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Grammar Unit 5 Lesson 2 Subordinate Clauses.  A subordinate clause, also called a dependent clause, has a subject and a predicate but does not express.

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1 Grammar Unit 5 Lesson 2 Subordinate Clauses

2  A subordinate clause, also called a dependent clause, has a subject and a predicate but does not express a complete thought.  Three types of subordinate clauses: adjective clauses, adverb clauses, and noun clauses.

3 Subordinate Clause  It is dependent on the rest of the sentence because it does not make sense by itself.  A subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun usually introduces a subordinate clause.  Ex: When the dog barked, the baby cried.  When the dog barked=subordinate clause  The baby cried=main clause  When=relative pronoun

4 Examples  Dogs that obey are a joy.  Subordinate clause=that obey  That=relative pronoun  Whoever joins the circus will travel across the country.  Subordinate clause=whoever joins the circus  Whoever=relative pronoun

5 Exercise  Underline the main clauses once and the subordinate clauses twice. 1.While I wash the dishes, you set the table. 2.What Kasim enjoys is reading a book on a beautiful day under his favorite tree. 3.Martha truly believes that she will be president of the United States. 4.Cara uses a computer to perform calculations that she cannot do on her own. 5.He may not be home when you call. 6.Li can’t go to the park this afternoon because she is going to the art fair. 7.Whoever swims in the deep end is required to pass the swim test. 8.If it rains, Sam has an extra umbrella.

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