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A&P Final Exam. Are you ready? 1.Yes 2.No Which best describes anatomical position? 1.Lying prone 2.Standing erect with palms facing back 3.Lying supine.

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Presentation on theme: "A&P Final Exam. Are you ready? 1.Yes 2.No Which best describes anatomical position? 1.Lying prone 2.Standing erect with palms facing back 3.Lying supine."— Presentation transcript:

1 A&P Final Exam

2 Are you ready? 1.Yes 2.No

3 Which best describes anatomical position? 1.Lying prone 2.Standing erect with palms facing back 3.Lying supine 4.Standing erect with palms facing forward


5 Which of the following directional terms is paired correctly with its meaning? 1.Superior = superficial 2.Posterior = dorsal 3.Lateral = midline 4.Proximal = far

6 The radial nerve is the most _______ peripheral nerve of the arm. 1.Lateral 2.Distal 3.Medial 4.Anterior

7 Which of the following pairings is incorrect? 1.Cephalic = head 2.Brachial = upper arm 3.Mammary = chest 4.Tarsal = ankle

8 Which of the following is located in the pleural cavities? 1.Heart 2.Stomach 3.Lungs 4.Gonads

9 Which sequence is correct? 1.Cells, tissues, organs, systems 2.Tissues, cells, systems, organs 3.Organs, cells, tissues, systems 4.Systems, tissues, cells, organs

10 A person involved in a car accident hemorrhages and keeps losing blood, which results in increasing low blood pressure. This is an example of 1.Negative feedback 2.Opposite feedback 3.Positive feedback 4.Gonna die feedback

11 The 4 major elements in the human body are 1.Ca, O, C, N 2.O, Na, C, H 3.K, Na, Ca, C 4.C, H, N, O

12 Which of the following is an example of an anabolic process? 1.Protein synthesis 2.Oxidation of glucose 3.Break down of rhodopsin in presence of light 4.Conversion of ATP into ADP

13 Which of the following organs is located within the mediastinum? 1.Heart 2.Lungs 3.Liver 4.Stomach

14 A section that separates the body into superior and inferior portions is 1.A saggital section 2.A coronal section 3.A frontal section 4.A transverse section

15 Which membrane covers the surface of the heart? 1.Visceral peritoneum 2.Parietal peritoneum 3.Visceral pericardium 4.Parietal pericardium

16 An atom of oxygen has 8 electrons. How many e- are in its valence shell? 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8

17 Isotopes differ in their number of 1.Protons 2.Electrons 3.Neutrons 4.Quarks

18 Which are the monomers of proteins? 1.Nucleic acids 2.Fatty acids 3.Monosaccharides 4.Amino acids

19 What is the main function of carbohydrates? 1.Catalyze reactions 2.Provide structure 3.Store information 4.Provide energy

20 When is DNA replicated during the cell cycle? 1.Interphase 2.Prophase 3.Metaphase 4.Anaphase

21 Which is an RNA sequence that would be transcribed from the following DNA: TAGCTTAA? 1.TAGCTTAA 2.AUCGAAUU 3.ATCGAATT 4.GATTACAA

22 Which organelle performs aerobic respiration? 1.rER 2.Nucleus 3.Golgi 4.Mitochondria

23 Which type of tissue allows gas exchange? 1.Simple squamous 2.Stratified squamous 3.Simple columnar 4.Simple cuboidal

24 Which type of muscle is found in blood vessels? 1.Cardiac 2.Smooth 3.Skeletal 4.Striated

25 Which of the following is not a function of the skin? 1.Regulate temperature 2.Regulate calcium 3.Excretion 4.Protection

26 Which joint allows the greatest range of motion? 1.Gliding 2.Pivot 3.Hinge 4.Ball-n-socket

27 Which organ releases glucagon? 1.Pancreas 2.Stomach 3.Adrenals 4.Brain

28 A muscle end attached to a nonmoveable part is called the 1.Origin 2.Insertion 3.Articulation 4.Station

29 Chemicals released at a synapse are called 1.Hormones 2.Endorphins 3.Prostaglandins 4.Neurotransmitters

30 Which of the following regulate various hormones in our bodies? 1.Neural stimulation 2.Other hormones 3.Substances other than hormones 4.All of the above

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