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Note: The models of growth will be discussed later. Use this PPT to learn about Population Pyramids and stages of growth.

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Presentation on theme: "Note: The models of growth will be discussed later. Use this PPT to learn about Population Pyramids and stages of growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note: The models of growth will be discussed later. Use this PPT to learn about Population Pyramids and stages of growth.

2 3.1.4 Models… Model: a simplified structuring of reality Malthusian Boserup UN Statistics U.S. Census Bureau Age/Sex Pyramids DTM Only as good as the data inputted Boundary conditions Easier to understand Useful for predictions

3 3.1.1 Malthusian Theory Thomas Malthus An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798) Food is the limiting factor Exponential population growth vs. arithmetic food growth Refers to environmental limits The Club of Rome (NGO) is neo-Malthusian Limitations of Malthusian theory Ignores the poor (most affected; likely distribution problems) Agrarian technology – football pitch produces for 1000 people Globalization – import/export

4 3.1.1 Boserup’s Theory Esther Boserup, Danish economist (1965) Increasing population → increasing food production (technology) “necessity is the mother of invention” Refers to cultural & tech issues Limitations of Boserup’s theory Like Malthus, infers “closed” system (immigration/emigration) Globalization – import/export Overpopulation can lead to unsustainable farming

5 3.1.3 Age/Sex Pyramids Shows living individuals in different, 5-year cohorts (groups) in a country for a given year Split into male/female Population on x-axis, age groups on y-axis Shape indicates stage of development in a country at a particular time. CHINA AUSTRALIAALIA

6 3.1.3 Age/Sex Pyramids (cont’d) Retrieved on 03-11-2011 from:

7 3.1.3 Demographic Transition Model

8 Indicators in Development

9 3.1.4 Predictions Retrieved 12-12-2012 from: ld_population_(UN).svg/300px-World_population_(UN).svg.png BBC: 7 000 000 000 People BBC: 7 000 000 000 People

10 3.1.4 Predictions

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