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Protist Review This is what you need to know for tomorrow’s test!

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2 Protist Review This is what you need to know for tomorrow’s test!

3 Question #1 List three types of environments where protists can be found:

4 Protists are found in any natural, wet environment: ponds, lakes, streams, swamps, moist soil, oceans, rivers, or an animal or plant host

5 Question #2 What life forms lived on planet Earth before protists?

6 bacteria

7 Question #3 What is the difference between a eukaryotic cell and a prokaryotic cell?

8 Prokaryotic cells (bacteria) don’t have a nucleus to contain DNA, while eukaryotic cells do.

9 Question #4 Why wouldn’t you find protists living in a swimming pool or in tap water?

10 Tap water and swimming pool water is filtered and has chlorine added to remove and destroy microbes such as protists.

11 Question #5 Protists are grouped based on the way they get food: –____________ - like protist

12 Plantlike Animal-like Funguslike

13 Question #6 How does a funguslike protist obtain its food?

14 They decompose dead things and absorb their food like fungi do.

15 Question #7 What major event in world history was caused by a funguslike protist?

16 The Great Irish Potato Famine of 1845-1846

17 Question #8 Explain how a plantlike protist obtains its food.

18 They perform photosynthesis like plants do.

19 Question #9 Most protists are: a. unicellular b. multicellular

20 Most protists are unicelled, (with the exception of some species of algae.)

21 Question #10 Why are protists called the “middle kingdom?”

22 They are more complex than bacteria but less complex than plants, animals and fungi They arrived on Earth after bacteria but before plants, animals and fungi.

23 Question #11 When this happens, people are asked not to swim or eat any seafood that lives in the ocean or near the shore, like crabs and some fish. What is the name of this event that is caused by dinoflagellates?

24 Red tide

25 Question #12 What is so unique about the protist euglena?

26 Euglena can perform photosynthesis (plantlike) and can move and eat (animal-like)

27 Question #13 How do animal- like Protists obtain their food?

28 Animal-like protists eat food like animals do.

29 Question #14 What is the difference between cilia and flagella?

30 Cilia are tiny hair-like structures that sway Flagella are whip-like tails

31 Question #15 Name two reasons why cilia are helpful to protists.

32 Cilia are used for movement and feeding

33 Question #16 Name two reasons why flagella are helpful to a protist.

34 Flagella are used for movement and feeding.

35 Question #17 Why is the term “protozoans” appropriate to describe the animal-like protists?

36 According to fossil evidence, protozoans lived on Earth before animals.

37 Question #18 Explain how protists such as diatoms and radiolarians can contribute to the formation of sedimentary rocks.

38 Diatoms Because they are so beautiful,they are often referred to as jewel boxes.

39 Their shells fall to the ocean floor and become sediments, which can be compacted together to form sedimentary rock.

40 Question #19 Name an illness or a disease that is caused by a protist. How is it transmitted from one host to another?

41 MALARIA is caused by a protist called Plasmodium and is spread by mosquitoes. is-malaria/ HIKER’S DISEASE is caused by a protist called Giardia and is spread by drinking contaminated water.

42 Question #20 Algae are helpful to humans and other animals in many ways. Explain 2 of them:

43 Algae provide: Oxygen Food Shelter for animals Products such as agar, thickening agents, and hair conditioner

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