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JCOMM in situ Observing Platform Support Centre JCOMMOPS

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1 JCOMM in situ Observing Platform Support Centre JCOMMOPS

2 2 JCOMMOPS was established by JCOMM to combine international coordination efforts on the: –Data Buoy Cooperation Panel, DBCP (drifting and moored buoys) –Ship Observations Team, SOT ( including its 3 panels – SOOPIP, ASAPP, VOS ) –Argo, Profiling Float Programme. Data Buoy Cooperation Panel Argo Information Centre Ship Observations Team

3 3 Two Technical Coordinators at JCOMMOPS - Mathieu Belbeoch (Argo) and Hester Viola (DBCP/SOT) Provide support to programme planning, implementation, monitoring and operations, including: –observational data requirements and data flow –technologies, instrumentation and costs –operational status of observing networks (maps, monitoring and analysis) –deployment opportunities (by ship and air). –community information – eg News, Meeting information, Contact information and mailing lists JCOMMOPS

4 4 Observational Networks - Maps Observational Network maps (produced monthly) Live, dynamic & interactive maps e.g.

5 5 Observational Networks - status Web Mapping interfaces, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Google Earth can be used to visualise where platforms are located. Web Map Services (WMS) are available to “plug in” JCOMMOPS data to existing GIS tools. Argo network in Google Earth (.kml file)

6 6 Examples of queries about data View News items about International Programmes Observational Platform Query –e.g. based on unique identifier (WMO Number), all platforms owned by a programme/agency, within a geographical area… View contact details for people or organisations participating in International Programmes Search for meeting dates, reports or technical papers prepared by JCOMM (can be sent in hard copy upon request) View images of platforms, people or maps Link to related websites and other information sources

7 7 Tools for monitoring data JCOMMOPS provides tools to report and analyse quality of data over time and which the various data sets collected

8 8 JCOMMOPS is a support centre NOT a data centre It provides information and metadata – not raw data (available from providers, archives or on the GTS of WMO) It acts as a gateway/portal to find information on how to obtain data itself. –Links to Meteorological centres and Information about the GTS of WMO –Archived Buoy data and Ship based XBT data Canadian Marine Environmental Data Services USA NOAA/National Oceanographic Data Center –Argo Float data Argo Information Centre http://www.argo.net US GODAE server French Coriolis Centre –Community Information – News, meetings, Mailing lists

9 9 Data Availability Meteorological Centers also provide meteorological and oceanographic data as well as quality monitoring statistics for that data.

10 10 Questions? Contact Details: Hester Viola JCOMMOPS 8-10, rue Hermès Parc Technologique du Canal 31526 Ramonville Saint-Agne, France Tel: +33 5 61 39 47 82 Email:

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