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The beginnings of the Gentile mission (Acts 9:32-12:25) NT2 – Study 5.

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Presentation on theme: "The beginnings of the Gentile mission (Acts 9:32-12:25) NT2 – Study 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 The beginnings of the Gentile mission (Acts 9:32-12:25) NT2 – Study 5

2 Outline of this study 1.Peter’s mighty works (9:32-43) 2.Cornelius and the Gentiles (10:1-11:18) 3.The church at Antioch (11:19-30) 4.The persecution of the apostles in Jerusalem (12:1-25)

3 Source: David Cook, Teaching Acts (Christian Focus)


5 Why does Luke highlight that it was by Peter’s mouth that God chose to let the Gentiles hear the gospel?

6 1. Peter’s mighty works (9:32-43)

7 The gospel continues to spread to wider TERRITORIES (Lydda, Sharon, Joppa) SIMILAR ministry pattern to: – OT prophetic ministry (Elijah 1 Kgs 17:8-24; Elisha 2Kgs 4:18-37) – Jesus’ ministry in the Gospels (Lk 7:11-17; 8:41-42, 49-56) – Apostolic ministry in Jerusalem (Ac 3:1-10; cf 2:43; 5:12-16)

8 2. Cornelius and the Gentiles (10:1-11:18)

9 The gospel continues to spread to beyond PHYSICAL territories: Jew-Gentile divide! LENGTH (66 verses) + REPETITION (chs 10 & 11!)  GREAT IMPORTANCE!!

10 2. Cornelius and the Gentiles (10:1-11:18) Four key emphases: JEWISH OBJECTIONS Must be proselyte first! THE INSTRUMENT Peter: apostle to the Jews! NECESSARY IIMPLICATION Acceptance by Jerusalem GOD’S CONFIRMATION Undeniable acceptance

11 2. Cornelius and the Gentiles (10:1-11:18) Cornelius’s vision (10:1-8)  ‘God-fearer’ centurion  Still need to be converted?  Angel confirms his acceptance by God! Peter’s vision (10:9-16)  Joppa!  “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean” (3x repetition! cf. Mk 7:15-19; Eph 2:14-15) The meeting (10:17-33)  A divinely choreographed encounter  Compare Cornelius’s enthusiasm with Peter’s reluctance!

12 2. Cornelius and the Gentiles (10:1-11:18) Gospel to Gentiles (10:34-48)  No favouritism, Christ the Lord of all  Rejected by Jews, vindicated by God as judge of all, according to the prophets  Confirmed by the Spirit: visions + Scriptures + coming upon Gentiles in Pentecost-like manner  Baptised! Response of Jerusalem church (11:1-18)  ‘the circumcised believers’!  vv15-17: Spirit came + what Jesus said (1:5)  this is from GOD  who can say no?  General acceptance … but more to come!!

13 2. Cornelius and the Gentiles (10:1-11:18) NOTE gospel to Gentiles = gospel to Jews – Context: promise to Israel according to Israel’s Scriptures – Salvation: through Israel’s Messiah and Israel’s witnesses – Basis: according to God’s pleasure, through faith in the preached word, same for all people!

14 Excursus: The Spirit in Acts Why does the Holy Spirit feature so prominently in Acts? 1.What OT P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ anticipated 2.To F_ _ _ _ _ _ the Father’s promise 3.To glorify the G_ _ _ _ 4.To EM _ _ _ _ _ God’s people 5.To effect T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6.To constitute O _ _ people, O _ _ Lord! (see separate notes)

15 3. The church at Antioch (11:19-30)

16 Antioch (cf. p.73) – centre of Jewish dispersion, prominent city, cultural melting pot – gospel to Greeks through “unnamed Hellenistic Jewish Christians”! (v20)  Growth in TERRITORY + PERSONNEL + JEW-GENTILE

17 3. The church at Antioch (11:19-30) Barnabas “Mr Encouragement” – Generous (4:36-37) – Accepts & encourages Gentiles reception (11:22-24) – Affirms & engages Saul/Paul (11:25-26)

18 Why did Luke conclude his description about the church in Antioch with 11:27-30?

19 4. The persecution of the apostles in Jerusalem (12:1-25)

20 Historical setting (cf. p.74) – AD 41-44 under Herod Agrippa I (grandson of Herod the Great) James’ death fulfills Mark 10:39 Peter was spared in response to prayer of saints + Herod condemned! EMPHASIS: “But the word of God continued to spread and flourish” (12:24) 4. More persecution in Jerusalem (12:1-25)

21 Why did God rescue Peter but not James?

22 Questions & Answers


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