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Chapter 13 / 32.

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1 Chapter 13 / 32

2 The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
Charles Darwin Before Darwin: Strong religious power 1800s Lamarck (scientists) believed that organisms change based on needs

3 What was Thought.. Later Proved Wrong

4 Topic 1: Darwin’s Mechanism for Evolution
1859 Charles Darwin developed theory of evolution Decades of science observations & experiments Struggled in life: parents, school, religion Interest in natural science conflicted his parents values 1831 HMS Beagle voyage to S. America (5 years) Found evidence that species change over time Fossils Influenced by Malthus (increase in human population Vs food) Charles Lyell (earth geology is changing)

5 The HMS Beagle Galapagos Islands (off coast of Ecuador)
Species there were similar to mainland but not the same “descent with modifications” OR evolution!! Studied many organisms Turtles, Iguanas, Finches most popular


7 Evolution by Natural Selection
Darwin’s association with Malthus: “Natural Selection” Favorable traits are selected for by NATURE NOT THE ANIMAL!!

8 Evolution by Natural Selection
This “selection” or favorable VS unfavorable CAUSES changing in a population (EVOLUTION) Organisms differ from place to place because their habitats change from place to place Form ADAPTATIONS (selective advantage)

9 examples

10 Animal Mimicry!

11 Make 4 Post-its about the notes we took today!
Open Notes Pop Quiz! Name a scientists that influenced Darwin’s theory of evolution? What did that scientist do? What was the name of the most famous island Darwin traveled to during his voyage? The favorable traits are selected by___________ for natural selection. What is an adaptation? Finished? Make 4 Post-its about the notes we took today!

12 Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Published in The Origin of Species SERIOUSLY controversial (humans evolved from apes) 4 Major points to Evolution

13 4 major points to Theory of Evolution
Variation exists within the genes of every population or species (random mutation)

14 4 major points to Theory of Evolution
2. In a particular environment, some individuals of a population or species are better suited to survive and have offspring

15 4 major points to Theory of Evolution
3. Over time, the traits that make certain individuals of a population able to survive and reproduce tend to spread in that population

16 4 major points to Theory of Evolution
4. There is overwhelming evidence from fossils and many other sources that living species evolved from organisms that are extinct (EVOLUTION)

17 Tempo of Evolution Gradual change over long periods of time
Gradualism Rapid change separated by periods of little or no change Punctuated equilibrium

18 Anatomy and Development
Vestigial Structures: evidence of evolution, not used today Homologous structures: share common ancestor because of structure NOT FUNCTION

19 Notes Quiz What are the 4 points to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution? Give an example of each What are the 2 tempos of evolution? Give an example of each What is the difference between a homologous trait and a vestigial trait?

20 Do Now: Tigers Whales Turkeys Insects Humans
List any examples of evolution found in the following species Tigers Whales Turkeys Insects Humans

21 NATURE selects the favorable traits!
Examples of Evolution NATURE selects the favorable traits! 4 Factors that drive natural selection

22 Topic 2: 4 factors of Natural Selection
All populations have genetic variation

23 4 factors of Natural Selection
2. The environment presents challenges to successful reproduction

24 4 factors of Natural Selection
3. Individuals tend to produce more offspring than the environment can support (COMPETETION)

25 4 factors of Natural Selection
4. Individuals that are better able to cope with environmental challenges tend to leave more offspring than those less suited to their environment

26 Examples of Evolution Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria
Tuberculosis 1980s, new strains Original drugs Isoniazid and Rifampin don’t work anymore Pesticide Resistance in Insects EID Emerging Infections Diseases!!

27 Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases

28 Topic 3: Examples of Evolution
Darwin’s Finches 31 specimens 9 with similarities except for beaks Determined by availability of food supply -Damp Year Small narrow -Dry Year Big thick

29 Formation of New Species
Occurs in stages to best “fit” environment Divergence- differences between groups Leads to formation of new species (speciation) Formation of Sub-species Different habitats  different needs difference in species Maintaining New Species Reproductive barriers Timing, geography, physical traits

30 Review Write this down What are the reproductive barriers when maintaining a new species? Geography, timing, physical traits What are the 4 factors of Natural Selection Adapt or die, competition, nature’s challenges, variation Example of a vestigial trait? Whale hip-bone Example of homologous trait? Bat wing, human arm

31 The Evolution of Man 32.3 (731-738)
Darwin theorized that humans evolved from primates (prosimians, monkeys, apes) because of certain traits Grasping Hands cling to mothers, branches, food Forward Eyes judge distance, depth perception First primates evolved ~50 million yrs ago (MYA)

32 Non-Human Primates Monkeys & Apes ~36 MYA Monkeys Apes
Diurnal (sleep at night, active during day) Detect predators & food Monkeys First primates with opposable thumbs Apes No tail, larger brains DNA of chimpanzee is 95% identical to human DNA

33 Human Primates (Hominids)
Primates that walk upright on 2 legs = hominid species 5-7 MYA Early hominids walked on all fours…why change? “Lucy” is an Australopithecine afarensis 3 MYA Increased brain size Walked upright ~40lbs and 3.5 ft tall

34 Homo habilis, erectus, sapien
Homo habilis = “Handy man” 2MYA Tools & speech Homo erectus = “Upright man” 1.5MYA Evolved in Africa and migrated to Asia Homo sapien = “Wise man” ~200,000 yrs Only surviving of the hominids Modern day human species and genus

35 VIDEO!!!!!


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