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Eco Safe Waste Management

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1 Eco Safe Waste Management
Sdn. Bhd. Penang Malaysia

2 in PLANET Trouble The problem of waste has become critical in every country on the planet The global generation of Municipal and Industrial and Commercial Hazardous and Toxic waste is estimated to be over 400 million tons per annum

WORLD all over the there are no ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY PERMANENT SOLUTIONS Landfills that contaminate groundwater segregation which still leaves contaminated residuals, approx. 20% of all MSW Incinerators that pollute our atmosphere

4 1990 Basil Convention The growing concern worldwide for the safe disposal of industrial and commercial, hazardous and toxic waste led to the adoption for control measures for the “Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous and Toxic Waste and Disposal”

untill now, there were economically viable environment friendly ALTERNATIVES existing in Penang, now there is and it is the ECO SAFE PROCESS

6 Eco Safe Waste Management Sdn. Bhd.
we offer the SOLUTION Eco Safe Waste Management Sdn. Bhd. our technology works!

7 Eco Safe and its engineers , over the past seven (7) years has spent millions MYR to develop the equipment and technology to effectively treat and process Hazardous and Toxic Waste which today’s global market demands

8 Eco Safe Liquid and Sludge Waste Processing Plant
The PALINGENESIS PROCESS: is a low temperature waste conversion technology, which operates through various stages of physical transformation coupled with a number of chemical, biochemical and electro-chemical reactions and mechanisms. The process is designed to neutralize, break apart, rearrange/restructure and convert the incoming waste materials, regardless of there basic form and chemical composition. The “Process” is an integrated technology employing a well established and proven simple cement solidification and stabilization process which is further enhanced and optimized by the use of proprietary chemical additives to pre-treat the waste materials and immobilize contaminants, rendering the material inert and non toxic, while at the same time neutralizing all heavy metals. Utilizing custom made machines and specialized equipment, the process treats a variety of waste streams such as municipal wastes, industrial and commercial hazardous and toxic and non hazardous and non toxic wastes as well as metal bearing waste water sludge, chemical, paints and solvents, spent chemicals, oil based sludge’s, and other types of waste sludge’s and industrial and commercial waste.

9 Passed US EPA SPLP (Synthetic Precipitate Leaching Procedure)
Eco Safe’s Non-Toxic, Non Hazardous Environmentally Friendly and Safe Treated Waste have; Passed US Environmental Protection Agency TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) regulatory standards for toxic and hazardous heavy metals Passed US EPA SPLP (Synthetic Precipitate Leaching Procedure) Exceeded US EPA 1989 satisfactory Unconfined Comprehensive Strength regulations

10 ITDI TEST RESULTS The Industrial Technology Development Institute (the Environmental Division of the Department of Science and Technology of the Philippine Government) conducted a performance evaluation of the Eco Safe Process. Dr. Christopher Silverio, respected chief of the ITDI Environmental Division, states that based on over 10 months of rigorous testing and evaluation the process is indeed successful in the treatment of almost all waste streams, including hazardous and toxic waste, rendering it inert and non-toxic and neutralizing all of the heavy metals. Upon his retirement from the ITDI, Dr. Christopher Silverio believed in the Eco Safe Process so much he formally joined Eco Safe as Company Director.

11 ITDI RESULTS ITDI confirmed that “ Hazardous and Toxic Waste after the application of the Eco Safe Process resulted in high efficiency in excess of 99.9%, effectively reducing contaminant mobility (leachate)” The technology, ITDI affirms, “has more significant technical merit compared to a landfill system or Incineration. The Eco Safe Process improves the physical characteristics of the waste; reduces the transfer of pollutants by decreased surface area; as well as reducing pollutant solubility.”

12 The Eco Safe process is the only waste treatment and conversion process in Penang which can render all of the hazardous and toxic waste inert, non toxic and neutralize all of the heavy metals while at the same time being totally environmentally Friendly and it is avail NOW.

13 Time is running out...

14 ECO SAFE the solution will attract sympathetic and favorable publicity nationally and internationally a POLITICALLY solution CORRECT an VIABLE decision ECONOMICALLY

15 our PROPOSAL: To establish a facility located within the state of Penang to process and treat initially up to 100 Metric Tons of Industrial and Commercial Hazardous and Toxic Waste that is generated within the state which will avoid having to haul the H&T Waste hundreds of Kilometres to the Kualiti Alam’s Incinerator processing facility in Kuala Lumpur. We will be able to offer our clients reduced rates and still maintain a healthy profit margin.

16 our OBJECTIVES for Penang
To substantially reduce if not completely eliminate the amount Hazardous and Toxic Waste that is being stored, illegally dumped, buried, burned or dumped in the rivers or the sea in Penang and Seberang Perai and by doing so have a direct, long term positive impact to the health of all of the people of Penang and to help establish Penang as a leader in environmentally friendly waste management practices.

17 our OBJECTIVES for Penang
Eco Safe Waste Management Sdn. Bhd. has embraced the challenges to transform the waste crises of Penang and Seberang Perai into a viable business enterprise for both themselves and their partners while at the same time being 100% environmentally friendly.

18 facing the generators of Hazardous and Toxic Waste
PROBLEMS the facing the generators of Hazardous and Toxic Waste WASTE ESCALATING are Not only does Eco Safe Waste Management Sdn. Bhd. offer an economic and politically correct solution but one that will benefit Penang and Seberang Perai… and our planet… for generations to come REALITY VISION we can make this TOGETHER a

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