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1 Office of Economic Adjustment Program Brief for National Governors Association Mr. Patrick O’Brien, Director January 22, 2004.

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1 1 Office of Economic Adjustment Program Brief for National Governors Association Mr. Patrick O’Brien, Director January 22, 2004

2 2 Office of Economic Adjustment  Created in 1961 as a component of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) provides overall procedural guidance and adjustment ( primarily planning and organizational ) assistance to communities, regions and States adversely affected by significant Defense program changes  Since 1978, OEA has been a field activity under the Office of the Secretary and responsible for the Defense Economic Adjustment Program under Executive Order 12788

3 3 Office of Economic Adjustment Mission Statement  Provide assistance to states and local governments affected by significant Defense actions, including base closures, realignments, expansions, industry/contractor reductions, encroachment, personnel reductions  Help communities achieve productive civilian reuse and rapid economic development of closed military bases through timely and effective technical and financial assistance  Manage and direct the Defense Economic Adjustment Program, and coordinate and facilitate the involvement of federal agencies of the President’s Economic Adjustment Committee

4 4 Office of Economic Adjustment Programs – Authorized under 10 U.S.C. § 2391  Base Realignment & Closure (BRAC)  $144 million to over 100 impacted communities from prior BRAC rounds  Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) – urban encroachment  34 projects presently underway  Intergovernmental  Coordinated delivery of over $1 billion in federal domestic assistance as well as the transfer of excess BRAC property to civilian users  Defense Industry Adjustment (DIA), Advanced Planning, State Adjustment Planning, and Growth

5 5  Front-line Support to Military and Communities  Post-Closure Decision Policy Oversight Base Reuse Implementation Manual, DoD Instructions, and regulations Inter-Service Working Groups  DoD Support Defense Economic Adjustment Program Conferences Authority on community and reuse Repository of BRAC data  Community Planning Assistance technical and financial assistance for organization, planning, and implementation community organizational and planning support  Economic Development Conveyance (EDC) Oversight Office of Economic Adjustment Base Reuse Assistance AssistanceResults  78 multi-time grant recipients, averaging $1.8 million each  24 one-time grant recipients, averaging $165,500 each  8 technical assistance publications 129,649 total lost

6 6 Office of Economic Adjustment BRAC 2005 - Key Projected Dates  2004 Focus groups, preparation of guidance manuals, e-business  Summer 2004 Notice of Funding Availability for Advanced Planning Assistance  May 16, 2005 Deadline for Secretary’s BRAC recommendations to Commission and Defense Congressional Committees [OEA 2391 BRAC Assistance is available – dual track, State grants]  July 1, 2005 GAO transmits analysis of SECDEF recommendations and selection process  September 8, 2005 Commission’s report due to President OEA [2391 BRAC – organizational seed grants]  September 23, 2005 President must approve or disapprove Commission’s recommendations and transmit decision to Congress (if approved, recommendations are binding 45 days after transmission or adjournment sine die, unless Congress enacts joint resolution of disapproval) [Full OEA 2391 BRAC or BRAC Act assistance]  October 20, 2005 Commission deadline for submitting revised recommendations if President disapproved initial recommendations  November 7, 2005 President’s deadline for approving revised recommendations and transmitting approval to Congress or process ends (recommendations are binding 45 days after transmission or adjournment sine die, unless Congress enacts joint resolution of disapproval)

7 7 Office of Economic Adjustment State Grant Assistance  Assist a State in enhancing its capacities to assist communities, businesses, and workers adversely affected by a closure or realignment to support local adjustment and diversification initiatives; and, to stimulate cooperation between statewide and local adjustment and diversification efforts.  Eligible activities Develop a State-wide adjustment or diversification strategy responding to base closures/realignments; Build staff capacity to assist or coordinate assistance to defense-impacted communities, firms, and/or workers

8 8 Office of Economic Adjustment Previous State Initiatives  California Staff, newsletter, coordination, oversee matching grant program  Colorado Statewide response, administrative capacity  Indiana Identify state dependencies, coordinate state and regional resources  New York Coordinate state resources  South Carolina Coordinate resources, identify statewide defense impacts, formulate diversification strategies

9 9 Office of Economic Adjustment Supplemental Slides

10 10 Aviation 36,792 acres at 27 installations Interior 49,697 acres at 33 installations Education 3,151 acres at 19 installations Justice 6,150 acres at 18 installations Health and Human Services 334 acres at 17 installations Transportation 2,308 acres at 16 installations Maritime Administration 737 acres at 4 installation Office of Economic Adjustment Reuse Program - Intergovernmental Assistance Excess Property Disposed

11 11 Office of Economic Adjustment Base Reuse Program - Project Locations NAS Memphis Memphis DDD [  Umatilla AD McClellan AFB NSWC Louisville Loring AFB Pease AFB AMTL Plattsburg AFB Griffiss AFB K.I. Sawyer AFB Wurtsmith AFB Newark AFB Grissom AFB Ft. Sheridan NAS Glenview Rickenbacker AGB Ft. Ben Harrison Chanute AFB Jefferson PG Richards Gebaur ARS Lexington AD Eaker AFB England AFB NADEP Pensacola NAS Cecil Field Myrtle Beach AFB NS, NSY, NSC Charleston NTC, NH Orlando Homestead AFB NS Mobile NAS Chase Field Bergstrom AFB Carswell AFB NAS Dallas Ft. Wingate Williams AFB Pueblo AD Lowry AFB Tooele AD NS Sand Point Hawaii Guam NAS Barbers Pt NS, NSY, NH Long Beach MCAS Tustin MCAS El Toro NH/NTC San Diego Bay Area   1988199119931995               5    Ft. Ord MacDill AFB Ft. Chaffee Red River AD Ft. Polk 3 7 8 2 1 9 10 11 13 MCAS Cherry Pt. 1. Ft. Devens, MA 2. NCBC Davisville, RI 3. NS Staten Is., NY 3. NS Brooklyn, NY 4. Ft. Monmouth (Camp Kilmer), NJ 5. NAWC Trenton, NJ 6. Ft. Dix, NJ 7. NSY, NH, NS Philadelphia, PA 7. DPSC Philadelphia, PA 8. NAWC Warminster, PA 9. Ft. Meade, MD 10. Cameron Sta., VA 11. Vint Hill Farms, VA 12. HDL Woodbridge, VA 13. NADEP Norfolk, VA 13. NRTF Suffolk, VA 14. Stratford Army Engine Plant, CT 15. Bayonne Milit. Ocean Term., NJ 16. Ft. Richie, MD 17. Ft. Pickett, VA 18. NSWC Annapolis, MD 19. NUWC New London, CT 20. Rosslyn AGS, NY 21. Bellmore Logistics Activity, NY 22. Camp Pendricktown, NJ 23. MSWC White Oak, MD 24. Ft. Totten, NY 25. Kelly Support Facility, PA  Cannon AFB  Mt. Home AFB NCEL Port Hueneme  [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [  [    Reese AFB FISC/SRF NS Agana Kelly AFB Sierra AD Sacramento AD Mather AFB George AFB Norton AFB March AFB Hamilton AAF Presidio of SF NSY Mare Is. NSY Hunters Pt. NS Treasure Is. FISC/NH Oakland Pt. Molate NAS/NADEP Alameda Oakland Army Base Onizuka AFS Castle AFB Ogden DDD Fitzsimons AMC Savanna AD Aviation-Troop Command Ft. McClellan NAWC Indianapolis NAS South Weymouth Seneca AD Letterkenny AD 14 15 16 Ft. Greely, AK NAF Adak, AK 12 17 Detroit Arsenal Hancock Field 18 19 Gentile AFS NAS Key West 25 4 20 21 22 6 24 Camp Bonneville Rio Vista ARC Ontario AGS

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