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February 2006Colby College ITS Introduction to Entourage 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "February 2006Colby College ITS Introduction to Entourage 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 2006Colby College ITS Introduction to Entourage 2008

2 February 2006Colby College ITS Tutorial Objectives After completing this tutorial, you should be able to: Create and send emails Receive and read emails Set out-of-office replies Create signatures and formatting Filter junk mail Use 2008 new features

3 February 2006Colby College ITS The “Elements Gallery”

4 The New Look February 2006Colby College ITS

5 February 2006Colby College ITS Displaying the Gallery Hidden at first Must be in Web layout view, print layout view, or publishing layout view To display –View > Elements Gallery The Elements Gallery displays, showing the groups below the Document Elements tab

6 February 2006Colby College ITS What is on the Gallery 1.Tabs Show the names of the different design and formatting features 2.Groups Contain specific categories of elements 3.Left pane Element style names, rest the pointer on a thumbnail to see it 4.More Groups button Some tabs contain more groups than can be shown at one time 5.Scroll arrow To see more element styles, click the scroll arrow

7 February 2006Colby College ITS Creating and Sending Email

8 February 2006Colby College ITS Sending an Email Mail > New Enter recipients' names in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields Enter text in the Subject box Compose your message Click Send

9 February 2006Colby College ITS Attaching a File or Folder Click Attach Locate the item and then click Choose To set encoding and other options for the attachment, click the arrow next to Attachments, and then click the button below the attachments window. Note When you attach a file to a message that might be blocked by your recipient's application, Entourage will offer to compress the attachment in ZIP format. If a recipient receives a compressed attachment and trusts the sender, he or she can decompress the attachment to obtain the file.

10 February 2006Colby College ITS Inserting Multimedia This ONLY works if your recipient has HTML capable email. You can avoid this potential problems by ATTACHING your file rather than INSERTING it. Place the cursor where you want to add a picture, sound, or movie. Message > Insert > Locate the media file, select it, and then click Choose. Typically supported file types: –.jpeg,.gif, and.png for images;.mp3 for sound; and.mpeg for movies

11 February 2006Colby College ITS Searching for an Email Address Since e-mail addresses might be contained in messages, contacts, or other items, you can do a broad search across all the items that you have saved in Entourage Enter search word or words in the search box. After several seconds, results display under the Search bar In the Search Results bar, click Everything

12 February 2006Colby College ITS Pasting Information as a Picture In another Office application, copy the information that you want Open Entourage. Open the message or note that you want, and then place the cursor where you want to paste the information Edit > Paste Special > Paste As Picture

13 February 2006Colby College ITS Receiving and Reading Email

14 Creating Folders Select the Inbox File > New > Folder Name your folder. Click and drag to organize. February 2006Colby College ITS

15 February 2006Colby College ITS Receiving Attachments The Attachments Pane Your can –Open an attachment –Save it to your computer –Remove it from the message (deletes it from your computer)

16 February 2006Colby College ITS Reply, Forward, Redirect Reply –Entourage removes any attachments from the message –You can edit the recipients, subject and message Forward –Entourage keeps the original message intact, including any attachments –You can edit the recipients, subject and message –You cannot compose or forward complex HTML messages or tables in an Entourage message body Use Message > Forward as Attachment Redirect –Redirecting leaves the original sender, subject line, and contents of the message intact –Replies will go to the original sender instead of you

17 February 2006Colby College ITS Blocking and Unblocking Senders To Block –Select a message from offending sender –Message > Block Sender Entourage moves message to Junk E-mail Adds sender to Blocked Senders To Unblock –Tools > Junk E-mail Protection Select blocked sender Press Delete

18 February 2006Colby College ITS Retrieving Mail from Junk –Open Junk E-mail folder –Click the message that you want to retrieve –Click Not Junk –Click the option that you want –Click OK

19 February 2006Colby College ITS Blocked Attachments Entourage automatically blocks files it thinks may be dangerous If you TRUST the author of the message ask him/her to compress the file and resend it You can then uncompress the file on your computer

20 February 2006Colby College ITS Creating Out-of-Office Replies

21 Creating Rules for Emails Tools > Rules… Click on New to create a rule. Use the Add Criterion Button to add criteria, then set the criterion Then use the Add Action button to selection the action to be performed upon qualifying emails. February 2006Colby College ITS

22 February 2006Colby College ITS Automatic Replies Enabling Tools > Rules > New > type of message Next to Rule name, type a name for the rule Under the Add Action button, change Change status to Reply Click Reply Text –Type the automated reply –Click OK Make sure Enabled check box is selected Click OK Disabling Tools > Rules Deselect Enabled check box NOTE: Since automated replies are run out of Entourage and NOT on the mail server, Entourage must be left running for the automatic reply to work.

23 February 2006Colby College ITS Creating Signatures and Formatting

24 February 2006Colby College ITS Creating a Signature Tools > Signatures Click New. In the Name box, type a title for the signature. In the lower portion of the signature window, type the text that you want to include in the signature.

25 Insert a Signature in a Message 1.Create or open the message. 2.Click Signature 3.Click Signature Button 4.Choose a signature from the list February 2006Colby College ITS

26 Insert a Signature into all Messages 1.Tools > Accounts > Mail tab 2.Double-click your account 3.Click the Options tab 4.Under Message Options 1.Default signature pop-up window 2.Click a signature February 2006Colby College ITS

27 February 2006Colby College ITS Importing Contacts from Excel

28 Before You Begin Sometimes, you may have a list of contacts in an Excel spreadsheet that you would like export to Entourage Make sure that the e- mail addresses include a domain name (i.e. You should also be sure to include a header for each column of data you are importing (see bolded text)

29 Naming Fields 1.Highlight the fields you would like to import into Entourage. Note that you should select the data only—not the entire row or column! 2.Click here: 3.Enter a label for your fields (i.e. Coworkers) 4.Press “Enter” on your keyboard

30 Saving Your Workbook (1) Entourage can only import certain types of files Excel workbooks are not one of them Thus, you will need to resave your workbook as a Tab Delimited Text file (txt) To do this, select “Save As…” from the File Menu

31 Saving Your Workbook (2) You can name your document in the “Save As” field Then, under “Format” select Tab Delimited Text (.txt)

32 Saving Your Workbook (3) Click “Save” and close your Excel document Your filename goes here

33 Finding the Import Option Open Entourage Under the File menu, select “Import…”

34 Begin Import Select “Contacts or messages from a text file” Click here to continue

35 Choose a File Type Select “Import contacts from a tab- or comma- delimited text file Click here to continue

36 Mapping (1) The fields you are importing from your Excel file should appear under “Unmapped Fields” Select each individually and drag it beside the corresponding field in your Entourage Contacts Click “Import”

37 Mapping (2) Unless you intend to repeatedly import Contacts from similarly formatted Excel files, select “Don’t Save”

38 Import Complete (1) Click “Finish”

39 Import Complete (2)

40 February 2006Colby College ITS New Features in 2008

41 My Day (1) View calendar events and To Do List from your desktop without having to open Entourage February 2006Colby College ITS

42 My Day (2) 1.Click Mail button 2.Click My Day button 3.Do any of the following: –View location of a calendar event Rest the pointer on the event –Open an event or To Do item in Entourage Double-click the item's text –Mark a To Do item as complete Select the check box next to the To Do item February 2006Colby College ITS

43 My Day (3) (continued) –Add a task to your To Do List Click My Day New Task button Type the task in the box, press ENTER –View events and To Do List for the next day or the previous day Click My Day arrow buttons in the upper-right –Show My Day in the Dock Click My Day Preferences button, Click the General tab, then click Show in Dock February 2006Colby College ITS

44 Spotlight Search By default searches all items To limit search to a single folder; –Click Mail button, then click the folder –Enter your search word or words in the search box Entourage Search box –Results display under the Search bar To search attachments – Entourage Menu > Preferences –General Preferences > Spotlight –Select Include attachments February 2006Colby College ITS

45 February 2006Colby College ITS Questions? Comments? Contact: Mel Regnell ext. 4217

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