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Clauses Subordinate Independent

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Presentation on theme: "Clauses Subordinate Independent"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clauses Subordinate Independent

2 Remember that a CLAUSE is:
A group of words in a sentence that contains BOTH a SUBJECT and a PREDICATE.

3 Two types of Clauses are:
Subordinate Independent

4 Subordinate Clauses Subordinate clauses have a subject and a predicate, but they cannot stand alone. Ex: Before we go to the store Because it is a mess! Since we didn’t do our homework

5 Subordinating Conjunctions (AAAWWUBBIS)
Subordinating Conjunctions are the special words attached to clauses that cause them to need another clause (to be subordinate). 5

6 AAAWWUBBIS After Although As When While Until Because Before If Since

7 Relative Pronouns Words that ACT like AAAWWUBBIS’ because they make a clause subordinate. Who, whom, whose, that, which We like the teacher who lets us eat in class. 7

8 Examples: If you don’t eat, you’ll be grumpy.
Since Monday is a holiday, you can sleep in. Since Monday, you have been sleeping. We ate inside because it was raining. I’ll wait to get my new shoes until I have the money. 8

9 Check Your Answers If you don’t eat, you’ll be grumpy.
Since Monday is a holiday, you can sleep in. Since Monday, you have been sleeping. We ate outside because it was raining. I’ll wait to get my new shoes until I can afford them. 9

10 Independent Clauses Are clauses that CAN stand alone (which means they are complete sentences). EX- let’s make a grocery list clean your room we can’t play outside

11 Comma Rule #1 When a subordinate clause comes first in a sentence (and is followed by an independent clause), it must be separated by a COMMA Because it was raining, the party was cancelled. 11

12 Label the Subordinate and independent clauses (SC/IC)
Let’s make a grocery list before we go to the store. Clean your room because it’s a mess. We can’t play outside since we didn’t do our homework.

13 IC SC Let’s make a grocery list before we go to the store. IC SC Clean your room because I told you to. IC SC We can’t play outside since we didn’t do our homework.

14 HOMEWORK: Write ten sentences that contain one dependent clause and one independent clause each! Label the clauses!

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