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Curtain Raisers New Youth Agenda for Valjevo BY: Radovan Omerovic and Dusan Martinovic.

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Presentation on theme: "Curtain Raisers New Youth Agenda for Valjevo BY: Radovan Omerovic and Dusan Martinovic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curtain Raisers New Youth Agenda for Valjevo BY: Radovan Omerovic and Dusan Martinovic

2 Project description Problem analysis The main problem is lack of good places for going out. There is not even one sports centre for recreation. Kids must go out unstead sitting in front of their computers.

3 Project Description Target Group The primary target group are teenagers because they are in time when they go out, but also they need to play some sport. Secondary target group would be city authorities because they are people who could make changes.

4 Project Description Project Objective The objective is to make teenagers play sports because that is interesting and healthy. Also town authorties need to open more places for teenagers and make more events.

5 Action Plan: Performing Arts Activity: Valjevo for Japan Concerts: Rolling Stones Time:5 hours. Responsible: Youth center Resources: Money, stage, sound system, security,dancers. Outcome: Go out from their houses and have fun with friends.

6 Action Plan: Visual Arts Activity: Group painting. Time:2 hours. Responsible:Youth center. Resources:Painting equipment, local artists. Outcome:Youngs explore their talents and have fun in new ways.

7 Action Plan: Sports Activity: Sports day. Children play various sports and learn about new sports. Time:10 hours. Responsible:Youth center. Resources:Football stadiums, playgrounds. Outcome:Children will have fun and play sports.

8 Action Plan: Summer Camps Activity: Summer camps for learning, playing sports. Time:10 days. Responsible:Youth center. Resources: Money, volunteers. Outcome: Children will meet foreigners.

9 Action Plan: Community service Activity: Older children help young students with their school work. Time:whole year. Responsible:Youth center. Resources:Volunteers. Outcome:Children help eachother.

10 Getting Ideas Here are some websites listing events and activities in our country and round the world. They might give you a few ideas: BelgradeBelgrade London SidneyLondonSidney Agents4changeAgents4change DoSomethingDoSomething MySummerCamps

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