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Unit 5 Reading 2. Hepburn ’ s profile Date of birth Place of birth Used to be Date of death Cause of death 4th May 1929 Belgium Ballet dancer Model 20th.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Reading 2. Hepburn ’ s profile Date of birth Place of birth Used to be Date of death Cause of death 4th May 1929 Belgium Ballet dancer Model 20th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Reading 2

2 Hepburn ’ s profile Date of birth Place of birth Used to be Date of death Cause of death 4th May 1929 Belgium Ballet dancer Model 20th January 1993 Cancer

3 Monte Carlo Baby Gigi Roman Holiday Ondine Funny face Breakfast at Tiffany’s My fair Lady Always Gardens of the world with Audrey Hepburn won the Tony Award earned Oscar nominations marked the beginning of her successful career met a famous writer Colette won an Oscar for Best Actress only one TV series Made her last appearance in films Hepburn’s acting career

4 1.Why do people also remember Audrey Hepburn as a great humanitarian? 2.What awards did she receive for her charity work? 3.How did she die? And how old was she when she died? Because she devoted much of her time to Charity She was honoured with a number of awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She passed away peacefully in her sleep at the age of 63. Read Para7-8 and answer the questions:

5 at once feel sad because someone has died has an attractive quality has a chance to win an Oscar the main character says firmly that something is true

6 She is famous not only in the USA, but also in other parts of the world. He is an actor a singer.not onlybut also not only… but also… 意为 “ 不但 …… 而 且 ……” 、 “ 既 …… 又 ……”, 用作并列连词, 连接两 个相同的成分。 ① He is not only an actor but also a singer. ② We can speak______________________________. ( 不仅会说汉语还会说英语) not only Chinese but also English ③ Not only Mrs. Han but also Mr. Shuang are friendly to us. is

7 ⑴ She sings well. ⑵ She also dances beautifully. She not only sings well but also dances beautifully.

8 People remembered her not just as a great actress, but also as a great humanitarian because she devoted much of her time to charity. ① remember... as... People remember him as a comedy actor. He devoted lots of time to film industry. ② devote(time,life,oneself) to sth She___________________ teaching since she came to this school. It is selfless of the doctor to devote all the time he had ________ for the patients. A. care B. to care C. caring D. to caring ③ devote(time,life,oneself) to doing has devoted herself to

9 When Hepburn died in 1993,the world mourned the loss of a great beauty. loss(n.)lose(v.) lost(adj.) lose lost loss 1.The more you want, the more you _______. 2.You can call 110 when you get ____. 3. Qian Xuesen’s death is a great ______to Chinese space science and technology.

10 She had put all her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry. As a Grade 9 student, we should ____________ __________. put one’s effort into doing Liu Xiang always puts all his effort into________. training put our effort into study

11 3. 过去完成时 : had + 过去分词 表示在过去某一时间之前已经完成的动作或状态。 在搬到这里之前我的叔叔已经在南京住了 5 年了. My uncle had lived in Nanjing for five years before he moved here. She said she had seen the film twice. 她说她已经看过这部电影 2 次了 。 She had put most of her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry.

12 It wants to remind us that we mustn’t drive after drinking. It wants to remind us not to drive after drinking. remind sb. that remind sb. to do She wanted to remind us that we should protect the environment by showing us the beauty of nature. What does this picture want to remind us?

13 She was honoured with a number of awards because of her efforts in this area. honour Vt. 给予表扬(或奖励) Vt. (=present) honour/present sb. with be honoured/presented with n. 荣誉,奖励

14 Translate the following phrases: go beyond devote much of her time to charity be honoured with… shortly after 1. 超出 … 的范围 2. 把她当作一个人道主义者来记住她 remember her as a humanitarian 3. 把她许多的时间都致力于慈善事业 4. 被授予 … 5. 不久过后

15 Translate the following phrases: during her lifetime at a very young age enter the film industry pass away peacefully 6. 在她一生中 7. 吸引某人的注意 attract one’s attention 8. 在很小的时候 9. 进入电影行业 10. 安详地去世 11. 演主角 play the lead role

16 课课练 P50 1.not only…but also 2. mourn the loss of sb 3. enter the film industry 4. a ballet dancer 5. during her lifetime 6. write a film called… 7. pass away peacefully 8. the beginning of… 9. a number of awards 10. in different parts of the world 11. 把她所有的精力放入 12. 立刻出名 13. 贯穿她的整个演艺时间 14. 获得一次奥斯卡提名 15. 扮演 … 角色 16. 在 … 岁时 17. 最后一次露面 18. 因为某人的努力 19. 最后一次散步 20. 把她的时间奉献给慈善

17 课课练 熟读课文 整理笔记

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