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Christian church is established in Jerusalem at Pentecost. Acts 2 Church moves from Jerusalem to Roman world over next 30-70 years. Rome declares Christianity.

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2 Christian church is established in Jerusalem at Pentecost. Acts 2 Church moves from Jerusalem to Roman world over next 30-70 years. Rome declares Christianity official religion & center of church life in 325 AD. The Great Schism occurs and the Roman Catholic & Eastern Orthodox churches are born. (1054)  Moving the church from Byzantine to Constantinople.  Differences in church tradition, clergy roles, responsibility of laity, problems over Latin & language of the people. Where do Baptists come from?

3 The Protestant Reformation occurs and the Protestant Church is born. (1517 by Martin Luther)  Authority of Scripture over church tradition.  Soul competency: you are accountable to God not the church  Scripture in the language of the people & not Latin.  Priesthood of the believer: no mediator between God & man. John Smyth breaks from the Church of England and starts first Baptist church. (1609)  Became convinced of believer’s baptism instead of infant baptism.  Believed that worship should be from the heart & not through ritual. Where do Baptists come from?

4 Roger Williams founds first Baptist church in American colonies. (1630)  Fled England under religious persecution by the Church of England.  Came to America 10 yrs after Mayflower.  Settled Providence, Rhode Island  Believed in freedom of religion & separation of Church & state Southern Baptist Convention formed in 1845.  We broke off from the Northern Baptist Convention  SBC was formed because NBC would not allow slave owners to become missionaries or pastors. Where do Baptists come from?

5 Soul competency: each person is accountable to God & responsible for their faith. Salvation by grace alone through faith alone by Christ alone. Scripture is the only rule for faith & practice for believers & the church. Baptism is for believers only, has no saving power, is an act of obedience to Christ, and is by immersion only. Autonomy of the local church & freedom of conscience for the individual. Priesthood of the believer: each person is capable & responsible to be led by the Spirit to understand & apply Scripture to their lives. What makes Baptists different from other denominations? Why is this important to know?

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