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Technical Review - PHP 20021085 Jang Jaeseok. Overview Introduction  What is PHP?  History of PHP  What can do with PHP?  Advantages of PHP PHP syntax.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Review - PHP 20021085 Jang Jaeseok. Overview Introduction  What is PHP?  History of PHP  What can do with PHP?  Advantages of PHP PHP syntax."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Review - PHP 20021085 Jang Jaeseok

2 Overview Introduction  What is PHP?  History of PHP  What can do with PHP?  Advantages of PHP PHP syntax  Language syntax  Web related variables Examples

3 Introduction -What is PHP? Professional HTML Processor (PHP3) Scripting Language  Server-side,  HTML-embedded  Cross-platform (UNIX, LINUX, Windows) APM?  Apache + PHP + MySQL  Web Server & PHP & DB

4 Introduction - History of PHP Personal Home Page Tools (PHP/FI)  By Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 Improved Version  PHP3  PHP4 Zend Additional function Improve processing speed Popular script language  Used by about 200,000 sites

5 Introduction - What can do with PHP? All functions of CGI are available (C,Perl)  Get data with HTML  Active Web page  Control cookie Advanced functions  Active GIF image  HTTP certification  File uploading

6 Introduction - Advantages of PHP Linkage to DB  MySQL, dBase, mSQL, etc. Connect with another services  IMAP, SNMP, HTTP, POP3, etc  Raw socket Make possible using undefined protocol Simple coding skill  Type Automation of variable  Similarity with other language -> C++

7 PHP syntax - Language syntax Embedded in HTML ( between ) Variables  Type automation  Dynamic variable Type casting  Ex) $var = (int) ”123abc”; Control structures  If, switch, do/while, for

8 PHP syntax - Web related variables GET, POST, cookie, environment variables   $var is set to the input of text field PHP Information  <?  mysql_connect('localhost','','');  phpinfo();  ?>

9 PHP syntax - Web related variables

10 Examples - Showing Browser and IP Address PHP Example You are using and coming from

11 Examples - Showing Browser and IP Address

12 Examples - Form Handling

13 Result Input

14 Q & A

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