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Lost in the Fog: Is Cloud Computing The Future for Digital Information?” Adam Stapleton Government Technology Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Lost in the Fog: Is Cloud Computing The Future for Digital Information?” Adam Stapleton Government Technology Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lost in the Fog: Is Cloud Computing The Future for Digital Information?” Adam Stapleton Government Technology Services

2 Overview  Cutting through the hype  Cloud computing guidance  Recordkeeping implications

3 Sound familiar? (Gartner, 2009, Key issues for cloud computing)  “Cloud computing is the latest hot topic”  “Cloud computing has become the latest in a series of popular industry terms”  Utility computing, SaaS and ASPs…

4 At the peak... (Gartner, 2009, Hype cycle for cloud computing)

5 …or moving into the trough? (Computerworld, 2010, Frustrations with cloud computing)  “Cloud computing users are shifting their focus from what the cloud offers to what it lacks. What it offers is clear, such as the ability to rapidly scale and provision, but the list of what it is missing seems to be growing by the day.”

6 Government use of cloud computing (Gartner, 2009, Government in the Cloud)  1-3 years: Using public clouds for open data and government channel delivery  3-5 years: Private clouds for infrastructure, financial, HR services  5+ years: SaaS de facto implementation for commonly-used and agency-specific applications

7 Public clouds are here now (Gartner, 2009, Government in the Cloud)  Public cloud platforms are now in use for information provision:  Google (NZ Post, NZ Fire Service)  Flickr (Te Papa, DOC)  Twitter (Ministry of Health, Archives NZ, MCDEM)  PFA amendment for social media

8 What are the benefits and risks?  May deliver cost savings and productivity benefits  May modify the risk profile for security, reliability, data control and management, data discovery and recovery.  Widely-held perception by New Zealand public sector agencies that these risks prevent their use of cloud computing services.

9 Reducing the barriers  Publish guidance to reduce the barriers for adoption of cloud computing services  Key research questions:  definitions, origins, trends for cloud computing  how other governments have responded to cloud computing  stocktake of cloud computing constraints  opportunities to adopt cloud computing  transition advice  significant unresolved issues and mitigations  Guidance developed in conjunction with agencies and suppliers

10 Alternative commercial model Gartner, 2008, Cloud Computing: Defining and describing an emerging phenomenon)  Cloud computing is a new way of delivering IT-related services that is widely-regarded as being a paradigm shift from traditional license-based, on- premises implementations of IT systems

11 Convergence of ICT trends (Gartner, 2009, Key issues for cloud computing)  Virtualization  Service orientation  Internet

12 Changing role of IT  Potential revolution in the way IT-related services are sourced and contracted:  From custom-building technology solutions to sourcing commodity services  From operating IT systems to managing service delivery to customers  From driving technology change to enabling business change

13 Why is cloud popular?  Cloud computing is an approach to delivering IT services that embodies the pace of economic and technology change:  rapid deployment  scalable infrastructure  pay for use  low entry cost

14 Recordkeeping implications  Cloud computing does not create any new recordkeeping challenges…  …but will exacerbate existing challenges

15 EDRMS assumptions  European “registry system” origin  Assumes organisational structures and business models are well-understood and static  EDRMS struggled when the desktop was the single point of content creation

16 Challenges  Organisational structures and business models now dynamic and poorly understood  Content creation increasingly happening outside of the desktop in the cloud (e.g. Web 2.0 services)  Increased deployment speed for new IT services

17 EDRMS failure  Significant effort to create records in EDRMS systems  Difficult to locate records in EDRMS systems  The result: many records not created or managed appropriately as EDRMS by- passed

18 Cloud is not top of mind (Ponemon Institute, 2009, Cyber security mega trends)

19 A new vision?  Frictionless user experience  Value-adding for the business  Based on crowdsourcing (tagging) and algorithmic (search) technologies  Extends past the edge of the enterprise

20 Some questions  Storage issues may go away in the cloud but does this eliminate the rationale for disposal?  Can you ever delete a record than may reside in multiple datacentres in multiple countries?  Can you ever delete records in the cloud?  What would you do if a cloud provider went out of business?  What is the level of social media usage in your organisation?  How would your EDRMS address content created in a public cloud?

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