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The Rise of Christianity Chapter 6-3

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1 The Rise of Christianity Chapter 6-3
Religion played an important role in Roman Society As the empire grew so did Christianity Born as a movement within Judaism it emphasized a more personal relationship between God and people Attracted many Romans Jesus – historians believe that sometime around 6-4 B.C. a Jew named Jesus was born At age 30 began public ministry Preached, taught, did good works and reportedly preformed miracles Stressed a personal relation ship with God

2 Christianity Spreads Through the Empire
Followers of Jesus spread his word through the empire Pax Romana made travel and spread of the word easier Some Christians were persecuted because they refused to worship Roman Gods Refusal was seen as opposition to Roman Rule Paz Romana began to crumble Romans exiled, imprisoned, and executed Christians

3 Map the Spread of Christianity
Look at the map on page 171 Where was Christianity most widespread in A.D. 325?_________________ What was the extent of Christianity’s spread by a.d. 500? (north to south and east to west)________________________________

4 Comparing Christianity and Judaism
Belief that Jesus in the Messiah Acceptance of Gentiles and Jews alike Belief that Jews are the chosen people Adherence to the Jewish law Believe Jesus was another prophet BOTH: belief in one God Belief in the Ten Commandments Belief in God

5 Assignment Complete Chapter 6 section 3: The Rise of Christianity in your packets (two handouts re-teaching activity and guided Reading) Vocabulary Terms: Jesus Roman Republic Apostle

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