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World Trends in Spatial Data Interoperability Nathan Crews Principal Schema Architect, Software Researcher, Autodesk Civil Engineering/Survey/Imaging.

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Presentation on theme: "World Trends in Spatial Data Interoperability Nathan Crews Principal Schema Architect, Software Researcher, Autodesk Civil Engineering/Survey/Imaging."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Trends in Spatial Data Interoperability Nathan Crews Principal Schema Architect, Software Researcher, Autodesk Civil Engineering/Survey/Imaging Software Development

2 Outline ► Enabling technology ► Interest boom in spatial data ► Infrastructure data convergence ► Data standards

3 Enabling Technology ► Globally Connected systems  Wired internet  Wireless internet ► Pervasive Business Networks ► Solid foundation of proven internet data standards  XML  HTML  SVG, VRML

4 Interest in spatial data has exploded in the past two years ► Commercial  GPS navigation in vehicles  GPS/web enabled cell phones  Consumer GPS products  Google Earth  Web mapping (Google Maps, Virtual Earth) ► Government  Emergency Management  Agency to Agency data exchange  Must improve efficiencies

5 The Problem: Domain Data Islands

6 Infrastructure Data Convergence BIM/CAD/GIS Infrastructure Data convergence is taking place among the design, engineering, building, construction, infrastructure management, and GIS disciplines.

7 Solution Modules Integrate Enterprise Apps w/ Spatial Data Web Clients, Public Engineering Planning Field Survey

8 Data Standards ► XML based standards use common software tools. ► LandXML: Civil Engineering/Survey ► aecXML/ifcXML: Architecture/Building Systems, International Alliance for Interoperability ► GML: GIS, Open Geospatial Consortium ► Collada: Sony, Kronos, for 3D multimedia

9 ► “grass roots” organization initiated in December 1999 by former US DOT EAS-E initiative members and Autodesk. ► In March of 2000 we had 26 members. March of 2000March of 2000 ► August 2006: grown to over 585 representatives from 496 member companies/government agencies in 37 countries. 37 countries37 countries

10 LandXML Data Model A specialized XML data file format containing civil engineering and survey measurement data commonly used in the Land Development and Transportation Industries.


12 LandXML Standards ► LandXML-1.0  July 17, 2002 Ratified as an industry standard by ► LandXML-1.1  Ratified July 21, 2006  Geospatially enabled ► All points can have lat/long/ellipsoid elevations  Uses standard geocentric coordinate systems ► EPSG (European Petroleum Standards Group) codes ► Open Geospatial Consortium common names

13 LandXML support in software applications ► 57+ Registered Software Applications from Autodesk, Bentley, CAiCE, Carlson, Leica GeoSystems, MicroSurvey, Trimble Navigation, Tripod Data Systems, Topcon and many more.

14 Government Usage ► Landonline, cadastral e-survey system in New Zealand. ► ePlan, cadastral e-survey system in Queensland Australia. ► US FAA Airports Third Party Survey program. ► Design/survey data schema US AASHTO transportation. industry suite of XML standards called TransXML. ► US Federal Highway Administrations IHSDM. ► Road model standard in Finland’s national InfraModel2 standards. ► Slovenia national 3D road model standard.

15 Standards Collaboration ► TransXML (FHWA, DOT, AASHTO, TRB)  Design/Survey data schema ► Open Geospatial Consortium  CAD to GIS with IAI  GeoWeb

16 Classic Civil/Survey Construction layout/staking Design Creation Design Validation IHSDM LandXML Design Reports Design Visualization / Analysis Cost Estimation

17 LandXML 1.1: Multi-Domain Data Interoperability LandXML File Construction Layout/staking Bridge Design As-built Survey GIS Mapping Integration GIS Maintenance & Analysis GIS Visualization CAD Engineering Machine ControlBuilding Architecture

18 Multi-Domain Data Interoperability ► LandXML is proving to be useful outside the civil engineering/survey domain.  Architects ► Buildings do connect to the ground, utilities and roadways.  Construction Applications ► Automated machine control  Geospatial applications ► Import new design / survey projects quickly and efficiently. ► Data exchange for site and road maintenance.  Traffic modeling ► Model the proposed road, analyze traffic capacity and simulate impact.

19 Summary ► Demand for spatial data will further drive the need for and use of open data standards. ► LandXML-1.1 provides a ready source of design/survey data for GIS interoperability. ► Infrastructure data convergence will be facilitated by XML based standards GML, aecXML, ifcXML, collada and LandXML.

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