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Kateřina Nováčková 2013/2014 Building development of the structures No 97 and 98 in the Jewish Quarter.

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Presentation on theme: "Kateřina Nováčková 2013/2014 Building development of the structures No 97 and 98 in the Jewish Quarter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kateřina Nováčková 2013/2014 Building development of the structures No 97 and 98 in the Jewish Quarter

2 Jewish Quarter

3  One of the best preserved Jewish Quarters in Europe  Inscribed to the UNESCO list  Located on the left bank of the Jihlava River under the rocks of Hrádek  Houses built close one to each other, without gardens  Preserved 123 buildings, A variety of architectural styles  Significant objects: Rear Synagogue Front Synagogue rabbinate Tawn hall

4  Before 1556 Formation is not precisely dated The beginning is connected with the construction of the monastery in 1101  Phase I 1556 – 1618 Jewish families lived scattered among Christians (6 families in Podklášteří, 2 families in Stařečka Street)  Phase II 1618 – 1654 Growth of Jews during the Thirty Years´War Foundation of the cemetery, old synagogue and shops History of the Jewish Quarter

5  Phase III 1654 – 1723 Large increase in Jewish population Renting of fields and meadows to Cristians Rear Synagogue  Phase IV 1723 – 1850 ghetto 1850 formal equality of Jews and Christians  After 1850 Jews sold their houses and moved away During WWII the Jewish town nearly deserted – deportations to concentration camps 10 families returned after WWII Begining of renovations

6 History of the houses No 97, 98

7  Around 1627 the Jews acquisited the house  Most likely the building itself comes from 15th century  The house devided into two parts  1940 – 1942 bakery established  till 1958 baker´s  1963 state of emergency  2003 reconstruction by Kapucín s.r.o.

8 Location

9  layout Before reconstruction

10  Storey outbuilding

11  vaults

12  Attic above No 97

13  Beginnig – June 2003  Finish - December 2003  basement - archive, offices for technicians, social facilities and warehouse space  1st floor – shop and public service, representative hall, social facilities, archive Reconstruction

14 Before and after the reconstruction




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