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Population and Community Dynamics Part 1. Genetic Diversity in Populations Pages 676 to 701 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions Pages 702 to 745.

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Presentation on theme: "Population and Community Dynamics Part 1. Genetic Diversity in Populations Pages 676 to 701 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions Pages 702 to 745."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population and Community Dynamics Part 1. Genetic Diversity in Populations Pages 676 to 701 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions Pages 702 to 745

2 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions I) Introduction to understand how ecological communities change over time ecologists: take quantitative measurements using mathematical models. observing growth and decline of populations explore interactions among populations. they do this to create “snapshots” of communities that they can compare to other communities and/or the same community at other periods of time.

3 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions II) Density and Distribution of Populations populations can be described in terms of two characteristics: density distribution density ecologists use a number of sampling methods to estimate the density of a population plot/quadrant line-transect

4 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions II) Density and Distribution of Populations Population Density(D p ) defined as the number of individuals organisms (N) in a given area (A) or volume (V) D P =N/A or D p =N/V example  there are 12 gophers living in a 10.0 m 2 area D P =N/A D P = (12 gophers)/(10.0m 2 ) D P =1.2 gophers/m 2  if you know a field is 25.0 m 2, then (1.2 gophers/m 2 )(25.0 m 2 ) 30 gophers

5 there are three theoretical distribution patterns for populations: uniform random clumped

6 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions II) Factors that Affect Distribution Patterns distribution patterns are influenced by: the distribution of resources in a habitat interactions among members of a community. random distribution: can occur when: resources are very abundant population members do not have to compete with one another. individuals are distributed throughout a suitable habitat with no identifiable pattern. is generally rare in nature.

7 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions II) Factors that Affect Distribution Patterns clumped distribution more common populations are found in close proximity. congregations occur in areas where food, water or shelter is most abundant. uniform distribution individuals are evenly spaced over a defined area. occurs in: artificial populations (agriculture) animals that behave territorially.

8 Question Most wild populations exhibit: A) random distribution patterns B) clumped distribution patterns C) uniform distribution patterns D) continuously changing distribution patterns 

9 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions III) Population Growth there are four processes that can change the size of a population: the number of individuals (N) Births (b) Immigration (i) movement into a population deaths (d) and emigration (e) movement out of a population

10 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions III) Population Growth the change in population size can be calculated using: Δ N = (b + i) – (d +e)

11 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions III) Population Growth the rate of population growth measures the speed at which a population changes size. a rapid increase in the size of a population is called a population explosion. a rapid decrease in the size of a population is called a population crash. a populations growth rate (gr) can be calculated using the equation gr= Δ N/ Δ t

12 the calculation of growth rate does not take into account the initial size of the population. if there are no limiting factors a large population can increase in size much faster than a smaller one.

13 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions III) Population Growth to compare populations of the same species that are different sizes or live in different habitats you use per capita growth rate (cgr) cgr= Δ N/N or cgr= (N final –N)/N example: in a town of 1000 there are 50 births and 30 deaths with no immigration or emigration cgr= Δ N/N remember Δ N = (b + i) – (d +e) cgr = ((b + i) – (d +e) )/N cgr = ((50 + 0) – (30 + 0) )/1000 cgr = 20/1000 = 0.02

14 Example problem Complete the following table Initial Popluatio n (N) Time Period (Δt) Births (n) Deaths (m) Immigrants (i) Emigrants (e) Pop. Change (ΔN) Growth rate (gr) Per capita growth rate (cgr) 600220152510 20044060100 300001450350100150 1000018016030405 20100.33 -10-2.5-0.05 5801500.005 2100.01

15 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions IV) Factors that Affect Population Growth both abiotic (non-living) and biotic (living) factors limit the growth of a population. each species has an intrinsic rate of growth if they had unlimited resources and ideal conditions. the highest possible per capita growth rate (cgr) for a species is called its biotic potential (r).

16 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions IV) Factors that Affect Population Growth factors that affect biotic potential (r) include: the number of offspring per reproductive cycle. the number of offspring that survive long enough to reproduce. the age of reproductive maturity and the number of times an individual reproduces in a life span. the life span of the individual.

17 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions IV) Factors that Affect Population Growth a species growing at its biotic potential would grow exponentially. an exponential growth pattern starts with a lag phase followed by a steep increase in the growth curve (J-shaped curve)

18 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions IV) Factors that Affect Population Growth in the beginning the growth rate is slow because there is only a few individuals to reproduce this is called the “lag phase” a rapid growth rate follows because the birth rate is greater than the death rate. under natural conditions this rapid growth cannot be sustained.  when the death rate equals the birth rate the population is in a stationary phase.


20 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions IV) Factors that Affect Population Growth this pattern of growth rate is called S-shaped (sigmoidal) cure and represents a logistic growth pattern. the straight line running through the curve is the carrying capacity (K) of the habitat the carrying capacity is the theoretical maximum population a habitat can sustain over an extended period of time.

21 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions IV) Factors that Affect Population Growth the factors that limit a habitats carrying capacity can be: density-dependent factors biotic factors  predators, food, water, disease density-independent factors abiotic factors  weather, forest fires combined the factors are called environmental resistance and it prevents a population from growing at is biotic potential.

22 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions IV) Factors that Affect Population Growth organisms have adapted life styles that are suited to the availability of resources in their habitat. in an unstable environment organisms can reproduce close to their biotic potential (r) this is called r-selected strategies  species have short life spans  early reproductive ages  reproduce large broods of offspring that have little or no parental care. this strategy takes advantage of favourable but not long lasting environmental conditions.

23 the other end of the spectrum is k-selected strategies. few offspring are produced per reproductive cycle. one or both parents take care of the offspring offspring take a relatively long time to mature and reach reproductive age offspring have relatively long life spans and larger bodies. k-selected strategies are useful for organisms that live close to the carrying capacity of the habitat. long-term sustained availability of resources.

24 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions IV) Factors that Affect Population Growth most populations have a combination of k-selected and r- selected strategies. populations can only be described as k- or r-selected by comparing it to another population.

25 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions V) Population Interactions the competition for limited resources among members of the same species is called intraspecific competition. is a density-dependent factor that limits the growth of a population is very important in natural selection the competition between two or more populations for limited resources is called interspecific competition. due to interspecific competition no two species can share the same ecological niche.

26 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions V) Population Interactions is very important in natural selection the competition between two or more populations for limited resources is called interspecific competition. due to interspecific competition no two species can share the same ecological niche Producer-Consumer Interactions not all interspecific interactions in a community are competitive predators are organisms that kill and cosume other organisms known as prey. predator-prey interactions are one factor in the boom or bust cycles observed in populations.

27 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions V) Population Interactions Producer-Consumer Interactions not all interspecific interactions in a community are competitive predators are organisms that kill and cosume other organisms known as prey. predator-prey interactions are one factor in the boom or bust cycles observed in populations.


29 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions V) Population Interactions predators and prey typically co-evolve. prey will have adaptations for protection from predators examples  cryptic coloration or body colours act as natural defense mechanisms.  black, yellow and red a colours that predators usually associate with dangerous plants.  camouflage lets prey “blend in” into there environment.  mimicry lets prey look like other animals or parts of the environment. predators will have adaptations for protection against prey.

30 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions V) Population Interactions Symbiotic Relationships symbiosis is the direct or close relationship between individuals of different species that live together. when both partners in relationship benefit it is called mutualism when one partner benefits and other partners is neither harmed or benefits it is called commensalism when one partner benefits and the other is harmed it is called parasitism.

31 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions V) Population Interactions Succession succession is the sequence of invasion and replacement of species in an ecosystem over time. driven by both abiotic and biotic factors. primary succession begins when there is no soil present.  the first species to colonize an area and initiate succession form the pioneer community.

32 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions V) Population Interactions primary succession begins when there is no soil present.  the first species to colonize an area and initiate succession form the pioneer community.

33 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions V) Population Interactions primary succession begins when there is no soil present.  the first species to colonize an area and initiate succession form the pioneer community. soil forms as the organisms of the pioneer community die. as soil builds up nutrients, pH and moisture change. larger species move in. interspecific competition occurs. the last species in succession form the climax community. the climax community remains relatively stable.

34 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions V) Population Interactions as soil builds up nutrients, pH and moisture change. larger species move in. interspecific competition occurs. the last species in succession form the climax community. the climax community remains relatively stable.

35 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions V) Population Interactions interspecific competition occurs. the last species in succession form the climax community. the climax community remains relatively stable. an event that changes the structure of a community (large scale destruction via forest fire) is called an ecological disturbance. secondary succession is the recolonization of an area after an ecological distrubance.  ie. forest fire, flood, urbanization

36 Part 2. Population Growth and Interactions VI) Sharing the Biosphere sustainability the concept of living in a manner that meets the needs of the species while not compromising the health of future generations or the health of the planet. example: Humans humans have many k-selected strategies  long life spans  low reproductive rate  heavy parental care of young


38 age pyramids tools that demographers use to help them assess a population’s potential for growth. shows in the different ages the:  males (on the left)  females (on the right) used to the see the proportion of the population that is in: pre-reproductive stage of life (0 to 14 years) reproductive stage of life (14 to 44 years) post-reproductive stage of life (45 years and up)


40 an upright triangle-shaped age pyramid indicates more births than deaths in the population. the population is growing. a rectangle-shaped age pyramid indicates a roughly equal number of births and deaths. the population is stable. roughly the same proportion of people are in each stage of development. an inverted triangle-shaped age pyramid indicates more deaths than births the population is declining.




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