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23 As you watch Ms. Adams’ chemistry lab in which pairs of students use pH meter probeware to record changes in a stock buffered solution, you see her circulate around the lab asking questions and pointing out minor adjustments for the students to make. In your notes about this teacher’s role in the classroom you record that this lesson is an example of:(19M1) Answer A. a teacher-centered lecture B. a teacher-directed lesson C. a student-centered lesson D. a technology-centered lesson

24 Question Your administrator would like the MTT to work with each grade level to place their monthly printed newsletter on the school website. As the MTT, you suggest that they (19E2) A. leave the layout the same and reformat the text for display on the Web B. convert each page of the newsletter to a pdf and place links to the files on the webpage C. leave the layout the same, reformat the text, and provide a link to a print-friendly version D. design a new layout for the information that would allow for color and add links to pdf files of the original documents

25 ne of your teachers has returned from a national conference and has been asked to share what he learned at a workshop conducted by a national leader in the field. What advice would the MTT give this teacher about creating his presentation?(23KJ) A. Find some animated gifs to add to the slides B. Keep the look consistent throughout with the same background and transitions C. Transfer all your notes to the slides so teachers can have them as a handout. D. Change text size or color from one slide to the next but not both at once

26 The 6-6-6 rule for presentations refers to(19K3) A. no more than: 6 words/line, 6 lines/slide, 6 text slides without a graphic one B. 6 seconds/slide, 6 slides/section, 6 actions/slide C. no smaller than 6 pt text, no more than 6 font styles, no more than 6 animations/slide D. no more than 6 hyperlinks, no video shorter than 6 seconds, no more than 6 animation effects

27 Over the years a teacher has accumulated a large quantity of test questions for her world history course. She gives a comprehensive exam at the end of each semester and would like to draw a selection of questions from the test bank for the exams. How would you suggest she manage these questions?(1K94) Ans wer A. Prepare a spreadsheet that contains the questions and information about the unit and years she has used each question. B. Put the questions into a database that can be sorted by date or instructional unit. C. Put the questions into a hyperlinked document in which each year page has links to the questions in it D. Put the questions into a word processing document that can be searched by the Find command.

28 Question A teacher wants to supplement her lesson on biological diversity with online content she will display to the class. Later students will use her presentation’s links to research a particular adaptive feature. What advice would you give to the teacher as she selects her resources?(13K6) A. Be flexible and willing to change the learning objectives if you find a good site that doesn’t fit your plan. B. Be open-minded. An amateur site might have information you won’t find at an educational or professional organization site C. Be trusting. Sites you can use are not likely to have links to inappropriate content. D. None of these

29 The MTT is consulting with a teacher as she writes a rubric to evaluate a multimedia project she is planning for her students. She wants to include criteria for the successful use of technology and wants some suggestions from the MTT. What would the MTT probably not include?(92I5) A. The students can critique the technical aspects as well as the contents of their peer’s projects. B. The students can apply principals of good design independently. C. The students are able to list from memory the menu selections for executing procedures to add animation to their slides D. The students can present their projects following the guidelines for effective public speaking.

30 Flow charts, Venn diagrams, concept webs, and site maps are all examples of images created by(11I2) A. a graphic organizer B. the outline function of a word processing application C. an animated gif D. a web authoring application

31 Which kind of software is content-dependent, intended to be used in a limited number of learning situations and subject areas, and is specific to students of a given age range or grade?(1I35) Answer A. Authoring Software B. Web 2.0 Technologies C. Integrated Learning System D. Productivity

32 The advantage of intelligent tutor software over teacher-made tutorials is that the intelligent tutors(14I4) Answers A. can respond to student’s questions B. vary future content based on the nature of past student responses C. cannot be used for review D. cannot be displayed to the whole class

33 Mr. Karp teaches high school American history. Most of his grades come from objective weekly quizzes and end of chapter tests. The MTT has suggested that a more student-centered classroom would have more success, but the teacher is not sure how to evaluate students in that teaching environment. The MTT suggests(16I4) Answer A. putting the weekly quizzes into presentation form so that student attention will be centered on the screen. B. showing the teacher how to put scores into a spreadsheet that will calculate grades with weighted scores and measure central tendencies C. giving students options in what they study or how they represent what they’ve learned D. letting one student a week sit in the center of the first row and call on others to explain their quiz answers.

34 You are working with a group of students who are planning a project video. The camera the students will be using has auto exposure, so you discourage the students from videoing the speaker standing in front of the dark blackboard because(19G5) Answer A. she will appear underexposed B. she will be mistaken for the teacher C. she will appear too light D. none of these

35 A well lit digital video scene will have a key light that should(13GY) Answer A. be brighter than the fill light B. be softer and more diffuse than the fill light C. be softer than the backlight D. shine down on the top of the subject’s head to highlight the hair

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