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Emergency Response Training Class
Slide 1 Thank you for the opportunity to describe the bridge selection process we have built in Oregon. Gary Bowling, Oregon DOT Bridge Engineering Section
Presentation Purpose Bridge Components Preparation for the Inspection
Performing the inspection Reporting the results
Purpose Make some ordered sense of the chaos and provide you with a clear understanding of how you fit into the big picture. Maximize the use of available personnel. Minimize duplication of effort. Slide 2 Oregon has built a process over the past 4 years to force attention, and funds, towards its bridges. We have had BMS in place, but management had not been using it. It held a wealth of information, but not in a form that managers would use. BMS was also not geared to handle policy issues. The largest in Oregon was our increased awareness of our seismic and scour risk. As in any State we also had to deal with differing geographic concerns. We also faced frequent, and unrelated demand for inforrmation. Rather than develop a new system, we fitted BMS into a broader system directed towards making major investment decisions.
Purpose Minimize Confusing and Conflicting Reports.
Provide an accurate accounting of the condition of the bridges under your jurisdiction. Bottom line: Insure the safety of the driving public. Slide 2 Oregon has built a process over the past 4 years to force attention, and funds, towards its bridges. We have had BMS in place, but management had not been using it. It held a wealth of information, but not in a form that managers would use. BMS was also not geared to handle policy issues. The largest in Oregon was our increased awareness of our seismic and scour risk. As in any State we also had to deal with differing geographic concerns. We also faced frequent, and unrelated demand for inforrmation. Rather than develop a new system, we fitted BMS into a broader system directed towards making major investment decisions.
Major Bridge Components
Major Bridge Components
Deck Superstructure Substructure Foundation Utilities
Bridge Components Deck Railing Superstructure Girders Cap Substructure
Columns Foundation
Deck The deck carries the roadway / sidewalk.
The deck is supported by the superstructure. Transfers vehicular loads to the superstructure. Slide 3 ODOT is divided into 5 fairly autonomous Geographic Regions. Each Region has planning, traffic, maintenance, construction administration, and recently, geometric design. Regions have been seeking greater design authority, and defining the proper split with headquarters has been difficult. With bridges, the Regions recognized that they needed help. They expressed a clear preference for Bridge Section to take the lead in this. The Regions’ expectations were that this would be a statewide view based on needs and not a share of the pie. As we have built this process, the Cities and Counties expressed a strong interest in becoming part of this to ensure that their bridges could benefit from this needs analysis rather than their own best guess.
Superstructure Superstructure members transfer traffic loads from the deck to the substructure. Superstructure members can be exposed to tension, compression, and bending forces.
Superstructure Superstructure
Substructure The substructure transfers loads from the superstructure to the foundation material. The substructure is generally exposed to axial compressive forces. Can be supported by spread footings or piling.
Substructure Substructure
Foundation Foundation
Major Bridge Components (Utilities - APWA Color Code)
Electrical Gas Communication Potable Water Irrigation Sewer Company & Phone No. Red Company & Phone No. Yellow Company & Phone No. Orange Company & Phone No. Blue Company & Phone No. Purple Company & Phone No. Green
Utilities Sewer Line
Describing where the problem is?
Bridge Nomenclature Describing where the problem is?
Rules of Orientation and member numbering
Look ahead at increasing milepost or city street addresses. All bridge items are numbered in consecutive order from the leading end of the bridge and left to right.
Bridge Nomenclature Bent - a substructure unit that supports the superstructure of a bridge and is supported by the foundation. Bents are numbered consecutively in the same direction as increasing highway mileposts, or city street addresses. Slide 4 The process is relatively simple and common-sense. We developed a comprehensive list of all the reasons we would want to perform extensive work on a bridge. We looked to see what information we had, and where it resided. We figured out how to link all of this information, so we would have common names, milepoints and other descriptive information. We then developed an extraction process, a search engine that would pick out all of the bridges that met selection criteria. The search engine would drop the data in a spreadsheet for distribution and review. We would split by Region to allow Local review than recombine into single list.
Bent 3 Bent 4
Bridge Nomenclature Span - portion of the bridge superstructure that is located between two bents. Spans are numbered numerically, in consecutive order, in the same direction as increasing highway mileposts, or city street addresses.
Bridge Nomenclature Increasing Mileposts Span 9 Span 11
Bridge Nomenclature Superstructure Members can be timber, steel or concrete. Superstructure Members are numbered numerically, in consecutive order, from left to right, while looking ahead, on line, at increasing mileposts, or city street addresses. Slide 4 The process is relatively simple and common-sense. We developed a comprehensive list of all the reasons we would want to perform extensive work on a bridge. We looked to see what information we had, and where it resided. We figured out how to link all of this information, so we would have common names, milepoints and other descriptive information. We then developed an extraction process, a search engine that would pick out all of the bridges that met selection criteria. The search engine would drop the data in a spreadsheet for distribution and review. We would split by Region to allow Local review than recombine into single list.
Span 3 Girder 1 Span 3 Girder 2 Span 3 Girder 3
Bridge Nomenclature Substructure Members can be steel, concrete or timber. Substructure Members are number numerically, in consecutive order, from left to right, when looking ahead, on line, at increasing mileposts or city streets. Slide 4 The process is relatively simple and common-sense. We developed a comprehensive list of all the reasons we would want to perform extensive work on a bridge. We looked to see what information we had, and where it resided. We figured out how to link all of this information, so we would have common names, milepoints and other descriptive information. We then developed an extraction process, a search engine that would pick out all of the bridges that met selection criteria. The search engine would drop the data in a spreadsheet for distribution and review. We would split by Region to allow Local review than recombine into single list.
Bent 3, Column 4 Bent 3, Column 5
Bridge Nomenclature When the structure has Intermediate Spans or Columns that are founded on larger spans. The columns/spans are numbered consecutively, with the bent/span number along with an alphabetical letter. Commonly occurs on an arch span. Slide 5 These are the twelve categories we have used for 2 STIP selections. Superstructure, Substructure, Deck, and Underclearance are right out of BMS. We used the NBI ratings at first, then added Pontis elements. Rail combines BMS, Pontis, Rail Study Risk and now accidents. The BMS go/no go element is of no use. Deck width uses BMS plus accidents. Coastal Bridge uses BMS for identification, but selects bridges based on corrosion data held in a separate database. Paint, Scour, Seismic and Movable Bridges are done the same way.
Span 5B Span 5A Bent 5B Column 4 Span 5 Bent 5A Column 4
Bridge Nomenclature A Truss is a structure that is made up of individual members that are arranged and connected, in triangular patterns, to create a long span. A Truss is made up of at least two chords, an upper chord and a lower chord. Truss Panel Points - are located on the chords where two or more truss members are connected. Slide 6 These are the databases that we have linked together to make this process work. Bridge Inventory, Routine Inspection (Pontis Elements), Seismic, Rail Risk, Load Rating and Cross Stream Profile are Foxpro application databases that do not cross link. Highway Accidents and Maintenance Costs are mainframe DB2 databases that do not cross link. We converted the underlying data to Access to allow joining and querying all of the data, We have since converted the majority of this data into SQL Server to increase the speed, and the availability of this information.
Upper Chord Lower Chord Panel Point
Bridge Nomenclature Panel points are numbered consecutively, in the same direction as the designated bent or span, starting with “0”, along with an identifier to show whether the panel point is on the upper chord, lower chord, an intermediate point, and whether it is on the left or right truss. Truss Members are identified by using two panel point designations. Slide 6 These are the databases that we have linked together to make this process work. Bridge Inventory, Routine Inspection (Pontis Elements), Seismic, Rail Risk, Load Rating and Cross Stream Profile are Foxpro application databases that do not cross link. Highway Accidents and Maintenance Costs are mainframe DB2 databases that do not cross link. We converted the underlying data to Access to allow joining and querying all of the data, We have since converted the majority of this data into SQL Server to increase the speed, and the availability of this information.
Increasing Mileposts U6R U8RL9R L12RU13R L5R
Bridge Mechanics
Bridge Mechanics Load Paths Bending, Tension, and Compression
Load Paths
Bridge Mechanics (Compression) Compression Tension (Tension) Bending
Columns are in compression
Deck is in bending Girders are in bending Cap is in bending Columns are in compression
Bridge Mechanics Visualize a rope hanging from two panel points.
Members in compression will be much thicker members. Members in Tension will be much thinner in section.
Properties of Bridge Materials
Design Criteria - Seismic forces that develop during the vibratory response of a structure to earthquake ground shaking at its foundation are inertia forces whose intensity depends on the product of the mass and acceleration. (Force = Mass of the bridge X Ground Acceleration)
Properties of Bridge Materials (Timber)
If the structure is provided with proper lateral bracing and all of the components are adequately tied together, timber is one of the more efficient earthquake resistant materials for low-rise structures. Timber is a very resilient material.
Properties of Bridge Materials (Reinforced Concrete)
Even though Reinforced Concrete tends to be very massive, it can be used effectively if it is properly reinforced. The proper amount of steel reinforcement and correct detailing plays a very important role in the seismic response of the structure.
Typical Reinforced Concrete Girder
Rebar Stirrups Primary Steel Reinforcement
Reinforced Concrete Section
Typical Pre-stress Concrete Girder
Prestressing Strands or Post-tensioning Conduits Prestress Strand Jacking Load + 160,000 psi
Properties of Bridge Materials (Steel)
Because of its high strength per unit weight, Structural Steel members are usually very slender. Thus buckling becomes a serious problem. Member Connections can also be a problem for steel structures.
Typical Structural Steel Sections
Flange Web
Structural Steel Members
Preparing for the Inspection
Employee Safety and Equipment
ODOT is committed to a safe and healthy workplace through prevention, equipment maintenance, education, training and compliance with all state and federal regulations.
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Dissect the job into sequential steps. Identify the potential hazards of each step. Specify how each hazard will be mitigated. Follow the game plan.
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Performing the Bridge Inspection
Remember: The ground could be shaking and/or changed dramatically. The terrain could be very unfamiliar. There will be an urgency to get the assessments completed so the bridge can be cleared or actions can be implemented to get the structure back into service.
Unstable Ground
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Equipment Personal Clothing Personal Supplies Inspection Equipment
ODOT Identification Cards
Personal Clothing
Personal Supplies
Inspection Equipment
Identification Card
Preparing for an Emergency Response
Emergency Response Preparation
Response Threshold. Define the different inspection levels. Zero-in on the First Response Level 1 Inspections
When Should You Respond?
Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (Earthquake Training Handout, pg 4.) I. Not felt by most people, only instruments detect the earthquake. II. People lying down might feel the earthquake.
Determining Response Trigger
III. People on upper floors of buildings will feel it, but may not know it is an earthquake. Hanging objects swing. IV. People indoors will probably feel it, but those outside may not. Houses may crack.
Determining Response Trigger
V. Nearly everyone feels it. Sleepers are awakened. Doors swing, pictures move, things tip over. VI. Everyone feels the earthquake. It’s hard to walk. Windows and dishes broken. Books fall from shelf.
Determining Response Trigger
VII. It’s hard to stand. Plaster, bricks, and tiles fall from buildings. Small land slides. VIII. People will not be able to drive cars. Poorly built buildings may collapse, chimneys may fall.
Determining Response Trigger
IX. Most foundations are damaged. Masonry heavily damaged. Pipes are broken. The ground cracks. X. Most buildings are destroyed. Water is thrown out of rivers and lakes. Large landslides.
Determine Response Trigger
XI. Rails are bent. Bridges and underground pipelines unusable. XII. Most things are leveled. Large objects may be thrown into the air. Large rocks masses displaced.
Determine Response Trigger
Where are you when the shaking starts: Home, Work, Somewhere in between. Lines of Communication vs Expectations Work Assignments: Traffic Control, Highway patrol, Inspecting Bridges, Manning the ICC, Gearing-up for repairs.
Bridge Inspection Levels
First Look Level 1 Inspections Level 2 Inspections Level 3 Inspections
First Look First Look - Information source is from untrained, non-transportation personnel. Taken at face value - whether a bridge has collapsed or not. Provides the first estimate as to the size of the affected area and level of the response effort that’s required.
Level 1 Inspection Who determines whether a Level 1 Inspection effort will be deployed? Crew Supervisor? District Manager? Region Bridge Inspector? Bridge Engineer? Local Agency (Director of Public Works)?
Level 1 Bridge Inspections
Level 1 Inspection - Source of Information is from trained, transportation personnel (You). Provides the first reliable information on which decisions can be made: Is the bridge damaged? If so, how badly? Is it useable? What’s needed to get the bridge back into service?
Level 1 Bridge Inspections
The guideline used by the personnel performing these inspections is: “Would you feel comfortable, driving over the bridge, in a loaded truck”. Partial bridge closure decisions should only be made by a Licensed Engineer.
Level 1 Bridge Inspections
Expectation - A Level 1 inspection will be performed on all bridges in the affected area within the first 24 hours. Urgency - The sooner the agency determines the condition of the infrastructure, the sooner emergency actions can be implemented.
Level 1 Bridge Inspection Expectations
If the magnitude of the event is from 4.0 to 5.0 with an epicenter within the State of Oregon, or within 50 miles of the Oregon Coast, or State border – The district will log observations and information from the police, public, and media. Primary task – make sure the notification, communication, and response plans are working. Structural damage – unlikely.
Level 1 Bridge Inspection Expectations
If the magnitude of the event is from 5.0 to 6.0 with an epicenter within the State of Oregon, or within 50 miles of the Oregon Coast, or State border – Bridge maintenance crews will perform a condition assessment on all structures within 50 miles of the epicenter within the first 24 hours.
Level 1 Bridge Inspection Expectations
If the magnitude of the event is from 6.0 to 8.0 with an epicenter within the State of Oregon, or within 100 miles of the Oregon Coast, or State border – Bridge maintenance crews will perform a condition assessment on all structures within 100 miles of the epicenter within the first 24 hours. All damaged structures will receive a follow-up condition assessment by engineering personnel within the first 72 hours.
Level 1 Bridge Inspection Expectations
If the magnitude of the event is greater than 8.0 with an epicenter within the State of Oregon, or within 300 miles of the Oregon Coast, or State border – Bridge maintenance crews will perform a condition assessment on all structures within 300 miles of the epicenter. A timeframe can not be established due to the magnitude of the damage and the uncertainty of being able to navigate the terrain.
Level 1 Bridge Inspections
Inspection Priorities: Priority 1: Lifeline Routes Priority 2: Lifeline Alternate Routes Priority 3: Interstate Routes Priority 4: Major Arterial Routes Priority 5: Secondary Highways
Level 1 Inspections Definition of a Lifeline Route: Routes that are essential for emergency services during the first 72 hours after an event. Determine Route Itinerary: Inspect bridges as you come to them, or Drive to the end of the route and inspect bridges back to place of origin. Determine Route Configuration
Level 2 Inspections Who determines whether a Level 2 Inspection effort will be deployed? Crew Supervisor? District Manager? Region Bridge Inspector? Bridge Engineer? Local Agency (Director of Public Works)?
Level 2 Bridge Inspections
Level 2 Inspections - are performed by Certified Bridge Inspection Team Leaders or Licensed Engineers. Obtain information so that repairs can be designed and a detailed scope of repair work can be identified.
Level 2 Bridge Inspections
Anticipate that these inspectors will be teamed and deployed with district personnel in order to maximize their expertise. District personnel are much more familiar with the affected area and potential detour routes. Districts have delegated bridge closure authority.
Level 2 Bridge Inspections
Expectation - A level 2 inspection will be performed on all bridges in the affected area within the first 72 hours.
Level 3 Bridge Inspections
A Level 3 Inspection is an in-depth assessment and a structural analysis of the damaged portions of a structure. Purpose is to obtain detailed information for load posting, future design criteria, and/or initiate the first steps for a full restoration project.
Level 3 Bridge Inspections
Expectation - A Level 3 Inspection will only be performed on a structure that has been closed. The level 3 inspection could result in: Opening a bridge with a load posting. Opening a bridge after temporary shoring. Opening a bridge after repaired.
Emergency Response Kits (Contents of Notebooks)
Specified Route Possible Alternate Routes Map Bridge Inventory for both routes Damage Assessment Forms Bridge Tagging Instructions & Markers
Suggested Additional Training
Bridge Inspector Training ODOT Working Alone Guideline Personal Protective Equipment Work Zone Traffic Control Environmental Health Hazard Awareness
Suggested Additional Training
Defensive Driving First Aid with CPR Confined Space Training Fall Protection / Self Rescue Lead Exposure Awareness Lock-out / Tag-out Performing a Job Safety Analysis
Performing the Inspection
Performing the Inspection
When should you start inspecting bridges? Clearly understand the response trigger expectations.
Responsibilities of the 1st Responder
Safely access the structure. Evaluate the structural condition of a damaged structure. Report your Condition Assessment. Tag the Bridge accordingly. Continue on assigned route.
Safely Access the Bridge
Park Vehicle in a safe location. Walk against traffic. Walk beside bridge footprint, not under the bridge. Use binoculars and flashlights. Climb only when absolutely necessary.
Condition Assessment Report Form
Report Form Header Fill it out ahead of time. Condition Assessment: 1- (Closed Bridge, rebuild to open) 2- (Closed Bridge, shore to open) 3- (Bridge is Open)
What to Look For Condition Assessment Form Sketches
Bridge Closure Thresholds
Vertical Movement of Bridge
Abutment or Pile Cap Sketch 1
Vertical Movement
Horizontal Movement Horizontal Movement > 6” Sketch 2 Sidewalk
Bridge Rail Deck Joint Horizontal Movement > 6” Bridge Deck Sketch 2 Sketch 2
Horizontal Movement Horizontal Movement > 6”
Concrete turned to rubble
Concrete Columns Broken Column Ties Concrete turned to rubble Bent Vertical Rebar Sketch 3
Concrete Columns
Concrete Columns
Concrete Columns Adequacy of the Columns Column Offset
Bent Vertical Rebar Broken Column Ties Column Offset Sketch 4
Concrete Columns
Concrete Column
Concrete Columns Critical Position 0.1 X “H” or 6 inches Max. “H”
Superstructure Concrete Column “H” Expect to see cracks and spalling outside of the column ties near the top and bottom of the column. Sketch 5
Concrete Columns
Concrete Columns
Concrete Columns
Concrete Columns
Steel Columns Flange and web cracked Buckled Flange Steel Column
Sketch 6
Timber Cap / Pile Connections
Bolts Severe Splitting Timber Post or Pile Diagonal Bracing Sketch 7
Steel Crossbeams or Caps
> 25% Bolts or Rivets in a connection are broken Buckled Flange Buckled Web Buckled Web & Broken Web Stiffener Sketch 8
Rocker Bearings > 1/3 X “H” Max Deck Superstructure Plumb Line “H”
Sketch 9
< 0.5 X “S” or 4” Min. Remaining
Bearings < 0.5 X “S” or 4” Min. Remaining Sketch 9 Movement Abutment or Pile Cap “S” Original Beam Seat Sketch 10
Loss of Bearing
Loss of Bearing
Pre-stressed Concrete Superstructure
Deck Pre-stressed Concrete Superstructure Severe Diagonal Shear Cracks at 1/4 points in concrete girder Abutment or Pile Cap Sketch 11
Lattice bars stretched or broken
Superstructure Lattice bars stretched or broken Side angle or channel buckled Sketch 12
Steel Superstructure
Steel Superstructure
> 25% of Connection Rivets or Bolts are broken
Steel Superstructure > 25% of Connection Rivets or Bolts are broken
Sheared Concrete Girder
Superstructure Sheared Concrete Girder Deck Concrete Cap or Crossbeam Stirrups Concrete Girder Rebar Pile Shear Offset Sketch 13
Concrete Girder
Sag @ center > 1% of span length
Superstructure Sag in Concrete Girder center > 1% of span length “S” Sketch 14
Footing Undermined > 20% of bearing area (L x W)
Footings Shear Cracks > 3/8” near column “L” Footing Undermined > 20% of bearing area (L x W) Undermined Footing “W” Sketch 15
Concrete Footings
Piling Punching thru Footing
Footings Piling Punching thru Footing Concrete Column Concrete Footing on Steel Piling Sketch 16
Approach Slab / AC Settlement > 3”
Approaches Approach Slab / AC Settlement > 3” Deck Superstructure Asphalt Approach Slab Abutment or End Bent Sketch 17
Approaches 0.1 X “H” or 6 inch Max. Deck Approach Embankment / Slab
Superstructure Abutment / Back wall / End Bent 0.1 X “H” or 6 inch Max. “H” Plumb Line Ground line or top of footing Sketch 18
Miscellaneous Structures
Using the Condition Assessment Form
Thresholds that warrant closing the bridge. Communication tool - report all damage information to your ICC. Refer to sketches with measurements. Damage Documentation - send completed condition assessment form to ODOT Bridge Operations.
Standard Bridge Tagging Procedure
Color Green - Bridge Open / Safe to use Red - Bridge is Closed / Unsafe Where Visible Vertical Surface, Right Side, Both Ends. How - Paint Sticks, Keel, or Bags
Standard Bridge Tagging Procedure
Agency Initials of the Inspector Level of Inspection Date Time
Standard Bridge Tagging Procedure (Example)
ODOT GLB 1 2/28/01 10:58 AM
Standard Bridge Tagging Procedure (Example)
ODOT ODOT GLB IS 1 2 2/28/01 10:58 AM 3:15 PM 2/28/01
Acceptable Methods for Closing a Bridge
Flagging Tape Flag Person Vehicle Barricades
Reporting Your Condition Assessment
Your Name Bridge Name, Hwy, MP, Bridge No. Where on the bridge is the damage located. Report the amount of damage - refer to the inspection form sketch, give measurements. What actions you have initiated. Turn in your completed inspection forms.
For Additional Information
Bruce Johnson : State Bridge Engineer : Gary Bowling : Bridge Operations Engineer : Jeff Swanstrom : Senior Bridge Inspector : Bert Hartman : Bridge Program Manager : Slide 19 Thank You! If you are seriously interested in any parts of this process please give me a business card and I’ll be happy to forward you further information. Any easy questions? Again, Thank you.
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