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SEQUENCES AND INDUCTIVE REASONING. Teacher Personal Presentation Karen Matarangas Independence High School San Jose, California 95133

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2 Teacher Personal Presentation Karen Matarangas Independence High School San Jose, California 95133 e-mail:

3 Personal Expectations w To become more familiar with the technology already in my classroom w To be able to instruct my students in the use of technology in my curriculum w To reach the non-traditional student with alternative learning tools

4 Personal Outcomes w Overwhelming…more knowledge and tools were presented than I could absorb w Incredible learning…on my part w Satisfaction…with increased skills and student excitement

5 Successes w Actually including internet lessons in geometry classroom for first time w Students who failed math in traditional class are actually excited and learning and teaching geometry to other students w Bringing relevance of traditional math into 21st century

6 Evidence of Success

7 Shortcomings w Internet not as convenient as textbook, sometimes slow to respond w Teacher is slower to learn technology than students w Fewer computers than students, have to take turns using

8 Summary w In spite of the frustration, the hours of work, waiting for the server, and general technological anxiety it is an amazing feeling of satisfaction to have caught up with the potential in education for the year 2001.

9 Summary (cont.) w At last there is the possibility of reaching the student with a history of failure in math, or the one who gets bored doing textbook problems, or who tunes out when the teacher talks. At last, there is an alternative for the student too often ignored!

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