pay Working Groups within Buy-Ship-Pay TBG1-Supply Chain TBG2-Digital Paper TBG3-Transportation TBG4-Customs TBG5-Finance TBG8-Insurance TBG15-International Trade Procedures TBG18-Agriculture TBG19-eGovernment

23 23 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG1-Supply Chain & eProcurement TBG1-Supply Chain & eProcurement Purpose Supply chain and e-Procurement covers the Purchasing, Material Management and Payment areas Programme of Work Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) included in 07B library Scheduling, Ordering, Despatch & Receipt, Invoicing version 2, Remittance Advice core components scheduled for inclusion in 08B eCatalogue as well as Quotation scheduled for 09A Publication by TBG1 of normative message standards based on CCL 08B is expected in Q4 2008 Requirements on eInvoice from TBG5 (Finance) included 08B.

24 24 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG2 Digital Paper Purpose Develop standards and best practice for the migration from paper to paperless trade in international supply chains Programme of Work Inclusion of UNeDocs in the BUY–SHIP-PAY business information model and inclusion of the data in the D.08B CCL UNeDocs completed the Public Review (ODP Step 5) and moved forward to implementation verification stage (ODP Step 6) including data exchange pilot project (UK and Malaysia ), EU commission-funded project in 5 states focused on SMEs and regional projects hosted by APEC, and UNECE/ESCAP. ODP Step 7 (Publication) has been approved by TBG Steering Committee. Two UNeDocs workshops have been hosted by UNESCAP in Bangkok and another was hosted by JASTPRO in Tokyo.

25 25 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG3-Transportation and Logistics TBG3-Transportation and Logistics Purpose Develop the eBusiness standards for Logistics planning and Transport. This covers operational movements of goods, administrative and governmental requirements and safety and security of freight movements. Programme of Work International Forwarding & Transport Business Requirements Specifications (BRS) Core Components Transport joint submission TBG2/3 harmonized by TBG17 ready for CCL 08.B Next BRS development priority: Transport Instructions, Status Reporting Version 3 of ITIGG worldwide implementation guidelines Other Press release for the 20th anniversary of the Transport group (April 1998- April 2008)

26 26 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG4-Customs Purpose Collaborate with World Customs Organisation (WCO) covering Business to Government (B2G), Government to Government (G2G) and Business to Business (B2B) requirements in cross border transactions Programme of Work Contributed to WCO Data Model V3.0 content (approved by WCO Council June 2008) Work to reflect agriculture, human health & Basel Convention hazardous waste in Customs model Input to UML, MIGs, XML rules & definitions, DMRs to UNTDED & EDIFACT completed by 2009

27 27 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG5-Finance Purpose Be responsible within the financial services area for the simplification of international trade procedures, business and governmental process analysis, and optimization of all information exchange standards Programme of Work Inclusion of Customer Credit Transfer semantics in CC Library marks the successful first presence of finance in UN/CEFACT TBG5 continues to actively participate in cross-domain projects The key objective right now is e-invoicing and integration in the financial payment chain.

28 28 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG8-Insurance Purpose Functional area of insurance business including policy production, placement, claims, risk management. It covers also domestic and international environments, insurance and reinsurance, single company policies and co-insurance. Programme of Work Project work developed through Global Insurance Standards (ACORD), the Centre for Study of Insurance Operations (CSIO), and eBES Expert Group Seven TBG17 submission contains insurance-related information for Contract, Party and Coverage New areas of business are claims, life insurance, health insurance and automotive insurance.

29 29 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG15-International Trade Procedures TBG15-International Trade Procedures Purpose Analyze, simplify, harmonize and align public and private sector practices, procedures and information flows relating to international trade transactions both in goods and related services Programme of Work Develop guidance and tools to support a national Single Window facility Work undertaken on two Recommendations: No. 34 on the Data Simplification and Standardization No. 35 on establishing a legal framework for the efficient and effective operation of Single Window Revision of Recommendation 11 finalized Revision of Recommendations 6 and 12 progressed Progress on Trade Facilitation Implementation Guide

30 30 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG18-Agriculture Purpose Develop and maintain Business Process Models, the Business Transaction Models, the semantics and the contents in a syntax-neutral way that fulfil the requirements of the Agro – Food communities Programme of Work eCert and eDAPLOS audited and submitted for schema generation New projects approved: Livestock Animal Record, Laboratory analysis in agriculture and in the field of agri-food, Tracking and Tracing Fish, Animal Passport Joint project with TBG 12: “P075 - Accounting Reporting – Joint Project Amendment”

31 31 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG19-eGovernment Purpose Develop and maintain business scenarios and business transactions to facilitate the electronic delivery of services to citizens, businesses and government organizations Programme of Work eArchiving “Transfer of digital records” BRS eGovernment data model core components part of CCL08A Joint project (TBG1, 6 and 19) on ePublic procurement launched in September 2007. Main objective to converge UBL and UN/CEFACT models

32 32 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Independent Domains Working Groups within Independent Domains TBG6-Architecture, Engineering and Construction TBG9-Travel, Tourism and Leisure TBG12-Accounting and Audit TBG13-Environmental

33 33 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG6-Architecture, Engineering & Construction TBG6-Architecture, Engineering & Construction Purpose Responsible for coordinating and propose new developments and maintenance in the area of Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry (AEC) Programme of Work First UN/CEFACT XML standards in the field of Public Procurement: eTendering standard: 20 transactions from Information Notice to Contract Award for open, restricted or limited tenders applicable to Works, Goods and Services Project Schedule and Cost Performance Management: 10 transactions in field of project management Joint TBG1/TBG6 projects include eCatalog and Contract Financial Execution Management (CFEM) Projects New cross-domain project on Security in Messages and Documents launched

34 34 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG9-Travel, Tourism & Leisure TBG9-Travel, Tourism & Leisure Purpose To support and promote international business activities related to the exchange of travel industry data Programme of Work First set of schemas for requesting and receiving information on small-scaled lodging published in 07A Approval of Small Scaled Lodging Travel Product Information

35 35 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG12-Accounting & Audit Purpose The accounting and auditing domains and financial reporting. The exchanges are between the accountants and certified accountants, the auditors, and the enterprises. Internal or external financial reporting towards the economic partners of the enterprises, the private and public collection bodies. Programme of Work “Accounting Entry” implemented in Belgium by ISABEL and CERTIPOST into e-Invoice Financial Statements for the Agriculture Sector “Chart of accounts” BRS in progress

36 36 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG13-Environmental Purpose To support and promote both international and regional cooperation activities related to environmental data exchange Programme of Work Review of Business Requirement Specification on Waste Tracking and Core Components submission New TBG13 Project – Notification for the Movement of Hazardous Waste

37 37 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Cross Domains Working Groups within Cross Domains TBG14-Business Process Analysis TBG17-Core Component Harmonization

38 38 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG14-Business Process Analysis TBG14-Business Process Analysis Purpose Responsible for defining the International Supply Chain model to present the various processes and parties involved within the international supply chain in a simplified way Programme of Work Project P058 “Framework for Building Common Business Processes”- Specification into ODP5 Step Project P059 “International Supply Chain Reference Model” V1.4 of the BUY-SHIP-PAY model and the related Modelling Guidelines TBG14 engaged in TBG1/3/6 projects (eCat, CIO, CII, Quotation...) helping the TBGs to do business process modelling and creating their own modelling resources

39 39 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TBG17-Core Component Harmonisation TBG17-Core Component Harmonisation Purpose Responsible for consistency and harmonization of core components across business domains and sectors, contributing to a concise and well-defined glossary of business terms, business data semantic definitions, and structuring of data exchanges Programme of Work Core Component Libraries (CCL) 07A, 07B and 08A production CCL 08B is now available as a Draft. It includes: UNeDocs (including eCerts and eDAPLOS) Supply Chain: Agreement (Buy), Delivery (Ship), Settlement (Pay) Finance Insurance Links to the United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory And more Recommended for use for pilots and proofs of concept

40 40 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Information Content Management Group Chair: Mike Conroy Vice Chair: David Dobbing

41 41 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary ICG Mandate Management of the UN/CEFACT information repositories and libraries for electronic business and UN Recommendations that fall within its scope Technical conformance and registration of the UN/CEFACT business requirements specifications Normalization and maintenance of the base syntax-neutral information components that serve as the building blocks for the development of standards for implementation Technical conformity and registration of the syntax-specific objects and components The purpose of the Information Content Management Group (ICG) is to ensure the release of quality technical specifications for e-business:

42 42 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary A series of coherent, consistent and normalized reference libraries comprising the business requirements, information objects and code lists that are aligned with the domain reference models and serve as the building blocks for the development of standards for implementation Validating the conformance of technical specifications with the corresponding publication guidelines and for the release of approved syntax-specific information objects and components Processes and procedures for the maintenance of the libraries Mechanisms for ensuring the quality of the library contents Proposals, including draft Recommendations for review and approval by the UN/CEFACT Plenary and Maintenance of UN Recommendations related to codes ICG Deliverables

43 43 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary  UNECE Rec. No. 3 - ISO Country Code for Representation of Names of Countries  UNECE Rec. No. 5 - Abbreviations of INCOTERMS  UNECE Rec. No. 7 - Numerical Representation of Dates, Time, and Periods of Time  UNECE Rec. No. 8 - Unique Identification Code Methodology - UNIC  UNECE Rec. No. 9 - Alphabetical Code for the Representation of Currencies  UNECE Rec. No. 10 - Codes for Ship's Names  UNECE Rec. No. 15 - Simpler Shipping Marks  UNECE Rec. No. 16 - Trade and Transport Locations (UN/LOCODE)  UNECE Rec. No. 17 - Payterms  UNECE Rec. No. 19 - Codes for Modes of Transport  UNECE Rec. No. 20 - Codes for Units of Measure used in international trade  UNECE Rec. No. 21 - Codes for Types of Cargo, Packages and Packaging Materials  UNECE Rec. No. 23 - Freight Cost Code  UNECE Rec. No. 24 - Trade and Transport Status Codes  UNECE Rec. No. 28 - Codes for Types of Means of Transport UNECE Recommendations

44 44 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Principal Highlights Approved the UN/CEFACT Registry Specification 1.2 for progression to ODP 6 (Implementation Verification) Preparation of Registry staged implementation approach for eBGT Revised and approved code list updates to UNECE Recommendations Advanced Code List Migration Project and have produced a prototype of the UN/CEFACT code lists in XML using genericode Audited the first schema releases

45 45 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Items for Plenary Noting UNECE Rec. 20 (Units of Measure) – Rev.5 UNECE Rec. 21 (Codes for Passengers, Types of Cargo, Packages and Packaging Materials) – Rev.6 UNECE Rec 23 (Freight Cost Code) – Rev.6 UN/EDIFACT DIRECTORY Releases  D07A  D07B  D08A Core Component Library (CCL) Releases  D07A  D07B  D08A XML Schema Releases  D07A (e-Tendering, Small Scaled Lodging house, Project Schedule and Cost Performance Management)  D07B

46 46 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Work in progress UN/CEFACT Registry interface and connectors UN/CEFACT Registry proof of concept finalization UN/CEFACT Code List management finalization Ongoing Audit of UN/CEFACT deliverables Ongoing maintenance of UNECE Recommendations related to codes

47 47 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Tasks to be fulfilled The following tasks are performed on a regular basis: Management of UN/ECE Recommendations and generic UN Codelists Audit of UN/EDIFACT updates Audit of UN/Core Component Library Audit of XML Schemas Verification of the Business Requirement Specification (BRS) format Audit of the Requirement Specification Mapping (RSM)

48 48 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Applied Technologies Group Chair: Mark Crawford Vice Chairs: Gait Boxman Jostein Frømyr

49 49 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary ATG Mandate Create and maintain the trade, business and administration document structures based on a specific technology or standard Design, assembly and production of syntax-specific solutions based on identified business and/or technical requirements from the permanent groups of UN/CEFACT

50 50 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary ATG Deliverables Technical assessment and maintenance of syntax-specific solutions through the application of Data Maintenance Requests A series of coherent, consistent and normalized syntax solutions that are aligned with domain reference models for publication in a designated UN/CEFACT information Registry: UN/EDIFACT messages and their support directories XML Schemas

51 51 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary ATG Deliverables Procedures and Mechanisms for the maintenance and quality of the syntax solutions Appropriate technical specifications detailing the design and production rules, guidelines and checklists Maintenance of Recommendations/Technical Specifications in coordination with ISO TC154 UNECE Recommendation 1 (UN Layout Key) technical aspects ISO 9735 - UN/EDIFACT Syntax

52 52 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary ATG1 EDIFACT Syntax Purpose Development and Maintenance of EDIFACT syntax solutions to support UN/CEFACT work programme Officers: Chair: Gait Boxman

53 53 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Ongoing Work Item EDIFACT Data Maintenance Request (DMR) processing Stockholm Forum – EDIFACT Data Maintenance Request (DMR) processing – 42 Data Maintenance Requests (DMRs) 6 Approved 32 Approved with changes 1 Postponed 3 Withdrawn Mexico City Forum – EDIFACT Data Maintenance Request (DMR) processing – 33 Data Maintenance Requests (DMRs) 21 Approved 7 Approved with changes 2 Postponed 3 Withdrawn Senegal - >200 already submitted by World Customs Organization through eBES

54 54 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary ATG1 Projects UML2EDIFACT Project Defines methodology for transforming UN/CEFACT Modelling Methodology (UMM) conformant UML models into the EDIFACT syntax Project LeadGait Boxman EditorOpen Approval statusApproved by FMG Current ODP step6 Anticipate CompletionDependent on requirements of TBG

55 55 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary ATG2 – XML Syntax Group Purpose Development and maintenance of XML syntax solutions to support UN/CEFACT work programme Officers Chair: Jostein Frømyr

56 56 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Ongoing Work Item – Schema Generation 76 Schema for 07A 1 Common Reusable (XML Representation of CCL) 1 Unqualified Data Type (Basic Data Types) 7 Updated Code List Schema (used by data types) 33 Business Process Schema 21 eTendering 1 Cross Industry Invoice 2 Small Scale Lodging 9 Project Schedule and Cost Performance Management 34 Supporting Schema 1 Qualified Data Type (restricts value domain) 33 New Code List Schema (supporting QDTs)

57 57 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Ongoing Work Item – Schema Generation 76 Schema for 07B 1 Common Reusable (XML Representation of CCL) 1 Unqualified Data Type (Basic Data Types) 7 Updated Code List Schema (used by data types) 33 Business Process Schema 21 eTendering 1 Cross Industry Invoice 2 Small Scale Lodging 9 Project Schedule and Cost Performance Management 34 Supporting Schema 1 Qualified Data Type (restricts value domain) 33 New Code List Schema (supporting QDTs)

58 58 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary XML Naming and Design Rules, v3 Project LeadMark Crawford EditorMike Rowell Approval statusApproved by FMG Current ODP step5 (review ends 20 September) Anticipate ODP71 st qtr 2009 – Dependent on delivery of CCTS 3.0

59 59 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Data Type Library Project LeadSerge Cayron EditorMark Crawford Approval statusApproved by FMG Current ODP stepVersion 2 – In Maintenance Version 3 – ODP4 equivalent Anticipate Completion Version 3 – 1 st qtr 2009 (Dependent on delivery of CCTS 3.0)

60 60 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Standard Business Document Header, v2 Project LeadOpen EditorOpen Approval statusApproved by FMG Current ODP step2 (Prepare Requirements Document and review contributions received) Anticipate Completion Open

61 61 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary XML Representation of Core Components Project LeadMike Rowell EditorMark Crawford Approval statusApproved by FMG Current ODP step3 (1st Working Draft) Anticipate Completion 3 rd qtr 2009 – Dependent on delivery of CCTS 3.0

62 62 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Other Activities XML Schema User Guide Template Provide guidance for implementation and use Schema Generation and Testing Guidelines Promulgating Internal Processes to a wider audience Tools

63 63 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary ATG Driving Convergence under UN/CEFACT Had very successful F2F meetings January 2008 – Redwood Shores, California, USA June 2008 – Roros, Norway Representatives from different SDOs/Industry Consortia + a number of Government agencies are participating UBL, STAR, ACORD, GS1, RosettaNet, OAGi, CIDX, HR-XML Significant progress in achieving common understanding and alignment on XML technical issues such as: Serialization rules Customization Code Lists Namespaces

64 64 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary77 Techniques and Methodologies Group (TMG) Chair (until Feb. 2008): Gunther Stuhec Chair (since Feb. 2008): Christian Huemer Presenter: Mark Crawford

65 65 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TMG Mandate The purpose of the Techniques & Methodologies Group (TMG) is to provide all UN/CEFACT Groups with Meta (base) Business Process, Information and Communications Technology specifications, methodologies, recommendations and education. The TMG also functions as a research group evaluating new information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as, techniques and methodologies that may assist UN/CEFACT and its groups to fulfill their mandate and vision in Trade Facilitation and e-Business.

66 66 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary TMG Competencies Provides the required key methodologies that are necessary for Highly dynamic and context-driven, next-generation B2B Common and unambiguous understanding on the semantic level Collaborative business processes that consider the aspects of contracts / agreements Highly reusable and flexible building blocks of business information These methodologies are comparable with a natural language a must for doing collaborative business effectively, the key differentiatior to all other existing business standards highly required to realize next generation eBusiness environment (ESOA)

67 67 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary General Info Members ~ 30 active members 15 – 20 participants at face-to-face meetings Meetings TMG Interim Meeting: Kansas City (July 2007) 11th CEFACT Forum: Stockholm (Sep. 2007) TMG Interim Meeting: Zurich (Dec. 2007) 12th CEFACT Forum: Mexico City (April 2008) TMG Interim Meeting: Berlin (June 2008) TMG Interim Meeting: Tokyo (Sep. 2008)

68 68 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary Working Groups & Projects Core Components Working Group Core Components Technical Specification (CCTS 3.0) UML Profile for Core Components (UPCC 1.0) UN/CEFACT Context Methodology (UCM 1.0) Business Process Working Group UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM 1.0/2.0) Resource-Event-Agent specialization (REA 1.0) eBusiness Architecture Working Group eBusiness Architecture (eBA 1.0)

69 69 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary LG Report Chair: Bart Schermer (Acting) Vice Chair: Bart Schermer

70 70 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary LG Mandate The purpose of the Legal Group (LG) is to ensure that the legal aspects of electronic business and international trade facilitation are considered in the work of the UN/CEFACT. To this end, the Legal Group analyses current legal processes and issues within the mission and objectives of UN/CEFACT, identifies legal constraints that adversely affect the mission and objectives of the Centre, and proposes practical improvements to these legal processes and issues.

71 71 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary LG Activities in 2007/8 Recommendation 35 Legal aspects of Single Window Framework (SWF), checklist for operators, toolkit Final draft to be discussed with TBG15 during this Plenary Strengthening ties with UNCITRAL Presentation on CEFACT SWF work during annual congress Involving UNCITRAL Secretariat in ePP project (TBG19) Unified Business Agreements and Contracts put on hold Support on legal issues within UN/CEFACT Participation in task team on IPR Policy Participation in Stockholm Forum IPR session

72 72 16/17 September 200814th UN/CEFACT Plenary16th September 2008Geneva 89 UN/CEFACT S IMPLE, T RANSPARENT AND E FFECTIVE P ROCESSES FOR G LOBAL B USINESS.

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