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Carbohydrates They are either starches or sugars Sources: –oatmeal, bread, honey, rice, millet, barley, noodles, wine and beer. There are two major types.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbohydrates They are either starches or sugars Sources: –oatmeal, bread, honey, rice, millet, barley, noodles, wine and beer. There are two major types."— Presentation transcript:


2 Carbohydrates They are either starches or sugars Sources: –oatmeal, bread, honey, rice, millet, barley, noodles, wine and beer. There are two major types of carbohydrates, simple and complex. If you have a lollipop, you're eating simple carbohydrates. Carbohydrates give us calcium and B vitamins Carbohydrates are foods which give you energy Carbohydrates are made up of hydrocarbon molecules

3 Fats The name fat may sound like you shouldn't eat it People need a certain amount of fat in their diets Kids should get 30% of their daily calories from fat Peanut butter:140 of 190 calories from fat Trans fats: These fats are found in margarine Unsaturated fats: These are found in plant foods and fish.

4 Protein Milk, soy milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt, peanut butter. Your muscles, and your organs, need protein Protein replaces the tissues in your body. Protein make lots of specialized protein molecules A type of protein is called complete Complete is made up of animal sources

5 Fibre You need fibre in your everyday life It lowers your risk of diabetes, heart disease whole grains, vegetables, and fruits It can help you not be constipated There are two types of fibre –soluble and insoluble

6 Vitamins Types: –water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins Water-soluble vitamins: – B vitamins and vitamin C Fat-soluble: – Vitamins A,,D E, and K There are 13 vitamins your body needs Sources: –Aloe vera, algae, brewer’s yeast, seeds, wheat germ

7 Minerals Sources: –red meat, beef Types: –Macrominerals and trace minerals Functions: –building strong bones Minerals are the chemical elements They are are not rocks

8 Water Sources: –The ocean, lakes, rain Water refers only to its liquid form or state Water has three states –Solid, liquid, invisible there is salt, fresh, and filtered water We are made up of 70% water

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