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Final Presentation- Content Group Tom Ciampoli, Alex Evers, Courtney Morrison, Aislinn Murphy.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Presentation- Content Group Tom Ciampoli, Alex Evers, Courtney Morrison, Aislinn Murphy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Presentation- Content Group Tom Ciampoli, Alex Evers, Courtney Morrison, Aislinn Murphy

2 What we did… Sifted through group’s articles and chose most relevant Determined article organization Created Table of Contents Along with Editing: Wrote introductions to sections of the text

3 How did it fit into the project Managed and organized content Wrote half of the introductions Created the basis and mission statement for the project at large Helped to narrow down the scope of the entire project/e- book

4 SLIDE OF TABLE OF CONTENTS Unit 1: Theory Chapter 1: Research/Basic Research Skills Writes of Passage, Lynn White Chapter 2: Technical Writing for Students Understanding Visual Rhetoric in Digital Writing Environments, Mary Hocks From the Workplace to Academia Experience in Technical Writing Pedagogy Chapter 3: Technical Writing for the Workplace Technical Writing and Professional Status Workplace Writing Skills- Developing Clarity and Accuracy, Christine Polk Chapter 4: Writing Rhetorically Hypertext Theory, Susan Lang Outlining Purposes, Stating the Nature Rhetorical Approach to Technical Communication Chapter 5: Ethics -Nazi Technical Memorandum- Dombrowski -Ethics in Technical Communication- Martin Unit 2: Application - Chapter 1: Writing for Digital and Online Platforms -The Rise of the Multimedia Authoring Platform -Examining Author’s Craft- Hicks - Chapter 2: Copyright/Proper Citation -Copyright Basics -Creative Commons - Chapter 3: Resumes -What People Need to Know About Writing in Order to Write At Their Jobs - Chapter 4: Creating Portfolios -Creating Professional Portfolios -Creating Professional ePortfolios in Technical Writing - Chapter 5: Design and Formatting -Beyond Black on White

5 As individual students Found articles regarding theory and application Wrote brief abstracts for individual articles found Wrote intros on various sections Created table of contents, and laid out sections and subject areas which the book would cover Decided which articles would go in which sections

6 Group Learning Process Finding Meeting time Emailed Weekly meetings COMMUNICATION Cohesive presentations Knowing what other group members are saying and in what manner and order

7 Significant Group Learning Experience Going through articles and realized how much of an undertaking it was Learning to divide and conquer Seeing the amount of reading and then understanding how to work through it and get the work done Indicated how much goes into the publication process

8 Advice for others… Get organized as quickly as possible Get firm deadlines Group management –firm and direct leader Meetings with professor Take it one step at a time

9 Problem Solving Skills Learned Getting all 4 people on the same page In class meeting Email/texting Content and initial organization Importance of interdependency Within the group and with other groups Organization of materials Steady flow of Communication Group Management

10 How does this fit into the minor Research theory and application principles of professional writing Differentiate between aspects of both Developed understanding of what professional writing is Learning/ going through process of publishing ePud as group project Handling and development of content (!!!) Using Linda as a valuable resource

11 Significant Individual Learning Moments Tom: Trying to tackle the amount and volume of articles which we read to determine which ones would make it into the e- book was initially an extremely daunting task. Working through the first introductions and abstracts was a learning experience, but also fostered a definite sense of accomplishment when finished, while setting forth a blueprint for how to approach the rest of this undertaking.

12 Individual Accomplishments- Tom Set up the Table of Contents, and determined which articles would go where along with the rest of the group Wrote introductions for sections 1 and 3 of the e-book Decided which articles from the Theory Binder after reading them, along with Aislinn Created PowerPoints and summaries for the articles we chose for the textbook Helped to construct initial PowerPoint presentation

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