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Population & Migration
Population density per square kilometer
Today Population Population movement: migration
Recall from the last class: Some numbers AD 0 – AD 2011
Year Population (est.) 1000 1250 1500 1750 1800 300,000,000 310,000,000 400,000,000 500,000,000 790,000,000 980,000,000 Year Population (est.) 1850 1900 1950 2000 2011 1,260,000,000 1,650,000,000 2,520,000,000 6,000,000,000 7,000,000,000
Thomas Malthus & the “principle of population”
A persistent & controversial theory of population “(…) population, when left unchecked, increased in a geometrical ratio, and subsistence for man in an arithmetical ratio” Malthus proven wrong (so far) industrialization of agriculture (1600s—) “Green Revolution” (1960s—) other technologies Thomas Robert Malthus
Some expressions Demography: the study of population
For the fertility rate rankings of all countries click here. Source: World Health Organization, Demography: the study of population Birth rate: births per 1000 persons Mortality rate: deaths per 1000 persons Fertility rate: # of children per woman (replacement rate = 2.1; current world average = 2.5) Demographic transition: going from high birth & mortality rates to low birth & mortality rates
The population “explosion”
2011 7 billion
How to address the issue: Population policy
Population data by country and by year from the U.S. Census Bureau Is there even a problem? Malthus, 21st century style: neo-Malthusianism What motives behind this discussion? geopolitics and economics: population as a weapon & a resource culture & ethnicity women’s bodies & women’s rights
How to address the issue: The “biotech revolution”
A purported solution to food scarcity More crops & more resistant crops The safety factor The intellectual property factor
How to address the issue: Consumption, again
Too many people or too much consumption? The “ecological footprint” Resources & pollution North American & European lifestyle for 7000,000,000 people ? Technology & recycling?
How to address the issue: Women’s reproductive rights
A sensitive topic sexuality male-female relations a kind of interference A fundamental social change The most effective solution Broaching reproduction from a health point of view, the case of Afghanistan. See also this article from the New York Times.
Population movement: migration
Migration Migration: movement of population * Other statuses
emigration immigration Other statuses landed immigrants, Green Card holders (US) “guest workers” non-documented, undocumented, illegal immigrants, illegal aliens nomadic peoples * Excluding tourists, nomads, and business travelers.
Voluntary migration Economic reasons Poverty
… but not life- threatening “Economic refugees” The largest migration in history… Political reasons No direct threat … but generally unfavourable context Opportunities for political participation Immigration policy as diplomacy
Involuntary migration
Asylum-seekers* Refugees* War situations Threat to life Inhuman treatment A permanent move A common debate: asylum seeker vs. “economic refugees” War situations Natural catastrophes Threats to life Inhuman conditions A temporary move Do not confuse “refugees” & “displaced persons” * These are legal terms in international law
Citizenship: The “right to have rights”
Two ways to be born a citizen Acquiring citizenship: naturalization Citizenship is a legal status, not an identity Soil Blood Naturalization
The decision to admit (or not) immigrants
National interest Not everyone (peoples & governments) wants immigrants Choosing immigrants educated migrants immigrant investors family reunification guest workers / temporary foreign workers boosting population numbers Sept. 22, 2010 CBC’s The Current segment about immigration in Canada
Immigration controversies
Response to levels of immigration The transformation of society “ghettoization”, integration & assimilation national culture & values Cultural & religious accommodations On Sunday, March 14, 2010, the CBC radio show Cross-Country Checkup asked the question: “As Canadian multiculturalism nears 40 years of age, can Canada avoid the ethnic tensions plaguing other countries?” (streaming)
A changing national identity
Recall: characteristics of the nation-state National culture & national identity National identities are social constructs homogeneity is a myth national identity need to be reiterated The identity-citizenship disconnect
Conclusion Significant population increases
And considerable population movements Posing policy challenges to governments And ethical dilemmas for everyone History not necessarily a good guide
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