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Evolution- The genetic change in a species over time. In order to better understand evolution you need to understand the word species at a high school.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution- The genetic change in a species over time. In order to better understand evolution you need to understand the word species at a high school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution- The genetic change in a species over time. In order to better understand evolution you need to understand the word species at a high school level. Species- A group of organisms that are similar that can breed and make offspring that make viable offspring (babies that when grown up can make babies)

2 1. More offspring are created than survive and reproduce. 3. There is a struggle to survive. (Competition) 1809-1882 Charles Darwin – Father of the Theory of Evolution Through Natural Selection 2. There is variation among the offspring. (Due to sexual reproduction mutations & gene shuffling. Crossing over during meiosis) 4. The individuals that are best suited to the environment survive, reproduce and the future generations look like them. hand Adaptive radiation


4 Natural Variation Results in different phenotypes for a trait Caused by genetic variety due to Sexual reproduction Mutation Crossing over Gene shuffling






10 Yeti Crab

11 Chapter 16 Darwin’s Voyage of Discovery Theory of Evolution through natural selection explains how modern organisms evolved through descent from common ancestors.


13 White-faced Saki Money

14 Sucker-footed Bat

15 Star-nosed mole

16 Pink Fairy Armadillo

17 Komondor dog

18 Blobfish

19 Aye-aye

20 Angora Rabbit

21 Artificial Selection vs. Natural Selection Man chooses Nature chooses

22 Evolutionary Fitness It is not the fastest or the strongest but those that are best adapted to the environment that survive.



25 Teaching evolution makes some people uncomfortable….so…. Why teach it?

26 Teaching evolution makes some people uncomfortable….so…. Why teach it? Evolution is here and you may have helped it happen.

27 Evolution is here and you may have helped it happen.

28 Evolution is here and you may have helped it happen. Youtube Extreamly Drug Resistant Tuburculosis XDR-VOA Story

29 Embryology Closely related organisms go through similar stages in their embryonic development. Chicken Human Mouse

30 Human Embryo

31 Early embryonic stages of all vertebrates are similar - a 4 week old human embryo has gill pouches and a tail, two trademarks of all vertebrate embryos, even ones that do not have gills or tails at birth.



34 Evolutionary Biologist Homologous structures – structures that are similar in anatomy (structure) but different in function

35 Forelimbs of mammals are constructed from the same skeletal elements - the ancestral forelimb became specialized for many different functions

36 Homologous Stuctures




40 DNA Comparisons

41 History of Earth according to Hutton and Lyell 1780s - 1830s Hutton and Lyell’s Principles of Geology concluded that Earth is extremely old and that the processes that changed Earth in the past are still going on today.

42 Paleogeologist

43 Evidence for Evolution – The Fossil Record

44 The breakup of Pangea


46 Fossil Evidence from Pangea


48 Strata

49 Paleogeologist: Fossil Record


51 Microbial (procaryotic cells)3,500 Complex (eucaryotic cells)2,000 First multicellular animals670 Shell-bearing animals540 Vertebrates (simple fishes)490 Amphibians350 Reptiles310 Mammals200 Nonhuman primates60 Earliest apes25 Australopithecine ancestors of humans 4 Modern humans0.15 (150,000 years)

52 A partial skeleton and indirect evidence from skeletal fragments indicate that Ar. ramidus may have walked upright. Although considered to be one of the most primitive hominids, Ar. ramidus shares some novel characteristics with much later hominids, namely aspects of its teeth. The molars of Ar. ramidus are smaller than are those of any of the Australopithecus species. Ardipithecus ramidus was discovered in December 1992. Although not nearly as old as Orrorin tugenensis, Ar. ramidus is much more widely accepted by the scientific community as a hominid than is O. tugenensis, and thus is considered by some to be the oldest-known hominid.

53 Physical Anthropologist hominid evolution


55 Evolutionary Biologist Vestigial structures





60 Appendix: not used by modern humans, ancestors used to digest tough plant fibers. Goose bumps: not used by modern humans, ancestors used to raise thick hair to keep warm. Tail bone: not used by Modern humans, ancestors used to support tail. Leg bones: Not used by modern whales, ancestors used to walk on land.

61 Evidence for Evolution – Evolution Observed Evolution of pesticide resistance in response to selection. YOU can make it happen!

62 Patterns of Biodiversity (different organisms within an area) 1.Different, yet ecologically similar, animal species inhabited separated but ecologically similar, habitats. = similar habitats have species with similar jobs

63 Different yet related animal species often occupied different habitats within a local area.

64 Some fossils of extinct animals were similar to living animals.

65 Lamark got it wrong! He though that animals passed on acquired characteristics. Lamark missed the mark! Malthus reasoned that if human population grew unchecked there wouldn’t be enough living space and food for everyone.


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