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“Stuff” of the Universe The Raw Materials for Planets, Rocks and Life.

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Presentation on theme: "“Stuff” of the Universe The Raw Materials for Planets, Rocks and Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Stuff” of the Universe The Raw Materials for Planets, Rocks and Life

2 Matter & Energy

3 Phases of Matter Solid Gas Liquid Determined by temperature and pressure

4 Rock

5 Atomic Particles Atoms (Elements) Compounds (Minerals, Organic Compounds) Rocks Earth Living Things Biosphere

6 Atomic Structure What are atoms made of? ParticleCharge Weight (amu) Proton (p) +1 Electron (e) -~0 Neutron (n) 01

7 Atomic Structure

8 Atomic Number = Number of Protons Importance of Protons

9 Elements Iron Carbon Gold

10 Periodic Table of the Elements

11 Crust Whole Earth Oxygen(O)46.3 %29.5% Silicon (Si)28.2%15.2% Aluminum (Al)8.2%1.1% Iron (Fe)5.6%34.6% Calcium (Ca)4.1%1.1% Sodium (Na)2.4%0.6% Potassium (K)2.1%0.1% Magnesium (Mg)2.3%12.7% All others0.5%5.1% Abundance of the Elements (wt. %): Solid Earth

12 Abundance of the Elements (wt.%): Living Things Human AlfalfaBacteria Oxygen(O)62.8%77.9%73.7% Carbon (C)19.4%11.3%12.1% Hydrogen (H)9.3%8.7%9.9% Nitrogen (N)5.1%0.8%3.0% Phosphorous (P)0.6%0.7%0.6% Sulfur (S)0.6%0.1%0.3%

13 Atomic Weight = number of protons + neutrons Importance of Neutrons

14 Isotopes

15 Importance of Electrons Atoms vs. Ions (atomic weight = 23) Charge = 0 X

16 Importance of Electrons Positive Ions (atomic weight = 23) Charge = +1 Sodium Ion 10e

17 Importance of Electrons Ions (atomic weight = 18) Charge = 0 Chlorine 9e 9p 9n (atomic number = 9)

18 Importance of Electrons Negative Ions (atomic weight = 18) Charge = -1 Chlorine Ion 10e 9p 9n (atomic number = 9)

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