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220-2954 Presentation to Oakland Unified School District Board of Directors July 29, 2010 Oakland Community Support for Local Schools and Educational Priorities.

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Presentation on theme: "220-2954 Presentation to Oakland Unified School District Board of Directors July 29, 2010 Oakland Community Support for Local Schools and Educational Priorities."— Presentation transcript:

1 220-2954 Presentation to Oakland Unified School District Board of Directors July 29, 2010 Oakland Community Support for Local Schools and Educational Priorities

2 2 Survey Project Goals Community surveys were conducted in June 2009 and June 2010, as critical components of a District and Stakeholder coalition planning process to engage the community in the funding needs of our schools. With the input of the Board and Superintendent, the June 2010 Survey assessed: community support for the Strategic Vision that was unanimously adopted by the Board. willingness to support a potential parcel tax measure to benefit Student Achievement, Support, and Safety.

3 3 Key Survey Findings The Oakland community strongly supports various aspects of the Strategic Vision, particularly those that address the whole needs of the child. Oakland voters strongly believe that effective, experienced teachers and school staff are needed and that the District should be financially stable. The Oakland community continues to support our neighborhood schools. A $195 Parcel Tax is viable in November 2010 at the two-thirds requirement level. Unlike other jurisdictions, a 4-year sunset term is not as appealing as a 10-year sunset, because of a strong recognition that our schools and children need funding to succeed.

4 4 Additional Observations When comparing these poll results against the 2009 Community Survey results and the responses of mail ballot voters in both 2009 and 2010 surveys: A low-turnout or mail-ballot election in todays economy will likely not be viable and is not recommended. If the District opts not to proceed in November 2010, we recommend that the District wait until 2012, unless the economy changes dramatically.

5 5 Attitudes Toward Education Issues

6 6 Voters continue to hold teachers and local schools in high regard. 2. I'm going to read you a short list of public figures and organizations. For each one you have heard of, please tell me whether, overall, you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable opinion. *Split Sample (Ranked by % Total Favorable) Local teachers *Local charter schools *Your neighborhood school

7 7 7 in 10 believe the District does not have the resources to increase teacher and staff salaries. 9. I would like to read you some statements about Oakland neighborhood public schools. Please tell me if you think each of the following statements is accurate or inaccurate. ^Not part of Split Sample (Ranked by % Very Accurate) Improving the quality of your neighborhood schools maintains and often increases property values in the neighborhood. Oakland USD doesnt currently have enough money to increase teacher and staff salaries. Our neighborhood schools need emergency funding to get through unprecedented state cuts to public education. ^ Schools in my neighborhood dont get their fair share of resources and school spending.

8 8 Support for a Parcel Tax Measure

9 9 A $195 parcel tax measure with a 10 year sunset garners robust support. 4. If the election were held today, would you vote yes in favor of this measure or no to oppose it? Total No 27% Total Yes 70%

10 10 Suppose the measure I just described was for _____________ per parcel instead of $195 dollars. In that case, would you vote yes in favor of it or no to oppose it? (Ranked by % Definitely Yes) The measure enjoys 2/3rds support at each cost point tested. Q3/4 and Q5. 70%27% 67%28% 67% 28%

11 11 Funding Priorities

12 12 Student achievement, college and career readiness and retaining teachers are top priorities. 11a/b/d/e/f/h/j/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/t. If this measure passes, the money could be used for a number of things and various structural features could be included. Please tell me how important it is to you that each of the following be funded or included in the measure: extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important. Split Sample (Ranked by % Total Extremely/Very Important) Improving student achievement Preparing students for college and career Retaining experienced, effective teachers Improving teacher performance Working towards every student reading at or above grade level Creating financial stability in the District Ensuring that every school has adequate student support staff, including teachers aides, safety officers and custodians

13 13 Voters also care about offsetting state budget cuts, school safety and meeting a comprehensive set of student needs. Offsetting state budget cuts Improving school safety Ensuring that schools meet childrens essential social, emotional and academic needs Installing computers and technology in the classroom Keeping class sizes low Improving classroom technology to support student learning and engagement Creating a School Innovation Fund to reward creative and effective approaches to improving student achievement Exempting low income taxpayers 11a/b/d/e/f/h/j/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/t. If this measure passes, the money could be used for a number of things and various structural features could be included. Please tell me how important it is to you that each of the following be funded or included in the measure: extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important. Split Sample

14 14 Improving teacher performance is important 11c/g/k/p/r/s. If this measure passes, the money could be used for a number of things and various structural features could be included. Please tell me how important it is to you that each of the following be funded or included in the measure: extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important. Split Sample (Ranked by % Total Extremely/Very Important) Retaining experienced, effective teachers Improving teacher performance Retaining teachers Ensuring that teachers salaries are brought up to the level of surrounding school districts Expanding teacher training programs Providing salary increases to teachers based on the academic achievement and progress of their students

15 15 Linking support staff to their impact on students resonates well with voters. 11i/q. If this measure passes, the money could be used for a number of things and various structural features could be included. Please tell me how important it is to you that each of the following be funded or included in the measure: extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not too important. Split Sample (Ranked by % Total Extremely/Very Important) Ensuring that every school has adequate student support staff, including teachers aides, safety officers and custodians Ensuring that experienced student support staff are retained by bringing salaries up to the level of other East Bay school districts

16 16 Additional Concepts of Importance to Voters

17 17 Fully equipping schools to meet student needs emerges as the most compelling reason to support the measure. 12. I am going to read you some statements made by people who support the parcel tax measure we have been discussing. Please tell me whether you find it very convincing, somewhat convincing, or not convincing as a reason to vote yes on the measure. Split Sample. 77% 76% (Ranked by Total Convincing) 75% Local schools must be equipped to meet childrens essential social, emotional and academic needs. By providing funding to keep the best teachers and school support staff in Oakland this measure will help ensure kids get the support they need to succeed. This measure will help ensure that all schools receive additional fundingnot just a select fewso that all schoolsincluding those that need it the mosthave the resources and staff needed to help all students get a better education and succeed. Due to state budget cuts, reduced federal funding and a down economy the District is facing a $110 million budget deficit. The District has already laid-off over 450 people, including teachers. This measure will provide vital temporary emergency funding to support kids and education at a time when they need it most.

18 18 Voters also find the goal of retaining experienced, effective teachers to be a compelling reason to support the measure. 69% 67% 65% 12. I am going to read you some statements made by people who support the parcel tax measure we have been discussing. Please tell me whether you find it very convincing, somewhat convincing, or not convincing as a reason to vote yes on the measure. Split Sample. The most important factor in improving student achievement is ensuring that every student has an experienced, effective teacher. Oakland can only retain the best teachers if it begins to pay competitive salaries. By passing this measure we can help keep excellent Oakland teachers in Oakland schools. Sacramento continues to cut funding for education at an unprecedented rate. In Oakland, funding for local schools has been cut by $110 million. This temporary, emergency measure empowers local voters to maintain vital funding for our local schools that, by law, cannot be taken by Sacramento. Gangs, drugs and juvenile crime are a major problem in Oakland. This measure will allow local schools to maintain school security officers to keep gangs out of schools and provide students with the support they need to stay out of trouble and away from gangs and drugs.

19 19 $195 10-Year Parcel Tax Measure Vote Progression 3/4/ and 13/15. If the election were held today, would you vote yes in favor of this measure or no to oppose it?

20 20 Consultant Observations and Recommendations We recommend that the District place a $195 parcel tax with a 10-year sunset on the November 2010 ballot to implement its Strategic Vision. Unlike other local measures that will appear on the upcoming ballot, voters are clearly supportive of Oaklands children and quality education. The Parcel Tax ballot language has been carefully crafted to specifically address voter and stakeholder priorities identified by our team, over the past year. A unanimous vote of the School Board to place the measure on the ballot to allow voters to decide is strongly recommended.

21 1999 Harrison St., Suite 1290 Oakland, CA 94612 Phone (510) 451-9521 Fax (510) 451-0384 For more information, contact: 5454 Broadway Oakland, CA 94618 P.O. Box 21215 Oakland, CA 94620 tel: 510/594-0224 fax: 510/420-0734

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